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Pharmaceutical Chemistry ( Inorganic Chemistry).  Pharmaceutical chemistry is a science that makes use of the general laws of chemistry to study drugs.

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Presentation on theme: "Pharmaceutical Chemistry ( Inorganic Chemistry).  Pharmaceutical chemistry is a science that makes use of the general laws of chemistry to study drugs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pharmaceutical Chemistry ( Inorganic Chemistry)

2  Pharmaceutical chemistry is a science that makes use of the general laws of chemistry to study drugs.

3 Preparation Chemical nature Structure Physical & Chemical properties Influence in an organism Methods of quality control Conditions of their usage

4 Includes the various method for isolation, purification and characterization of medically active agents. Includes the various synthesis of medicinal agents Includes the determination of the derivatives Includes the conversation of the natural products with more therapeutic properties

5 Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Biochemistry Medicinal Chemistry

6  Digestive system & Gastrointestinal tract.  Secretion from Stomach & Small Intestine.

7 Inadequate secretion of acid takes place in the stomach, causes Achlorhydria or Hypochlorhydria. Excess secretion of acid in the stomach causes imbalance of acid –enzyme ratio.

8 Accumulation of toxic gases and substances.Inadequate absorption of fluids and minerals.Inadequate peristaltic movement.Inadequate secretion of saliva.Abnormalities due to ingestion of poisonous substances.

9  Acidifiers  Antacids  Cathartics  Antimicrobials

10  Able to increase the acidity in GIT.  Used to increase metabolic acidocis.  Used to increase gastric hydrochloric acid.

11  Gastric acidifiers  Urinary acidifiers  Systemic acidifiers  Acids

12  Prepared by adding hydrochloric acid gradually to water and contains 10% w/w of HCl.  It is colourless liquid and strongly acidic and stored in well closed container.  After neutralization, it gives characteristic reactions of chlorine.  In reaction with KMnO 4 solution, chlorine gas is liberated.

13 Solution is titrated with 1N sodium hydroxide, using methyl orange as indicator. About 10g of HCl is transferred to stopper flask which is having 40ml of water. NaOH + HCl  NaCl + H2O Each ml of 1N NaOH ≡ 0.03646 g HCl

14  Solutions of ammonium chloride (NH 4 Cl) are mildly acidic.  It is a white solid having the melting point 338C and freely soluble in water.  Ammonium chloride is hygroscopic in nature.  It is used as a systemic acidifying agent in treatment of severe metabolic acidosis.

15  Ammonium Chloride is prepared through the solvay process, the reaction involves: CO 2 + 2NH 3 + 2NaCl + H 2 O  2NH 4 Cl +Na 2 CO 3  Commercially prepared by combining NH3 with either hydrogen chloride (gas) or hydrochloric acid (water solution): NH 3 + HCl  NH 4 Cl

16  Ammonium chloride appears to sublime upon heating but actually decomposes into ammonia & hydrogen chloride gas. NH 4 Cl  NH 3 + HCl  Reacts with strong base, like Sodium hydroxide, to release ammonia gas. NH 4 Cl + NaOH  NH 3 + NaCl + H 2 O  Reacts with alkali metal carbonates at elevated temperatures, giving ammonia and alkali metal chloride. 2NH 4 Cl + Na 2 CO 3  2NaCl + CO 2 + H 2 O + 2NH 3

17 After 1 to 2 min., titrate slowly with 1M sodium hydroxide. Add a mixture of 5ml of formaldehyde solution with few drops of phenolphthalein solution. Dissolve 1g of Ammonium Chloride in 20ml of water. 1ml of 1M sodium hydroxide ≡ 53.49 mg of NH 4 Cl


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