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Facial Recognition Software

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1 Facial Recognition Software SARA Technologies is among the emerging IT firm that has clutched a huge excellence in creating a broad range of software solutions specifically based on facial recognition technology. To satisfy the aggressively climbing security needs we have started integrating an additional feature of facial identification into the every software system that we create. Since we are working in the filed of IT, web, app and software development for over decade, but we have involved us into the face identification systems. In last 3 years we have served 45+ clients with their specific facial recognition software systems specific to their business, home, personal and social security needs. If you are looking for a development partner to assist you in creating a custom solution to enhance your firms security standards, then SARA is the most suited place to collaborate with for the facial identification software development.

2 Lets understand how Face Recognition System Works

3 Face Detection Software Features  Smart Face Scanning  Highly Precise Outputs  Extended Security  Easy Integration  Face Identifiaction & Tracking  Testing of Facial Attributes  Smart Execution  Iris Detection

4 We are the Experts in  Facial Recognition Application Development  Face Identification Software Development  Face Detection Software Development

5 Why Choose Us for Face Identification Software Development  Years of expertise in facial recognition technology  Highly function fraud protection system  Assured satisfaction & complete ROI  Perfection delivered  On-time service delivery  We write entirely independent code and can be updated easily.  Custom software solution as per your specific needs.  Have a ready to deliver software system.  No over-heads are collected after the finalization of cost.

6 Contact Us For All Your Needs NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 266 17th Street, Suite 200, Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: 510-768-7101 NEW MEXICO 6739 Academy Road NE, Suite 150, Albq, NM 87109 Phone: 505-814-0011 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 16870 W. Bernardo Drive, Suite 250, San Diego, CA 92127 Phone: 858-848-1784 MAIL US Contact us for Advanced ” Facial Recognition Software ”Facial Recognition Software

7 Feel Free To Contact Us Anytime From Anywhere, We Will Be Happy To Help You.

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