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PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively--

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Presentation on theme: "PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively--"— Presentation transcript:

1 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively--

2 PSYCH 635 All Assignments (2 Set) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains 2 Set of Paper/PPT for each Assignment PSYCH 635 Week 1 Individual Assignment Explaining Learning Theory to Clients (2 PPT) PSYCH 635 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Ethics in Conditioning Research (2 Papers)

3 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively-- PSYCH 635 Week 1 Individual Assignment Explaining Learning Theory to Clients (2 PPT) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains 2 Presentations Complete Parts 1 and 2 for this assignment. Part 1 Watch the “Ethics vs. Psychological Research” video in the Week One Electronic Reserve Readings.

4 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively-- PSYCH 635 Week 2 Individual Assignment Professional Applications of Learning Theory in Real-Life Situations (3 PPT) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains PPT on Option 3, Option 5, Option 4 Read the instructions in the University Material: Professional Applications of Learning Theory in Real-Life Situations, and select one option to complete the assignment. You can choose from the following options: Option 1: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Presentation

5 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively-- PSYCH 635 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Ethics in Conditioning Research (2 Papers) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Complete Parts 1 and 2 for this assignment. Part 1 Watch “Pavlov’s Experiments on Dogs” and “Pavlov’s Experiments on Children” in the Week Two Electronic Reserve Readings.

6 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively-- PSYCH 635 Week 2 Learning Team Assignment Ethics in Conditioning Research (2 Papers) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains 2 Papers Complete Parts 1 and 2 for this assignment. Part 1 Watch “Pavlov’s Experiments on Dogs” and “Pavlov’s Experiments on Children” in the Week Two Electronic Reserve Readings.

7 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively-- PSYCH 635 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Memory Enhancement (2 PPT) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains 2 PPT on Option 3 Read the instructions in the University Material: Memory Enhancement, and select one option to complete the assignment. You can choose from the following options: Option 1: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Presentation

8 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively-- PSYCH 635 Week 4 Individual Assignment Applications of Motivation in Learning Theory (2 Papers) For more classes visit Option 1 Read the instructions in the University Material: Applications of Motivation in Learning Theory, and select one option to complete the assignment. You can choose from the following options: Option 1: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Transcript Option 2: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Brochure

9 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively-- PSYCH 635 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Ethical Considerations in Motivated Learning (2 PPT) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains 2 Presentations (Option 1) Read the instructions in the University Material: Ethical Considerations in Motivated Learning, and select one option to complete the assignment. You can choose from the following options: Option 1: Ethical Considerations Presentation

10 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively-- PSYCH 635 Week 5 Individual Assignment Analysis of Factors in the Transfer Process (2 PPT) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains 2 Presentation Read the instructions in the University Material: Analysis of Factors in the Transfer Process, and select one option to complete the assignment. You can choose from the following options: Option 1: Transfer of Learning Presentation

11 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively-- PSYCH 635 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Transfer of Learning (2 PPT) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains 2 PPT Read the instructions in the University Material: Transfer of Learning, and select one option to complete the assignment. You can choose from the following options: Option 1: Environmental and Evolutionary Psychology Presentation

12 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively-- PSYCH 635 Week 6 Individual Assignment Self-Regulation of Learning (2 Set) For more classes visit One Paper and One Presentation Read the instructions in the University Material: Self-Regulation of Learning, and select one option to complete the assignment. You can choose from the following options: Option 1: Self-Regulation Presentation Option 2: Self-Regulation Outline

13 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively-- PSYCH 635 Week 6 Team Assignment Learning Self-Regulation of Learning (2 PPT) For more classes visit This Tutorial contains 2 Presentation Read the instructions in the University Material: Learning Self- Regulation of Learning, and select one option to complete the assignment. You can choose from the following options: Option 1: Self-Regulation Presentation

14 PSYCH 635 Teaching Effectively--

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