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Green Building Conference Dubai
May 2014 International Green Construction Code Dave Walls, International Code Council
Objectives This presentation is intended to communicate:
How the IgCC fits in the context of green building standards and rating systems How and why the IgCC was developed Unique aspects of the IgCC Technical highlights of the IgCC Where the IgCC has been adopted Update on the next code cycle
What is the IgCC? An Adoptable, Useable and Enforceable code.
Intended to reduce the negative impacts of the built environment on the natural environment Addresses Conservation of: Natural resources Materials Energy Water Air & indoor environmental quality
Intent and Scope Consistent and coordinated with the ICC family of Codes & Standards Intended to be enforced primarily by building officials/local jurisdictions Intended to drive green building into everyday practice Applicable to the construction of All buildings, both old and new, except: IRC Buildings (1-and 2-family dwellings) R-3 Occupancies R-2 and R-4 Occupancies 4 stories or less in height. Exceptions above are regulated by ICC 700 where the jurisdiction indicates so in Table
Developed By: IgCC developed by ICC in association with cooperating sponsors: ASTM and American Institute of Architects (AIA) References ASHRAE as an alternative compliance path, as developed by: ASHRAE and partners USGBC and Illuminating Engineers (IES) 5
IgCC Context The IgCC is not a rating system, nor is it intended to replace them. The IgCC is a code which is intended to be adopted on a mandatory basis. The IgCC consists of minimum mandatory requirements, similar to the other I-Codes. The IgCC contains a new regulatory framework that facilitates both jurisdictional customization and flexibility for owners and designers.
Chapter 3: Jurisdictional Requirements and Life Cycle Assessment
A new regulatory framework Allows jurisdictions to customize the code to address 20 additional environmental criteria These criteria may not be appropriate for all jurisdictions. May be beneficial in others. Allow the jurisdiction to set higher minimum levels of performance. Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment Not a mandatory requirement. An alternative to the material selection requirements of Section 505. 7
Chapter 4: Site Development and Land Use
Preservation of natural resources (Tied to Table ) Allows jurisdictions to prohibit construction in floodplains and limit development of certain sites and site features Natural resources inventory required Stormwater management Landscape irrigation Management of vegetation, soils and erosion control Building site waste management Transportation impact Heat island mitigation Site Lighting (Tied to Table ) 402 Preservation of Natural Resources Prohibits construction in floodplains. Generally prohibits building within 50 feet (1524 mm) of bodies of water and wetlands (with exceptions) Generally prohibits construction on park land (Section ) Requires natural resources inventory (Section ) Additional provisions for stormwater, erosion control, landscape irrigation, debris and soil recycling. 403 Transportation Impact Encourages alternative transportation (bicycling, pedestrian, alt vehicles, public transit) 404 Heat Island Mitigation Projects located in Climate Zones 1 through 6 must implement heat island mitigation practices for at least 50 percent of site hardscape. Projects located in Climate Zones 1 through 3 must implement heat island mitigation practices for at least 75 percent of roof surfaces. 405 Site Lighting Minimize light pollution
Chapter 5: Material Resource Conservation and Efficiency
Construction material and waste management plan 50% construction waste diversion min. Jurisdictions can select higher values in Table Requires recycling areas for use by building occupants 55% of materials must be: Recycled, Recyclable, Bio-based, or Indigenous. (Materials are permitted to have multiple attributes.) Mercury limits for fluorescent lamps Moisture control Construction Material and Waste Management Plan At least 50 percent of construction phase waste materials must be diverted from landfills. Allows the jurisdiction to increase levels to 65 percent or 75 percent in Table
Chapter 6: Energy Conservation, Efficiency & CO2e Emission Reduction
The energy requirements are applicable to new buildings and additions to existing buildings. Contains detailed energy requirements. Energy requirements for alterations to existing buildings are found in Ch 10. The IgCC provides the following energy compliance paths: Prescriptive-based Performance-based zEPI (Zero Energy Performance Index) Outcome based performance [or Annual Net Energy Performance (ANEP) based] compliance: Available for buildings of all sizes Must have an ANEP no greater than that required for the occupancy or that determined by the jurisdiction Peak energy demand must comply with IECC Requires commissioning reports and annual operation reports Must comply with IGCC Sections 604, 605 & 612 Requires a significant amount of information to be determined by the jurisdiction and entered in Tables 603.2(1), 603.2(2) and 603.2(3). IGCC’s Energy Use Intensity (EUI) compliance path: Is available for buildings of all sizes Requires EUI that is in the top 10 percent of existing buildings eligible to a receive a score in EPA’s Target Finder program or For buildings not eligible for a score in Target Finder, must be designed to deliver an EUI that is at least 50 percent lower than the average EUI for similar buildings in DOE’s SBECS Determine EUI in accordance with the following equation: EUI = TAE/SF (where TAE = Total annual energy projected to be consumed on site, including renewable energy; and SF = building gross square footage) (Section ) 10
Chapter 6 Contents General Building service water heating systems
Modeled performance pathway requirements. Energy metering, monitoring and reporting Automated demand- response infrastructure Building envelope systems Building mechanical systems Building service water heating systems Building electrical power and lighting systems Specific appliances and equipment Building renewable energy systems Energy systems commissioning and completion. Outcome based performance [or Annual Net Energy Performance (ANEP) based] compliance: Available for buildings of all sizes Must have an ANEP no greater than that required for the occupancy or that determined by the jurisdiction Peak energy demand must comply with IECC Requires commissioning reports and annual operation reports Must comply with IGCC Sections 604, 605 & 612 Requires a significant amount of information to be determined by the jurisdiction and entered in Tables 603.2(1), 603.2(2) and 603.2(3). IGCC’s Energy Use Intensity (EUI) compliance path: Is available for buildings of all sizes Requires EUI that is in the top 10 percent of existing buildings eligible to a receive a score in EPA’s Target Finder program or For buildings not eligible for a score in Target Finder, must be designed to deliver an EUI that is at least 50 percent lower than the average EUI for similar buildings in DOE’s SBECS Determine EUI in accordance with the following equation: EUI = TAE/SF (where TAE = Total annual energy projected to be consumed on site, including renewable energy; and SF = building gross square footage) (Section ) 11
Chapter 7: Water Conservation and Efficiency
Seeks water efficiency regardless of the source Encourages the use of lower quality water wherever possible and permissible. Efficiency provisions for Plumbing fixtures/fittings Appliances Carwashes Cooling towers HVAC systems and equipment Water treatment systems Metering Rainwater collection systems Gray water reuse systems Reclaimed water systems Other alternative water sources
Chapter 8: Indoor Environmental Quality and Comfort
Indoor Air Quality Management Plan Required HVAC & Air-handling systems Air-handling system access Durability and cleanability Filters Ventilation requirements Prohibits smoking in buildings IAQ construction phase requirements IAQ & pollutant control measures Material emissions limits Acoustics (Tied to Table 302.1) Daylighting The Building Air Quality guide, developed by the EPA and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, provides practical suggestions on preventing, identifying, and resolving indoor air quality (IAQ) problems in public and commercial buildings. This guidance provides information on factors affecting indoor air quality; describes how to develop an IAQ profile of building conditions and create an IAQ management plan; describes investigative strategies to identify causes of IAQ problems; and provides criteria for assessing alternative mitigation strategies, determining whether a problem has been resolved, and deciding whether to consult outside technical specialists. System components requiring unobstructed access for cleaning and repair include, ducts, air handler units, fans, coils and condensate pans. Although not stated explicitly, there are indirect references to the Friability of materials in Section Friability meaning the ability of a solid substance to be reduced to smaller pieces with little effort. Often, substances designated as being hazardous, such as asbestos or crystalline silica are referred to as being friable if they are present in such a state that it is possible for small particles to become dislodged, thus enabling them to become respirable (able to enter human lungs), posing a health hazard. Polyurethane foams, can increase in friability with exposure to ultraviolet radiation (such as is present in sunlight). Examples include but are not limited to: Clumps of dried clay, Chalk, Stone, Tablets, Crackers, Perlite, Mineral fibers, Polyurethane (foam), and Aerogel.
Chapter 9: Commissioning, Operations & Maintenance
Pre-occupancy inspection and testing Operation and maintenance manual Building maintenance schedules Addresses many issues beyond energy Commissioning (Table ) List of items for which commissioning is required or encouraged Distinguishes between pre-occupancy and post- occupancy commissioning Modeled after Special inspections criteria in Chapter 17 of the IBC and Commissioning criteria found in the IECC
Chapter 10: Existing Buildings
Alterations/renovations: Whatever is changed must meet current IgCC requirements. Unaltered components can remain as they are Requirements primarily related to energy & water Capped at10% of the total cost of alterations & other exceptions. Additions are treated much like new construction. Historic buildings exempted from many provisions Jurisdictions can choose to offer the evaluation of existing buildings for IgCC compliance. Chapter 11 covers similar info for building sites. Alterations to existing buildings: energy used after the alteration must not exceed the energy used prior to alterations. Section : Prohibits the construction of additions to buildings in flood hazard areas. Exception: where all habitable space is located at least 1 foot above flood elevation. Alterations to Existing Buildings: Basic prescriptive requirements addressing: Leaks Defective equipment and systems Extensive prescriptive list limited to 10% of the cost of alterations. Triggered by any change of occupancy or alteration.
Appendix A: Project Electives
Encourages and recognizes construction that exceeds minimum code requirements. Encourages green practices that are difficult or impossible to mandate. (e.g., infill and brownfield site development). Encourages the implementation of practices that are not triggered by the code or mandated by the jurisdiction in Table Enforceable only where specifically adopted. The jurisdiction sets the minimum number of electives that must be complied with on all projects constructed in the jurisdiction. The owner or the owners representative select the specific project electives to be implemented on each project. Alterations to existing buildings: energy used after the alteration must not exceed the energy used prior to alterations. Section : Prohibits the construction of additions to buildings in flood hazard areas. Exception: where all habitable space is located at least 1 foot above flood elevation. Alterations to Existing Buildings: Basic prescriptive requirements addressing: Leaks Defective equipment and systems Extensive prescriptive list limited to 10% of the cost of alterations. Triggered by any change of occupancy or alteration.
Publications and Support Services
Education & Training Education Tour of Major Cities Electronic Webinars 30 – 60 minute overviews Live and pre-recorded Multi-hour courses Live or pre-recorded Onsite Education and Training Single- or Multi-day Classroom Style Customized Prepared courses available for use by organizers
Publications and Support Services
Certifications Eight certification exams available Four are IgCC specific & 1 is general Green Residential Building Three are energy related Publications Over 40 support products for Energy & Green Building Publication of the ICC Commissioning Guideline Building Code Basics: Energy (based on the IECC) Building Code Basics: Green (based on the IgCC) IgCC Code and Commentary
Publications and Support Services
ICC- ES– Environmental Programs ICC-ES created a program to provide manufacturers with independent verification that their products meet specific sustainability targets defined by today’s codes and standards, including: IgCC • IECC CalGreen • ASHRAE 90.1 ASHRAE • NAHB/ICC-700 Also to evaluate compliance with green rating systems such as: LEED Green Globes Creation of Environmental Criteria to address cradle-to-gate production Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) and Product Category Rules (PCRs) Publications and Support Services
Publications and Support Services
International Accreditation Service (IAS) IAS has incorporated green service offerings within its existing accreditation programs – testing labs, inspection agencies, and product certification agencies. IAS is an identified provider of accreditation by: The Environmental Protection Agency for the Water Sense and Energy Star programs, and The Department of Energy for Lighting Facts program. Commissioning Accreditation AC 476 Certifying bodies Agents Training Providers Publications and Support Services
Partnerships ASHRAE ASTM USGBC American Institute of America (AIA)
ICC and ASHRAE distributed over 8600 copies of the and 4900 copies of the 2012 IECC/ASHRAE 90.1 ICC and ASHRAE distributed over 9000 copies of the IgCC/ASHRAE package ASTM Cooperating Sponsor Collaboration on Standards USGBC Co-Sponsored Codes Summit (at Greenbuild) American Institute of America (AIA) Cooperating Sponsors Collaboration on Education ANSI ICC is an Accredited Standards Developer
The IgCC is currently adopted in:
Richland, WA Keene, NH Dallas, TX Maplewood, MN Washoe County, NV Boulder County, CO Carbondale, CO Snowmass, CO Kayenta Township, AZ Boynton Beach, FL Phoenix, AZ Scottsdale, AZ Florida Maryland North Carolina Oregon Rhode Island Washington DC Note: adoptions are in a variety of ways Alterations to existing buildings: energy used after the alteration must not exceed the energy used prior to alterations. Section : Prohibits the construction of additions to buildings in flood hazard areas. Exception: where all habitable space is located at least 1 foot above flood elevation. Alterations to Existing Buildings: Basic prescriptive requirements addressing: Leaks Defective equipment and systems Extensive prescriptive list limited to 10% of the cost of alterations. Triggered by any change of occupancy or alteration.
2015 IgCC Code Cycle Group C Cycle Proposals accepted 11/15-1/10
Hearings 4/27-5/4 2014 10/1-10/7 2014 cdp ACCESS cloud-based system
cdpACCESS cdpACCESS is the ICC’s initiative to elevate the code development process by allowing participants to develop, discuss, and share code changes and public comments online from a database of current codes. Collaborate Submit Vote Using technology to expand participation in the code development process has been an evolving focus of ICC for more than a decade. The efforts and input of countless ICC Members and staff have resulted in more refined plans with each step, leading up to cdp ACCESS.
What are the take aways? Comprehensive & integrated
INTERNATIONAL GREEN CONSTRUCTION CODE Comprehensive & integrated Sets minimum requirements Creates a Baseline Consensus development process Complete support system ICC will provide assistance with integration
For more information see:
IgCC Orientation and Training Tour
3/31/2017 Questions & Answers Dave Walls Executive Director of Sustainability Programs Ext. 7732 Raj Nathan Head, ICC Global Services , ext. 3294 For technical support please contact: Allan Bilka – Kermit Robinson – Code interpretations are a benefit of ICC Membership Hopefully, you have jotted down your questions on the booklet provided. We would like to answer as many of those questions as possible in the remaining time before lunch. If we don’t get to your question today, please feel free to write it down on the Tour evaluation form provided and we will get back to you with an answer. Copyright 2011 International Code Council
Copyrighted Materials
This presentation is protected by US and International Copyright laws. Reproduction, distribution, display and use of the presentation without written permission of the speaker is prohibited. © International Code Council 2012 28
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