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Prepared by Patel Dipen A. Roll No. 36 Reg. No Submitted to : Dr. N D Hirani Department of parasitology.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by Patel Dipen A. Roll No. 36 Reg. No Submitted to : Dr. N D Hirani Department of parasitology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by Patel Dipen A. Roll No. 36 Reg. No. 02-913-2015 Submitted to : Dr. N D Hirani Department of parasitology

2  Kingdom:AnimaliaAnimalia  Clade : EuarthropodaEuarthropoda  Class: InsectaInsecta  Order: DipteraDiptera  Family: CeratopogonidaeCeratopogonidae  Subfamily: CeratopogoninaeCeratopogoninae  Genus : Culicoides

3  Culicoides is a genus of biting midges in the family Ceratopogonidae.genusbiting midgesfamilyCeratopogonidae  There are over 1000 species in the genus, which is divided into many subgenera.

4  Various Culicoides species have been shown to be vector for the following viruses and conditions: 1) Mansonella spp. (M. ozzardi, M. perstans, M. streptocerca)MansonellaM. ozzardiM. perstansM. streptocerca 2) Onchocerca gibsoni and O. cervicalisOnchocerca gibsoniO. cervicalis 3) LeucocytozoonLeucocytozoon 4) Plasmodium agamae Plasmodium agamae 5) bluetongue virus bluetongue virus 6) Schmallenberg virusSchmallenberg virus 7) African horse sicknessAfrican horse sickness 8) bovine ephemeral fever bovine ephemeral fever 9) Akabane virusAkabane virus 10) Queensland itch Queensland itch 11) Epizootic Hemorrhagic DiseaseEpizootic Hemorrhagic Disease


6  Bluetongue (BT) is a Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) borne, infectious, noncontagious, economically important viral disease of sheep and other domestic and wild ruminants.  Major vectors in India  Culicoides imicola  Culicoides monocoli  Culicoides oxistoma  Culicoides brevitarsis

7  Vector breeding places  M anure pits  Biogas slurry waste  Incessant rain in rainy season  Wind based movement of midges

8  Definitive host  Sheep (mainly)  Goat  Cattle  Buffalo  Blue tongue virus prevalent serotype in india  Blue tongue virus serotype 1  Blue tongue virus serotype 4  Blue tongue virus serotype 6  Blue tongue virus serotype 9  Blue tongue virus serotype 16  Blue tongue virus serotype 18  Blue tongue virus serotype 23

9 African horse sickness (AHS) is an infectious but noncontagious, insect-borne viral disease affecting all species of equids. It is transmitted in the field by at least two species of Culicoides.

10 African Horse Sickness is caused by an Orbivirus of the family Reoviridae  Family: Reoviridae Genus: Orbivirus  Nine different serotypes of the virus have been described  A viscerotropic virus

11  Horses  Mules  Donkeys  Zebras In order of decreasing severity of disease:


13  AHSv is spread primarily by Culicoides (ex: biting flies and mosquitoes) by transfer of blood ◦ Culicoides are biological vectors because the disease can replicate in the midge ◦ In U.S., Culicoides that can transmit bluetongue virus most likely can transmit African Horse Sickness ◦ Culicoides are most active at sunset and about sunrise

14  Aedes aegypti  Anopheles sephensi  Culex Pipiens  Hyalomma dromedarii  Ripicephalus sanguineus

15  Suspect when horses develop the following: ◦ Fever ◦ Dyspnea ◦ Edema of the supraorbital fossa ◦ Subcutaneous edema of head/neck areas ◦ Pulmonary edema ◦ Death

16  Virus isolation – blood from live animal; spleen from dead animal  Vero cells, embryonating eggs, suckling mouse brain  Serology – CF test, ELISA

17  Movement restriction  Vector control  Test and slaughter  Vaccination ◦ MLV ◦ Inactivated virus

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