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Concussion Therapy and Speech Therapy - What You Should Know

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1 Concussion Therapy and Speech Therapy - What You Should Know

2 Synopsis 1.Trying to Fight a Concussion? Try Some Natural Remedies for Help!Trying to Fight a Concussion? Try Some Natural Remedies for Help! 2.Have You Sustained a Head Injury? Find Out If It is a Concussion and Needs Medical Attention!Have You Sustained a Head Injury? Find Out If It is a Concussion and Needs Medical Attention! 3.ABA and Speech Therapy for Autism – Overview and benefitsABA and Speech Therapy for Autism – Overview and benefits

3 Trying to Fight a Concussion? Try Some Natural Remedies for Help! Relax and Regain A concussion is a brain injury and is apparently invisible. The brain needs time to reconcile and restore its strength after the concussion. It`s better to take a good sleep and facilitate the body with a physical and mental break until your brain rebuilds and rectifies the problem. You should avoid reverting back to your routine tasks at once after the concussion. The mental break is as crucial as the physical rest in case of a brain injury. All the mental activities like reading, operating machinery and using computers and other gadgets must be stopped immediately and should be resumed gradually. Consume Fish Oil Fish oil is often recommended in case of an accident or brain injury as it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids which supports the brain growth. The researchers have also supported the use of fish oil in brain-related injuries and have suggested its use especially in a concussion for healing brain bruises. An article was also published in Advances in Nutrition to further support these findings.

4 Trying to Fight a Concussion? Try Some Natural Remedies for Help! However, if there is any indication of internal bleeding the fish oil should not be consumed for it may worsen the situation. You should also focus on your diet along with taking fish oil supplement for a speedy recovery. Some good foods for brain development and rehabilitation are flax seeds, organic meat, organic dairy products and nuts. Take Creatine Supplement The creatine supplement is also recommended to the people who suffered from a concussion. Some studies have found that the consumption of creatine significantly reduces the after-effects of concussion, like fatigue, amnesia, dizziness, and headache. It strengthens the brain muscles and helps it in retaining its strength. Creatine supplements are more effective in children and young adults. Use Turmeric Turmeric is proved to be an anti-depressant and works like wonder in case of brain-related issues. It boosts the immune system of the body and reduces stress. The study conducted by the Department of Neurosurgery at the Medical College of Georgia verifies the positive impact of curcumin on the brain which is an active component of turmeric.

5 Have You Sustained a Head Injury? Find Out If It is a Concussion and Needs Medical Attention! Usually, the following tests are prescribed by the physician: Neurological Test: the Neurological test is your physical examination based on the observation of your behavior and response. The emergency department assesses your motor and sensory skills like hearing, vision, speech coordination, physical balance, mental status and your conduct. CT Scan: A CT scan is recommended to visualize the internal condition of the brain and to spot any major brain injury, swelling or bleeding. It is an x- ray of the brain. MRI Scan: MRI is Magnetic Resonance Imaging which gives a more clear view of the internal state of the brain. It uses magnetic energy to get images. Sometimes the minor injuries are not detected even in MRI and CT scan.

6 ABA and Speech Therapy for Autism – Overview and benefits There is no fixed methodology or structure that works for everyone. ABA therapy can vary based on each individual’s needs. Moreover, the ABA Therapy can seem to be diverse and offbeat at different times because of the wide range of skills it caters to. The therapist may focus on independent skills at a different time and pace through the course of the treatment. ABA therapy can be conducted anywhere. It can be a simple classroom session, or some skills may need being at home, some sessions may need a one-on-one interaction with the therapist. ABA Therapists have specialized skills to handle individuals having Autism Disorder and are certified health professionals. Though parents and teachers can fully support and assist the children the whole time, they are not the right persons to handle and treat this condition completely. Check for the authenticity of an institution that claims to follow ABA methodologies before you enroll your child. Multiple studies have confirmed that children who have received ABA Therapy by trained specialists at an early age have benefitted significantly and shown great improvements in their skills be it any life skills like communicating one’s needs, self-care and even reading. Not stopping at this, recent studies have also unfolded the many benefits that ABA Therapy can provide for adults. So, be sure to discuss it with your healthcare provider to make things easier for your child or anyone diagnosed with Autism.

7 For more details, please visit: 1232 Dufferin St, Toronto, ON M6H 4C3 416-546-3044 The End

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