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Welcome to our Web Ex! Super II Repairs.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Web Ex! Super II Repairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our Web Ex! Super II Repairs

2 Super II Repairs Calibration Span Linearity MILC Replacement
Firmware Replacement Keypad/Controller Assembly Replacement RSO Installation Super II Repairs

3 Super II Repairs Span Calibration Press Menu Press Softkeys MORE
Enter the value of of the span weight using the numeric keypad. Press softkey ENTER or choose either 50% or 100% Place the required weight on the pan Press the SPAN softkey The scale will perform a span calibration and display the weight value. Press Menu Press Softkeys MORE SETUPS TECH CALIB SPAN Super II Repairs



6 Super II Repairs Linearity Calibration Press Menu Press Softkeys MORE




10 Locate access to cal protect switch in plate

11 Move switch forward to calibrate position with screwdriver.

12 Protect Calibrate Move switch forward to calibrate position with screwdriver.

13 Protect Calibrate Cal-Protect Switch


15 Add weight as displayed

16 Move switch to back to protect position with screwdriver.

17 MILC Replacement Super II Repairs

18 Remove Plate

19 Disconnect rear power board rainbow cable

20 Loosen bolts at base

21 Remove MILC

22 Install New MILC

23 Position new MILC. Bolt in place.

24 Connect Rear Power Board to Weigh-Only Board

25 Buy MILC, get 1 FREE Offer good until July 31, 2003

26 Firmware Replacement Super II Repairs

27 Turn controller to back

28 Unscrew fasteners on back

29 Rev 4 Check revision of board

30 Rev C Check revision of board

31 Rev B Locate Firmware IC

32 Remove Firmware IC

33 Replace IC. Align “U” indentation at top of chip with “U” in socket

34 Replace IC. Align “U” indentation at top of chip with “U” in socket

35 Move jumper to “DIS” disable and back to “EN” enable to reset board

36 Replace back of controller

37 Keypad/Controller Assembly
Replacement Super II Repairs

38 Remove back of controller.

39 Disconnect keypad cable

40 Disconnect back light connection

41 Disconnect Display Cable

42 Unscrew controller board

43 Remove controller board

44 Unscrew display board

45 Remove Display Board

46 New keypad/controller assembly

47 Reinsert display board into new keypad assembly and tighten screws

48 Insert controller board

49 Reconnect backlight - note position of tab

50 Plug in backlight - note position of tab

51 Connect new keypad

52 Reconnect display

53 Replace back of controller

54 RSO Installation Super II Repairs

55 Remote Scale Option

56 Remove pan and unscrew plate

57 Place RSO bolts

58 Disconnect coil cord to rear power board

59 Slice radius of rubber grommet

60 Place rubber grommet around coil cord

61 Slip rubber grommet w/ coil cord onto RSO board

62 Slip RSO board onto bolts and tighten bolts

63 RSO Weigh-only Board Connect RSO Rainbow cable to JP5 on Rear Power Board Caution: Do not connect RSO cable to JP4

64 Overview of RSO Installation See manual

65 DIN Connector








73 Super II (the sequel) ... Super II Macros “ Programming Macros”
Those pesky macros….. Join us next Wednesday, July 23, at 2:00 EDT for... Super II (the sequel) ... “ Programming Macros” Step by Step Super II Macro Training to cover: > Stability > Redirect > Execute > If/Then Statements Check your Inbox…Your invitation is there! Super II Macros

74 That’s it! Thanks for joining us…see you next Wednesday, same time, same place.
Our thanks to WebEx - “We’ve got to start meeting like this”

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