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11 District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority George S. Hawkins, General Manager September 17, 2013 ANC 5E Briefing for: Northeast Boundary Neighborhood.

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Presentation on theme: "11 District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority George S. Hawkins, General Manager September 17, 2013 ANC 5E Briefing for: Northeast Boundary Neighborhood."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority George S. Hawkins, General Manager September 17, 2013 ANC 5E Briefing for: Northeast Boundary Neighborhood Protection Project Status Update Briefing on:

2 22 Northeast Boundary Neighborhood Protection Project Status Overview Northeast Boundary Tunnel Over $600 million Preliminary Design (on schedule; 2022 completion) First Street Tunnel Design-Build $150-$160 million Contract award October, 2013 (on schedule) DC Water and Design-Build Contractor public meetings November Construction anticipated to begin January, 2014 McMillan Stormwater Storage $12 million Under construction

3 33 McMillan Stormwater Storage Project North Capitol Street Diversion Intersection of North Capitol Street NW and Michigan Avenue NW Temporary storage tank (up to 3 million gallons) Scheduled completion (end of November 2013

4 44 McMillan Stormwater Storage Project Construction Schedule: North Capitol St NW Jun 2013 – Nov 2013 Construction Work Hours: Monday – Friday work in street, if required 9:30AM – 3:30PM Monday – Saturday Work in Street 7:30PM – 4:30AM

5 55 McMillan Stormwater Storage: Original Plan Use 2 existing sand filters at McMillan site Divert stormwater into storage during major rain events Up to 6 million gallons storage Irving St Michigan Ave First St. N. Capitol St. North Capitol Tank & Diversion Structure (under construction) First St Tank & Diversion Structure

6 66 Upstream Areas Tributary to First St. Tank Served by Combined Sewers DC Water performed due diligence investigations upstream as part of detailed design and found : Upstream area was not completely separated Low basements at Washington Hospital Center would require special project to protect from flooding Private campuses with private sewers DC Waters maps do not show the private sewers in these areas Maps available at the time of the Mayors Task Force showed the upstream public sewers to be separated 6 6 Rhode Island Ave Natl Rehabilitation Hospital Ken yon St First St Tank Portion of Wash. Hospital Center Portion of Soldiers Home Portion of Childrens Hospital

7 77 Irving Street Green Infrastructure Irving St Michigan Ave Construct Bioretention (Green Infrastructure) along Irving St Bioretention will be installed in the public right of way (traffic medians and road sides) Construction from November 2013 through spring 2014 N. Capitol St

8 88 Summary of Revised Plan Moved First St diversion structure south near Channing St Connects to First Street Tunnel McMillan storage tank (Cell 15) on First Street side will not be used Bioretention (rain gardens) on Irving Street Benefits Facility Original Plan (Million Gals) Revised Plan (Million Gals) 2014201620142016 North Cap Tank3.0 3.1 First St Tank3.0 -- First St In-line Storage--0.5 First St Tunnel-6.08 Bioretention--0.4 Total6. Keeps combined sewage in the sewage system where it belongs Directs stormwater to bioretention for treatment Allows hospitals and Soldiers Home to remain in service uninterrupted Bioretention improves District as a whole and serves as a model for green infrastructure

9 99 McMillan Stormwater Storage Project Construction Schedule: First St NW Start Dec 2013 Construction Work Hours: In coordination with DDOT and DCRA

10 10 First Street Tunnel Pre-Construction Surveys Residents are asked to complete the Pre-construction Survey and Neighborhood Mitigation Questionnaire that has been mailed. Pre-construction Surveys benefit the property owner by documenting the condition of the property before the start of construction. By taking advantage of the survey, you will make the process easier, in the unlikely event that a construction related damage claim needs to be filed. Without a pre-construction survey, DC Water will have no rational basis by which to confirm if your damage claim was related to the First Street Tunnel Project..

11 11 First Street Tunnel Utility Relocation Gas and electric utilities in specified locations throughout the Bloomingdale neighborhood will be relocated in advance of tunnel construction. Informational sheets with map will be hand delivered to residents within the affected area by DC Water. Work will begin in late September / early October. Having local gas and electric services relocated before construction keeps project on schedule.

12 12 Programs Available to Property Owners DC Water Backwater Valve Rebate program Purpose: Prevent sewage from backing up through the sewer lateral into lower level plumbing fixtures in a home Eligibility includes properties with reported sewer backups from the 2012 storms and also those hydraulically at risk from the design storm Program details:

13 13 Programs Available to Property Owners DC Water Engineering Consultations Purpose: Identify home improvements to protect against overland flooding Eligibility includes Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park residents with reported flooding in 2012 storms Program details:

14 14 Programs Available to Property Owners DDOE Rain Barrel/Cistern program Purpose: Detains stormwater to reduce sewer system overload Property owners in the Northeast Boundary drainage area upstream of N. Capitol Street are eligible to receive a free rain barrel or cistern Program details: program program DDOE Rain Barrel demonstration September 22, 2013 at the Bloomingdale Farmers Market (Big Bear Café)

15 15 Northeast Boundary Neighborhood Protection Project: Contact McMillan Stormwater Storage project information Tijuana Haynes 301-276-4007 First Street Tunnel project information Andrea Williams 202-787-4447 DCCR Email: DCCR Website:

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