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By Allah Dad Khan.  One day alliance Building Workshop with PKI and Civil Society Held at Peshawar. To discuss the Draft Policy and finalize Recommendation.

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Presentation on theme: "By Allah Dad Khan.  One day alliance Building Workshop with PKI and Civil Society Held at Peshawar. To discuss the Draft Policy and finalize Recommendation."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Allah Dad Khan

2  One day alliance Building Workshop with PKI and Civil Society Held at Peshawar. To discuss the Draft Policy and finalize Recommendation

3 S.n o ChallengeSuggestion 1 Rainfed Land (50%) Irrigation to be developed through building of reservoirs through out province 2 Cultivable waste ( 1.06 million hectares) Precision land leveling through different projects and department Public private partnership 3 High cost of Agriculture inputs Subsidized cost for small farmers and provision of agriculture credit to farmers through a simplified procedure 4 Quality inputs Strengthening of FSC, Legislation implementation 5 Weak Agriculture Research and Agriculture Extension Systems Revitalization of agriculture Departments, the previous reports to be revisited.Strengthening of service delivery system. Streamlining soil testing labs in FSC. 3

4 S.n o ChallengeSuggestion 6 Lack of information to farmers Strengthening of Agriculture information and Outreach of ARS along with all other stake holder, establishment of Farm Radio at suitable place. 7 Ecological Zones not notified Zones to be established and notified on basis of ecology and topography. 8 Water losses during irrigation Conservation of water resources through improvement and lining of water courses with community participation, Water management project to be strengthened 9 Lack of coordination among stake holders Coordination cell at Provincial level headed by Provincial Minister 10 Duplication in agriculture services, mandate to be specified. Mandate to be revisited and amendment in mandate of all agriculture departments 11 Lack of Agriculture /Livestock marketing system Regularized marketing system and implementation of market laws 4

5 S.n o ChallengeSuggestion 12 Absence of gender mainstreaming Gender mainstreaming and WID projects as 50 % population is female 13 Absence of rural agro – based processing units. Small processing units to be established at villages with the concept one village on product. 14 Low Productivity of Livestock Change in breed through artificial insemination 15 Absence of an enabling environment for private sector investment. Private sector to be encouraged through provision of facilities. 16 Small Farmers are the major portion in kPK and Farmer Organization not properly functioning Small farmers to be organized through department to frame farmers organizations, and steps to revitalize the vo already framed. 17 Climate change Research in the field keeping in mind climate change 5

6 S.n o ChallengeSuggestion 18 Disasters Preparedness for disasters 19 Less preference to Organic farming Good Agriculture Practices. through FFS. Establishment of biological control labs in Peshawar and Di Khan 20 Post harvest losses Study to be conducted and cold storage and cool chain facilities be provided 21 Lack of capacity of farmers Training to farmers 22 Less Export of agriculture products Arrangement to encourage exporters through SMEDA and Export Promotion Bureau 23 Less attention to Olive and tea crops Committee to be framed to look the problems faced in promotion of theses special crops. 6

7 S.n o ChallengeSuggestion 24 Acts not implemented Updating and strengthening of existing legislation Seed Act, Pesticides Act, Fertililizer Act, breeders Act, Tobacco Cess, Sugarcane Cess, Sugarcane Factories Act 25 Energy crisis Development of alternate sources, plant Ethanol, biodiesel, wind, solar, biogas, coal 26 Lack of development funds Funds to be provided 27 Erosion of soil Soil conservation projects to be initiated 28 Ailment of soil diseases:Schemes for control of salinity and alkalinity 29 Utilization of talent of graduated students Provision of Govt land on lease 7

8 S.n o ChallengeSuggestion 30 Insurance schemes There is no insurance for crops and livestock in the province. Introduction of Insurance schemes 31 Defunct Projects Revival of defunct Projects, PODB, CMPII, Water management Projects, LDDB 32 33 34 35 8

9  Recommended Already Prepared President To Minister Agriculture as Suggestion of Small Farmers for inclusion in Draft Agriculture Policy 2013

10  Sustainable food system for food security and nutrition in Khyber  Pakhtunkhwa Province  Meeting on 4 th August 2013

11  Sustainable food system for food security and nutrition in Khyber  Pakhtunkhwa Province  Meeting on 30 th October 2013

12  Sustainable food system for food security and nutrition in Khyber  Pakhtunkhwa Province  Meeting on 22th November 2013

13  Comments on Agriculture Policy  19 th June 2014



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