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ICE 234: Survey of Computers in Schools

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1 ICE 234: Survey of Computers in Schools
Productivity Tools Christy Keeler, Ph.D



4 How could you use these projection techniques in elementary classrooms for:
Productivity purposes and Instructional purposes?



7 Daily Outline Projecting Images Opening
Lecture: What do teachers do other than teach? Demonstration: Drawing Tools Closing Independent Practice

8 Daily Objectives Identify common teaching activities that occur outside instructional time. Identify tools to assist with teacher productivity for non-instructional activities. Competently use basic drawing and painting tools to create classroom materials.

9 Other than Instruction…

10 Instructional Planning
Lesson plan templates Materials searches Materials development Word processing Quiz generators Rubric generators K-W-L generators Materials preparation

11 Parental Contacts Scheduling Report generating Documenting meetings
Calendars (handhelds, online calendar) ing confirmations “Out-of-office” auto-replies Report generating Grade reports Documenting meetings Databases Word processing

12 Parental Contacts Advertising events Communicating expectations
Making postcards Mail merges Newsletters Flyers Communicating expectations Voic homework hotlines lists for spelling words, daily expectations

13 Classroom Management Room decoration Attendance Seating charts
Course evaluations

14 Behavior Management Behavior charts/reports
Calls to parents (positive and negative) Documenting changes to behavior

15 Collegiality Informational, administrative, and friendly emails
Online communities (e.g., Tapped In II) Blogging lists Professional organizations Subject-area/Grade level

16 Professional Growth Knowledge of events (e.g., Hotline)
Traditional courses with technology components Opportunities to learn about technology Online courses (continuing education, university) Webinars Independent, lifelong learning (e.g., InterAct, Internet, podcasts)

17 Peer Reviewing: The Rules
Be positive Be constructive Ask questions

18 Lesson Presentations

19 Lesson Plans Strengths/Areas for Improvement
How does peer review improve the quality of work?

20 Painting Tools

21 Daily Outline Projecting Images Opening
Lecture: What do teachers do other than teach? Demonstration: Painting Tools Closing Independent Practice

22 Daily Objectives Identify common teaching activities that occur outside instructional time. Identify tools to assist with teacher productivity for non-instructional activities. Competently use basic drawing and painting tools to create classroom materials.

23 For Next Session Readings and Quiz Lesson Plan I and Slideshows
Copyright for Educators The Educator’s Guide to Copyright and Fair Use Lesson Plan I and Slideshows Independent Practice and Assistance Extra Credit Presentations

24 ICE 234: Survey of Computers in Schools
Have a great week ~ See you next session! Dr. Christy Keeler

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