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The city of Stuttgart in a European comparison

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1 The city of Stuttgart in a European comparison
SCORUS conference „Cities in Europe and in the World“ Brussel 16 – 17 June 2015 Zuletzt bearbeitet , gespeichert City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

2 Starting point The starting point of doing research of quality of life in Stuttgart is, not only the objective statistical data of the Urban Audit Project are important, also the evaluation of living conditions by citizens are important, too Tradition In Stuttgart and many other cities in Germany there is a long tradition of asking people, and doing local surveys. Since 1995, a opinion survey is carried out. Every two years people were asked: How satisified are you with the city you are living in? Debate The debate carried out at OECD and EU level about the relation between economic growth and real welfare enhancements is becoming more and more prominent in Germany as well. There is a renewed interest in opion surveys since well-being is included in conceptional framework (e.g. Beyond GNP, Better life) City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

3 Coordinated German Perception survey
Since 2004, German cities conduct a perception survey with the same questions and method (telephone interviews) as DG Regional and Urban Policy Coordination and Implementation of the survey is done by the Working Group „Local Survey“ within the Association of German Municipal Statisticians (VdSt). Since 2006, City of Stuttgart is participating. A total of 20 german Cities now taking part in the Coordinated German Perception Survey. City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

4 Perception surve y , DG Regional and Urban Policy (EU)
Berlin Dortmund Essen Hamburg Leipzig Rostock Aalborg Amsterdam Ankara Antalya Antwerpen Athina Barcelona Belfast Bialystok Bologna Bordeaux Braga Bratislava Bruxelles Bucuresti Budapest Burgas Cardiff Cluj-Napoca Diyarbakir Dublin Gdansk Genève Glasgow Graz Groningen Helsinki Iraklio Istanbul Kobenhavn Kosice Krakow Liège Lille Lisboa Ljubljana London Luxembourg Madrid Málaga Malmö Manchester Marseille Miskolc Nápoli Newcastle-upon-Tyne Nicosia (Lefkosa) Oslo Ostrava Oulu Oviedo Palermo Paris Piatra-Neamt Praha Rennes Reykjavík Riga Roma Rotterdam Sofia Stockholm Strasbourg Tallinn Torino Valletta Verona Vilnius Warszawa Wien Zagreb Zürich. City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

5 Survey Characteristics
Quality of Life Quality of life as … Survey Characteristics Quality of life of individuals Satisfaction with life, Happiness, Satisfaction with various domains of life Quality of Society Satisfaction with public services and institutions like public transport, health care, sports facilities Framework Questionnaire of Perception Survey can related to Quality of Life research. But a differenciation is helpful. City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

6 Coordinated German Perception Survey 2012 (CGPS)
Modules and Cities Core Satisfaction with public institutions and services, Evaluation of Living Conditions and Importance of Issues Perception Survey questionnaire (European Union) 20 Cities Active Aging Occupation, retirement, volunteering, training, social contacts own questionnaire 3 Cities (Braunschweig, Bremen, Oberhausen) Inclusion Social Inclusion of people with disabilities 2 Cities (Bremen, Wiesbaden) Partici-pation Political participation, forms of civic and political participation 3 Cities (Koblenz, Saarbrücken, Wiesbaden) Family Family-friendliness of the city 1 City (Braunschweig) City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

7 Coordinated German Perception Survey 2012 (CGPS)
Cities by population size ( ) and Sample Size Frankfurt ( ) Kassel ( ) Stuttgart ( ) Saarbrücken ( ) Düsseldorf ( ) Darmstadt ( ) Bremen ( ) Heilbronn ( ) Dresden ( ) Fürth ( ) Nürnberg ( ) Koblenz ( ) Konstanz ( Mannheim ( ) Zwickau ( ) Wiesbaden ( ) Augsburg ( ) Braunschweig ( ) Freiburg ( ) Oberhausen ( ) City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

8 Coordinated German Perception Survey 2012 (CGPS)
Cities City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

9 Coordinated German Perception Survey 2012 (CGPS)
Dimensions and Indicators (Core Module) City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

10 Coordinated German Perception Survey 2012 (CGPS)
Dimensions and Indicators (Core Module) City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

11 Methodological Details
Single City Index (Module Core) Analysis City of Stuttgart Question All criteria are evaluated by citizen on a 4 point-scale. Missing Values The category ‘Don’t know/no answer’ is treated not as a missing value but rather as a kind of neutral position of a respondent. Standardization Single City Index Difference of percentage of the category ‘satisfied’ and ‘unsatisfied’ or ‘agree’ and ‘disagree’ [-100 %; %]. The resulting value is rescaled so that a score of 100 indicates maximum possible relative satisfaction or agreement and a score of 0 maximum possible relative dissatisfaction or disagreement. A score of 50 indicates a polarized perception or opinion in respect to a specific issue. City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

12 „It is easy to find a job“
Results 2012 Economic Aspects – Employment Opportunities City Index by population (German Cities) „It is easy to find a job“ Source: Coordinated Perception Survey 2012. City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

13 „It is easy to find a job?“
Results 2012 Economic Aspects – Employment Opportunities City Index by population (All Cities) „It is easy to find a job?“ Source: Coordinated Perception Survey 2012, Perception Survey 2012 (EU) City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

14 Results 2012 Social Aspects – Housing
City Index by population (All Cities) Source: Coordinated Perception Survey 2012, Perception Survey 2012 (EU) City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

15 Results 2012 Environment - Air City Index by population (All Cities)
The Quality of the air Source: Coordinated Perception Survey 2012, Perception Survey 2012 (EU) City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

16 Results 2012 City Index City Index “It is easy to find a job”
73 of 99 cities reach values under 50 points. Half of european cities reach values under 39 points. City Index “It is easy to find good housing at a reasonable price” 70 of 99 cities reach values under 50 points. Half of european cities reach values under 38 points. City Index “I am satisfied with the quality of air” 23 of 99 cities reach values under 50 points. Half of european cities reach values under 71 points. City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

17 Coordinated German Perception Survey 2012 (CGPS)
Statistical Interpretation Sample size The larger the sample size, the more sure the answers reflect the population. This indicates that for a given confidence level, the larger the sample size, the smaller the confidence interval. The sample size range between 500 and 1000. Confidence Level The 95% confidence level is used. Confidence Intervall Overlapping Intervalls indicates not significant values. City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

18 Results 2012 Statistical Interpretation: It is easy to find a job
Benchmark: Highest score in European Cities: Stuttgart 74 Points The graphic shows the mean of city index and standard error of the mean (+/- 2; Design Effect). Cities within confidence level (95 percent): München, Frankfurt City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

19 Results 2012 Statistical Interpretation: It is easy to find a good housing at a reasonable price Benchmark: Highest score in European Cities: Oviedo 72 Points The graphic shows the mean of city index and standard error of the mean (+/- 2; Design effect). Cities within confidence level (95 percent): Leipzig, Zwickau City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

20 Results 2012 Statistical Interpretation:The quality of the air
Benchmark: Highest score in European Cities: Rostock 95 The graphic shows the mean of city index and standard error of the mean (+/- 2; Design effect). Cities within confidence level (95 percent): Leipzig, Freiburg, Konstanz, Zwickau City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

21 Citation: European Social Survey (2012), Sampling for the European Social Survey Round VI: Principles and Requirements, Mannheim, European Social Survey, GESIS Guide1, Basic principles for sampling in cross-cultural surveys. City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

22 Contact City of Stuttgart Statistical Office + 49 711 216 - 98553
City of Stuttgart – Statistical Office

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