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Chris Yung Elementary School

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Yung Elementary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Yung Elementary School
4th Grade Mr. Breuer Mrs. Harrison Mrs. Krueger Mrs. Starkey September 28, 2017

2 First, we will view a video from our Superintendent, Dr. Waltz.

3 About Mrs. Krueger Hometown – Kalamazoo, Michigan
Education – Western Michigan University & University of Mary Washington 13th year teaching, 10th year of 4th grade Previously taught in Stafford Co., Montgomery Co. MD, Bahrain and Monterey, CA. Family – Married and a mom to 2 boys and our fur baby, Wilson


5 Our Class Schedule Time: Subject: 9:15-9:30 Arrival/Morning Meeting
9:30-10:15 VA History 10:15-11:05 Encore Rotations 11:05-12:30 Math 12:30-12:50 Recess 12:50-1:20 Lunch Table #5 1:20-2:45 Language Arts 2:45-3:15 Core Extension/Writing/Strings (Thursday & Friday) 3:15-3:55 Science

6 Our Encore Schedule 4th 10:15-11:05 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Krueger Library PE Music Art STEAM

7 Student Agendas, Homework and CYES Folders
Assignments are written down at the end of each day Students MUST write homework down – it is on the board each day Agendas will go to and from school each day Students are responsible for their agenda. Each student will only get ONE agenda for the year. Replacement agendas will have to be purchased if needed. Please initial their agenda daily. Homework: Homework is assigned each night. Math homework will consist of a review of previously taught content. Students will be expected to complete homework to the best of their ability. There is a maximum of 40 minutes of homework each evening-20 minutes of reading and 20 minutes of math White Chris Yung Folders: Folders must come to school each day. Please check for items that are “keep at home” and “bring back” Folders will have more information on Fridays (clubs, newsletters, PTO announcements, etc).

8 What is new in 4th grade? Transition from 3rd (primary) to 4th (upper)
Up to 40 minutes of homework More responsibility Shift in curriculum Lots of content (social studies/science) Not “Learning to Read” “Reading to Learn” Move towards independence

9 Why is reading at home important?

10 Virginia Studies VA Geography & Native Peoples
Locate VA & Bordering States Regions of VA VA Products and Industries Water Features of VA Locate Language Groups in VA Indian and Environment Archaeological Evidence State-recognized tribes Civil War Events Leading to Secession Role of VA in Civil War Role of Virginians First Permanent English Settlement Reasons for English Colonization Influence of Geography on Settlement VA Company of London Charters VA Assembly Arrival of Africans & Women Hardships at Jamestown Interaction with Native People Reconstruction of VA Effect of Reconstruction Effects of Segregation & “Jim Crow” Economic Development in VA Life In VA Colony Agriculture & Slavery Culture of Colonial VA Relocation of VA Capital Use of Money, Barter & Credit Everyday life VA in the 20th & 21st Centuries Industrialization in VA Virginians Impact International Events Desegregation in VA Political, Social, Economic Contributions VA in American Revolution Reasons for War with England Roles of Virginians in the Revolution Battle of Great Bridge, Jack Jouett Government and Economics of VA Government in VA VA & Global Economy Role of VA in New American Nation Roles of Washington and Madison Ideas of Mason & Jefferson Geography & Westward Movement Virginia Studies

11 Language Arts Reading Workshop
Read a variety of books across a variety of genres Building Reading Stamina Becoming proficient with reading strategies and skills -Reader’s Response Writing Workshop Writer’s Notebook Writing process taught through writer’s notebook

12 Language Arts Units of Study

13 Small Group Reading Instruction

14 Math-Quarter 1 Unit 1 Place Value, Addition & Subtraction
Unit 2 Factors, Multiples and Arrays Unit 3 Multiplication & Division

15 Math-Quarter 2 Unit 3 Multiplication & Division continued
Unit 4 Modeling & Computation of Fractions

16 Unit 6: Modeling and Computation of Decimals
Unit 5: Probability Unit 6: Modeling and Computation of Decimals Math-Quarter 3 Unit 7: Measurement Unit 8 Geometry

17 Unit 9: Patterns, Functions, Algebra
Math-Quarter 4 Unit 10: Data Analysis

18 Science Unit 1: Virginia Natural Resources Unit 5: Force and Motion
Watersheds and water resources Animals and plants Mineral, rocks, ores and energy sources Forests, soil and land resources **Science process skills (in all units) Unit 5: Force and Motion An objects motion Speed and direction of an object Friction Kinetic energy Unit 2: Weather Weather phenomena Air Pressure Air masses Cloud types Precipitation types Meteorological tools Unit 6: Electricity & Magnetism Conductors and insulators Basic circuits Static electricity Transformation of energy Electromagnets Contributions in electricity Unit 3: Solar System Planets in our solar system and their order Relative sizes of the planets Models of the solar system Unit 7: Ecosystems Plant and animal adaptions Organization of populations, communities and ecosystems Flow of energy through food webs Habitats and niches Changes in organism’s niche through its life cycle Human activity on ecosystems Unit 4: Earth-Moon-Sun Relationships Earth, sun and moon motions Seasons Phases of the moon Aristotle, Ptolemy, Copernicus and Galileo NASA Apollo Missions Unit 8: Plants Structure of typical plants and function of each structure Plant reproduction structures and processes Photosynthesis Adaptations of plants Science

19 Amazing Digital Resources
Dreambox for Math Benchmark Literacy for Reading

20 Grading in 4th Grade Quizzes: Weighted x 2 Tests: Weighted x 3

21 Student Led Conferences
What is a student-led conference? As a learning community we firmly believe in the value of parents as partners and keeping children in the CENTER! Students will have an opportunity to communicate to the adults, self-reflect, and set goals Conferences will be scheduled via Sign Up Genius Each conference will be allotted 20 minutes

22 Student Led Conferences
During the conference, the students will share… Data Binder Writer’s Notebook Reader’s Notebook/Reader’s Response Book(s) they are currently reading Virginia Studies Notebook The teacher will then provide an update on strengths and areas to grow.

23 4th Grade: Reading, Math, and Social Studies
SOL Test Information What are SOL tests? SOL (Standards of Learning) tests assess students’ mastery of the Virginia Department of Education objectives for student learning. Who takes SOL tests and what subjects will be tested? The state of Virginia and Prince William County Public Schools require the following tests: 4th Grade: Reading, Math, and Social Studies What information will be tested? To view the specific objectives for each grade and subject, go to the Virginia Department of Education website and click on “For Students” on the left side panel When will the tests be given? Tests will be given late spring

24 How can YOU get involved at CYES?
PTO Who: Parents and Teachers What: The Parent Teacher Organization helps create, plan and execute fun events for the whole family! Where: CYES library When: Third Tuesdays of each month How do you join: Come to our next meeting on Tuesday, October 17th at 7:00pm. There is a $20 membership fee but all families are welcome! Advisory Council Who: Parents, teachers, community members, and even students What: Work with the principal to develop a yearly plan for school programs and budget. They serve as a representative between the community and the school. When: Third Tuesday of each month. Where: Chris Yung Library How to join: Come to our next meeting on Tuesday, October 17th at 6:00pm!

25 PEP/Rosetta Stone is coming to CYES!!
PEP Means Parents as Educational Partners. It is an outreach program offered at CYES and is coordinated by the Office of English Learners. The class is designed to help families learn English while helping them become more involved in their student’s education. There is a table by the cafeteria where you can get more information about classes. Information will eb available in various languages. You will also be able to register before leaving tonight. Classes begin the first week Of October. Be sure to register early! _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts

26 Birthdays Due to a HUGE increase in the number of students with allergies, it is necessary that we all work together to keep our students safe! Here are some ways you can help keep our kids safe… Send in a token for each student such as a pencil, bookmark, sticker, eraser, etc. Send in a game for the classroom Donate a book to our classroom library. You can send in a $15 check for a name plate ad birthday message to be added to the book. (takes about 3 weeks) If you choose to send in an edible, NUT-FREE treat please let us know ahead of time. Label the treat with your child and the teachers name Treats will be served in the cafeteria At NO time may a child with food allergies be given a food item Treats may only be given out to our class.

27 Communication Class DOJO Monthly Newsletters
Dismissal Changes through or note (cc Mrs. Corder & Mrs. Wells) Twitter #CYESSteamEngines Website Chris Yung Phone (571)

28 Wrap Up Conferences: Sign-up Genius Field Trips
October 12 to Farm Field Days April 18 Jamestown Questions

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