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Well Construction TCEQ’S Environmental Trade Fair - Austin, Texas

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1 Well Construction TCEQ’S Environmental Trade Fair - Austin, Texas
May 6-7, 2014 Craig A. Stowell, P.E. Utilities Technical Review Team (UTRT)

2 Protection Strategy Multi-Barrier Approach
Site restrictions Well construction Disinfection - Treatment Monitoring Well Protection Domestic Water Wells Less stringent siting and construction No required treatment or monitoring

3 TCEQ Rules Public Water System (PWS) definition PWS well
15 or more connections 25 or more individuals at least 60 days [30 TAC §290.38(66)] PWS well 30 TAC §290.41(c) Groundwater sources and development 30 TAC §290.42(b) Groundwater Treatment When is a PWS well required? – See definition: A system that provides to the public water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances, which includes all uses described under the definition for drinking water. Such a system must have at least 15 service connections, or serve at least 25 individuals at least 60 days out of the year.

4 Other Rules Domestic Wells Both PWS and Domestic Wells
16 TAC §76 Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Both PWS and Domestic Wells Local Groundwater Conservation Districts Texas Water Development Board TDLR regulates domestic wells TWDB has map of all GCDs

5 Public Drinking vs. Domestic Water Wells
Poorly Constructed and Operated Wells can result in Bacteriological and/or Chemical Contamination of Wells Domestic Water Wells Less stringent siting and construction No required treatment or monitoring

6 Process Flow Diagram for Proposed Wells
Depicts the plan approval process including plans approval, interim well approval and final sampling and approval.

7 Proposed Well Submittal Documents
Cover letter Form TCEQ-10233 Engineering report Pollution hazard survey Draft sanitary control easement Scalable map Engineering plans & specifications Proposed Well Construction Checklist Engineering Report; System capacity requirements Well size and components Engineering plans & specifications by a Texas registered professional engineer; [§290.39(d)(1)] Pollution hazard survey; [§290.41(c)(1)(E)] Draft sanitary control easement; [§290.41(c)(1)(F)] Well location map.

8 Proposed New Systems Additional Documents
Business plan Core Data Form TCEQ-10400 Water systems within ½ mile and evidence of attempt to connect Business plan; [§290.39(f)] Engineering Report; [§290.39(e)(1)] Capacity requirements; [§290.45] Present and Future conditions Normal and Emergency operation Water systems within ½ mile and evidence of attempt to connect; [§290.39(c)] Core Data Form

9 Engineering Report Area Served PWS classification
Capacity Requirements Proposed Facilities Disinfection system Pressure tank Storage tank Pumps Survey of Pollution Hazards within ¼ mile Abandoned or inoperative wells Landfill and dump sites Animal feedlots Military, industrial or wood treatment facilities Liquid petroleum and petrochemical production, storage and transmission facilities Class 1, 2, 3 and 4 injection wells Pesticide storage and mixing facilities [§290.41(c)(1)(E)]

10 Pollution Hazards Survey
Abandoned or inoperative wells Landfill and dump sites Animal feedlots Military, industrial or wood treatment facilities Liquid petroleum and petrochemical production, storage and transmission facilities Class 1, 2, 3 and 4 injection wells Pesticide storage and mixing facilities [§290.41(c)(1)(E)] Survey of Pollution Hazards within ¼ mile Abandoned or inoperative wells Landfill and dump sites Animal feedlots Military, industrial or wood treatment facilities Liquid petroleum and petrochemical production, storage and transmission facilities Class 1, 2, 3 and 4 injection wells Pesticide storage and mixing facilities [§290.41(c)(1)(E)]

11 Set Back Distances 50 feet 150 feet
Sanitary sewer, septic tank, storm sewer Livestock in pasture 150 feet Septic tank drain-field, low dosage irrigation, low angle OSSF UG petroleum or chemical storage tank Improperly constructed well [§290.41(c)(1)(A)-(D)] 50 feet Sanitary sewer, septic tank, storm sewer Livestock in pasture 150 feet Septic tank drain-field, low dosage irrigation, low angle OSSF UG petroleum or chemical storage tank Improperly constructed well [§290.41(c)(1)(A)-(D)]

12 Set Back Distances cont.
300 feet Sewage wet well, lift station, drainage ditch 500 feet Sewage treatment plant, animal feed lots, solid waste disposal sites Properties treated with sewage [§290.41(c)(1)(A)-(D)] 300 feet Sewage wet well, lift station, drainage ditch 500 feet Sewage treatment plant, animal feed lots, solid waste disposal sites Properties treated with sewage [§290.41(c)(1)(A)-(D)]

13 Set Backs Depicts graphically the set back distances in prior two slides.

14 Map of Well Location Depicts an original or legible copy of a United States Geological Survey 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle showing the accurate well location to the executive director; and a map demonstrating the well location in relation to surrounding property boundaries. All map of well location.

15 Draft Sanitary Control Easement
Use restrictions within 150 feet of well Landowners must record easement Improperly constructed wells Substitute deed if PWS owns all property Draft Sanitary control easement Use restrictions within 150 feet of well- All setbacks and pollutions hazards. §290.41(c)(1)(F)(i) The sanitary control easement(s) secured shall provide that none of the pollution hazards covered in subparagraphs (A) - (E) of this paragraph, or any facilities that might create a danger of pollution to the water to be produced from the well, will be located thereon. §290.41(c)(1)(F)(ii) For the purpose of a sanitary control easement, an improperly constructed water well is one which fails to meet the surface and subsurface construction standards for public water supply wells. Residential type wells within a sanitary control easement must be constructed to public water well standards. [§290.41(c)]

16 Proposed Well Construction
Site Requirements: Premises, materials, tools and drilling equipment minimize contamination Water used for operations safe sanitary quality Drilling mud shall contain a chlorine residual of at least 0.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) Slush pit - minimize contamination Temporary toilet facilities within 150 feet Safeguards from trespassers §290.41(c)(2) The premises, materials, tools, and drilling equipment shall be maintained so as to minimize contamination of the groundwater during drilling operation. §290.41(c)(2)(A)Water used in any drilling operation shall be of safe sanitary quality. Water used in the mixing of drilling fluids or mud shall contain a chlorine residual of at least 0.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L). §290.41(c)(2)(B) The slush pit shall be constructed and maintained so as to minimize contamination of the drilling mud. §290.41(c)(2)(C) No temporary toilet facilities shall be maintained within 150 feet of the well being constructed unless they are of a sealed, leakproof type.

17 Proposed Well Construction (continue 1)
Well Casing Requirements; AWWA Casing extends 18 inches above floor Pressure cemented per AWWA Appendix C Pressure cemented extends to developed formation Contains no more than 0.25% lead

18 Proposed Well Construction (continue 2)
Well Head Requirements; Two feet above 100-year flood elevation Slab edge three feet from the well casing in all directions with slope Sealed by a gasket or sealing compound Blow-off line points downward Sampling cock Flow measuring devices

19 Proposed Well Construction (continue 3)
Other Requirements; Well gravel pack disinfected Well disinfected per AWWA for six hours All weather access road Intruder resistance fence

20 Disinfection Disinfection facilities shall be provided for all groundwater supplies Chlorine Gas Sodium Hypochlorite [§290.42(b)(1)] §290.42(b)(1) Disinfection facilities shall be provided for all groundwater supplies for the purpose of microbiological control and distribution protection and shall be in conformity with applicable disinfection requirements in subsection (e) of this section.

21 Treatment Treatment facilities required if water does not meet drinking water standards. Arsenic Iron and manganese TDS 4-log removal or inactivation of viruses based on raw water sampling results [§290.42(b)(2)] §290.42(b)(1) Disinfection facilities shall be provided for all groundwater supplies for the purpose of microbiological control and distribution protection and shall be in conformity with applicable disinfection requirements in subsection (e) of this section. §290.42(b)(8) The executive director may require 4-log removal or inactivation of viruses based on raw water sampling results required by § of this title (relating to Groundwater Corrective Actions and Treatment Techniques). § (a) Applicability. All groundwater public water systems must comply with the treatment techniques and corrective actions of this section if a raw groundwater source sample was positive for fecal indicators or if the system is not required to conduct raw groundwater source monitoring because it provides at least 4-log treatment of viruses.

22 Ground Water Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water
Depicts a ground water under the influence of surface water. Induced recharge of the well. Increased Monitoring

23 Rule Exceptions Must proceed the submission of plans
Submit to Technical Review & Oversight Team (TROT) Written request with documentation Cite regulations for exception Cannot compromise public health [§290.39(l)(1-4) Must proceed the submission of plans Written Request with documentation Cite the regulations for exception Submit to TROT Cannot Compromise Public Health or Degrade service or water quality

24 Exception Flow Chart Well proposal submittal exceptions submitted to Technical and Review Team (TROT) §290.39(c)(1) or §290.39(l)(1) TROT Approves Well plans and specifications submitted to UTRT Upon Approval, well data used for source water assessments, sampling, and monitoring TROT Disapproves Revise and resubmit if applicable The flow chart describes the exceptions process. An exception must be approved before the plans and specifications can be approved . The well data is used by source water assessments, sampling and monitoring §290.39(c)(1) (c) Required actions and approvals prior to construction. A person may not begin construction of a public drinking water supply system unless the executive director determines the following requirements have been satisfied and approves construction of the proposed system.   (1) A person proposing to install a public drinking water system within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality; or within 1/2-mile of the corporate boundaries of a district, or other political subdivision providing the same service; or within 1/2-mile of a certificated service area boundary of any other water service provider shall provide to the executive director evidence that: §290.39(l)(1) The exception must be requested in writing and must be substantiated by carefully documented data. The request for an exception shall precede the submission of engineering plans and specifications for a proposed project for which an exception is being requested.

25 Common Exceptions Setbacks Sanitary control easement
Improper pressure cementation Treatment technologies Common Exceptions Setbacks – USTs, abandoned wells, livestock, pipelines, sewage, septic tanks, etc. can infringe on setback distance to well Sanitary Control Easement Unapproved Existing Wells – Risky due to common problems such as collapsed casing, inadequate cement, etc. and can result in increased sampling costs * Arsenic, TDS, Iron

26 Potential Approval Conditions
Steel casing required if petroleum tanks are in the vicinity of a well Increased raw water sampling Granted exceptions subject to revocation Design Changes – e.g. The requirement of steel casing if petroleum tanks are in the vicinity of a well Increased raw water sampling Any exception granted by the commission is subject to revocation

27 Construct Well TCEQ Approval Letter
Construct in Accordance with the approved plans and specifications 48 hours notice to TCEQ before cementing Unforeseen circumstances, call TCEQ UTRT at (512) TCEQ Approval Letter Construct in Accordance with the approved plans and specifications 48 hours notice to TCEQ before cementing Unforeseen circumstances, call TCEQ

28 Well Completion Submittal
State of Texas well report Recorded sanitary control easement Well location – USGS 7.5 Min topographic map 36 - hour pump test Raw water chemical analysis Bacteriological tests State of Texas well report Recorded sanitary control easement Well location – USGS 7.5 Min topographic map 36- hour pump test Raw water chemical analysis Bacteriological tests [§290.41(c)(3)(A)]

29 Final Steps Receive interim approval
Call TCEQ to arrange for the official samples to be taken by TCEQ contractor Receive final approval Continuous monitoring as PWS Call TCEQ to arrange for the official samples to be taken by TCEQ contractor

30 TCEQ Website –
PLAN REVIEW STAFF Vera Poe, P.E. (Team Leader) Kamal Adhikari, E.I.T. Brian Dickey Heidi Graham, E.I.T. John Lock, P.E. Craig A. Stowell, P.E. Johnathan Pi, P.E. Pritesh Tripathi Jose Castillo, P.E. Telephone (512) TCEQ Website – Plan Review Website: Vera Poe, P.E. (Team Leader) Kamal Adhikari, E.I.T. Brian Dickey Heidi Graham, E.I.T. John Lock, P.E. Craig A. Stowell, P.E. Johnathan Pi, P.E. Pritesh Tripathi Jose Castillo, P.E. Telephone (512) TCEQ Website – Plan Review Website – www.

31 Forms and Checklists Plan Review Website: Check Plan Review Status
Check Plan Review Status Download Well Construction and Well Completion for Interim Approval Checklists TCEQ Well Standard Construction Notes Links to Public Drinking Water Staff Guidance Documents Plan Review Website - Check Plan Review Status Download Well Construction and Well Completion for Interim Approval Checklists Get updates on rules and new information Links to Public Drinking Water Staff Guidance Documents

32 (512) 239-4633
Questions? TCEQ Utilities Technical Review Team (512) TCEQ Utilities Technical Review Team 512/

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