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Terrorism and Israel.

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1 Terrorism and Israel




5 Various Arab terrorist groups vs. Israel
TERRORIST WARS: Various Arab terrorist groups vs. Israel The 2 main Arab terrorist groups: PLO – active in 1960’s and 1970’s Hamas – active since the 1980’s

6 TERRORIST WARS: ***The goal of the PLO and Hamas WAS to “destroy Israel and regain homeland for displaced Palestinian people”. Current aim is to gain a Palestinian homeland based on the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

7 TERRORIST WARS: Use of unconventional war – aircraft hijacking, car bombings, suicide bombers. Very brutal warfare.

8 TERRORIST WARS: Results: 1. From 1960’s to 1980’s, increased tension between Israel and neighbouring Arab states that harboured Palestinian terrorists.

9 TERRORIST WARS: 2. Resulted in dramatic attack and large numbers of civilian casualties (ex: Munich Olympics Massacre, 1972) and Hamas suicide bombers today.

10 4. Palestinians gained a very negative image as terrorists.
TERRORIST WARS: 3. Forced Israel to become a “police state” with a negative image worldwide. 4. Palestinians gained a very negative image as terrorists.



13 Means “rebellion” in English.
FIRST INTIFADAH: Means “rebellion” in English. Palestinians in occupied territories (Gaza, West Bank) conduct mass public demonstrations/riots against Israeli police and Army.

14 The aim is to force Israel out.
FIRST INTIFADAH: The aim is to force Israel out. Stone throwing and street barricades meet rubber bullets from the Israeli Army.

15 1. Worldwide negative public image of Israeli repression.
FIRST INTIFADAH: Results: 1. Worldwide negative public image of Israeli repression. 2. Very violent with many deaths on both sides. 3. Forced Israel to adopt peace talks as they had no way to win.

16 Broke out in 2000 and continues today. Known as the Al-Aqsa Intifadah.
SECOND INTIFADAH: Broke out in 2000 and continues today. Known as the Al-Aqsa Intifadah. To date, the death toll is 5,300 Pal. & 1,000 Israelis.

17 “Palestinian Liberation Organization”
THE P.L.O.: “Palestinian Liberation Organization” Founded in 1964, its goal was to end the Israeli occupation and gain freedom for Pal. people. Regarded by the Arab League since Oct as the "sole legitimate representative of the Pal. people."

18 “Palestinian Liberation Organization”
THE P.L.O.: “Palestinian Liberation Organization” Founded in 1964, its goal was to end the Israeli occupation and gain freedom for Pal. people. Regarded by the Arab League since Oct as the "sole legitimate representative of the Pal. people."

19 In 1974, the PLO was granted observer status – no right to vote.
In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, the PLO carried out a number of attacks and plane hijackings – mostly directed at Israel. In 1974, the PLO was granted observer status – no right to vote.

20 Yasser Arafat led the PLO from 1964 until his death in 2004.

21 “Palestinian National Authority”
THE P.N.A.: “Palestinian National Authority” Is the administrative organization established to govern the W.B. & G.S. Formed in 1994 after the Oslo Accords, it was supposed to last until 1999. It is a part of the PLO.

22 Mahmoud Abbas took over as President after Arafat’s death in 2004.
THE P.N.A.: Mahmoud Abbas took over as President after Arafat’s death in 2004.

23 Means “Islamic Resistance Movement” in English.
HAMAS: Means “Islamic Resistance Movement” in English. Is a Pal. military organization and political party which currently holds a majority of seats in the elected legislative council of the PNA.

24 Created in 1987 at the beginning of the 1st Intifada.
HAMAS: Created in 1987 at the beginning of the 1st Intifada. Notorious for its numerous suicide bombings and other attacks on Israeli civilians and security forces.

25 HAMAS: Hamas also runs extensive social programs and has gained popularity in Pal. society by establishing hospitals, education systems, libraries and other services throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

26 HAMAS: Hamas' charter calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and its replacement with a Pal. Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the W.B., and the G.S.

27 HAMAS: As of 2008, Hamas is listed as a terrorist organization by Canada, the European Union, Israel, Japan, and the USA, and is banned in Jordan.

28 The Attempts for PEACE

29 Main Provision/Results
CAMP DAVID (1978): Involved? Main Provision/Results ISRAEL (P.M. Begin), EGYPT (Pres. Sadat) + USA (Pres. Carter mediated) - Peace treaty between Israel and Egypt - Israel withdrew from SINAI region which is returned to Egypt - Egypt recognizes right of Israel to exist and establishes diplomatic relations - PLO and other Arab states oppose the Accord - Sadat was assassinated in 1981 by Islamic fundamentalists who opposed the Accord

30 Camp David

31 Main Provision/Results
MADRID TALKS (1991): Involved? Main Provision/Results ISRAEL (P.M. Shamir), ARAB STATES (Syria, Lebanon, PLO, Jordan) Spain – Host; USA/USSR – co-sponsors - For the first time, Israel entered into direct, face-to-face negotiations with Syria, the Palestinians, etc. - Targeted issues that concern the entire Middle East, such as water, environment, arms control, refugees and economic development. - Disrupted by violent attacks in Spain during the conferences.

32 Main Provision/Results
OSLO ACCORDS (1993): Involved? Main Provision/Results ISRAEL (P.M. Rabin), PLO (Chairman Yasser Arafat) - Israel agreed to withdrawal from Occupied Territories (G.S. & W.B.) in the near future and accept PLO self-rule in both areas - Israel immediately withdrawals from the town of Jericho (W.B.) thus PLO gains control of 20% of the West Bank - Israel accepts the PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people - PLO renounces terrorism and its aim to destroy Israel! - PLO sets up the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) to govern under President Arafat

33 Oslo Accords

34 Main Provision/Results
WASHINGTON DECLARATION (1994): Involved? Main Provision/Results ISRAEL (P.M. Rabin), JORDAN (King Hussein) - Peace and diplomatic relations established - Ended 46 years of war between both countries

35 Main Provision/Results
OSLO II AGREEMENT (1995): Involved? Main Provision/Results ISRAEL (P.M. Rabin), PNA (Pres. Arafat) - Israel withdrawals from 7 Palestinian towns in the W.B. - Elections are to be held in Palestinian territories for self-government - Rabin assassinated by Jewish fundamentalist in order to destroy peace process

36 Main Provision/Results
WYE RIVER (1998): Involved? Main Provision/Results ISRAEL (P.M. Netanyahu), PNA (Pres. Arafat), USA (Pres. Clinton mediated) - Aim was to “speed up” Oslo Process which was failing as both sides were not following terms; 1. PNA couldn’t stop terrorist attacks against Israel and settlements inside Occupied Territories 2. Israel continued to build new settlements and did not meet withdrawal timetable from WB. - Intifadah had led to great conflict in O.T. - Israel agreed to withdrawal from more areas in W.B. - PLO would remove the written aim to destroy Israel from charter - PNA agreed to stop Hamas terrorism and collect thousands of illegal weapons in the O.T.

37 Main Provision/Results
"ROADMAP TO PEACE" (2003): Involved? Main Provision/Results ISRAEL (P.M. Sharon), PNA (Pres. Arafat), USA (Pres. Bush II initiated) - Aim was to restart peace process which had failed due to Intifadah 2 - Israeli repression continued (Israel continued to build settlements in the W.B.) - Pal. violence against Israel was  (this had destroyed Oslo Accord I) - USA’s plan was to restart Oslo and create a “two-state-solution” for region = Create country of Pal. - A Palestinian state would be allowed to exist in return for Israeli security from Palestinian terrorist attacks - Process has not worked well – Palestinian terrorism has continued and Israel still builds more settlements in the W.B.

38 Main Provision/Results
ISRAEL'S UNILATERAL APPROACH (2003): Involved? Main Provision/Results ISRAEL (P.M. Sharon) - Israel lost all faith in PNA (Pres. Arafat) as it could not stop Pal. terrorism - Israel begins to build “security wall” and plans for unilateral withdrawal from G.S. - The aim was to separate Palestinians from Israelis, thus achieve security from terrorism




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