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¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español!

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Presentation on theme: "¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español!"— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español!
Revised Aug 2018 ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de Español! Be sure students are registered, if not, be sure they have an access acct (particularly for 1A students and Sp 1 students) and have the facilitator send the list to their VS contact.

2 Yo puedo… I can… I can… Understand and say some common Spanish phrases
Tell some Spanish speaking countries Spell words in Spanish List reasons to study Spanish Send an Log on to my course Navigate my course home (find lessons, quizzes) Type Spanish accent marks

Bienvenidos- Welcome! Did you know that Spanish is an official language for 21 countries and about 450 million people? Learn the places and how to say them here: At the bottom of the map- Select Mostrar todo and Check the box for Voz Repeat after the voice Wikimedia Commons: Aaker, 2007

4 ¿Por qué estudiar el español? Why study Spanish?
Reasons for studying a world language vary. Here are some common ones: increase job opportunities travel and talk with people from around the world learn about people, places, and customs different from my own be able to read books, listen to music or watch movies made in another language expand vocabulary Discuss the reasons and benefits of studying a world language. Ask students what they want to learn this year. If students say they are taking the course just as a requirement, remind them that they want to get the most out of their time this year by focusing on aspects of the language and culture that interest them. ¿Y tú? And you? What can you do with Spanish?

5 El alfabeto
Using your headphones, listen and repeat each sound; be sure to follow the string. Now, select the letters in your Spanish name. Practice spelling your Spanish name with an amigo. Practice saying the alphabet as a class. Spell names of countries and tell which was spelled. Spell the names of classroom objects If time permits, watch this video of an alphabet song in Spanish by Basho & Friends. The 1st site is the black background and you run the cursor over the letters to hear the sound. We may want to use it throughout the year. The second site is more challenging…… Have students spell out their Spanish names to practice pronunciations of the letters.

6 En la clase necesitas… el audífono el lápiz el cuaderno
Students must bring these to class everyday. el audífono el lápiz el cuaderno

7 En la clase necesitas… start class each day by checking your briefly for anything from your teacher/facilitator Online Course: log-on to WVLEARNS and click your Spanish course to access daily lessons. Follow the pacing guide that your Spanish teacher posts Student Reference Guide- You must have this notebook (vocabulary and grammar notes from the online course) each day in front of you

8 Notas y Crédito Grading and Course Credit
Grading Scale WV Policy 2515 Percent Grade A 80- 89 B 70- 79 C 60- 69 D 59 and below F High School Credit Course title Grade Level Credit Spanish 1 A 7th grade ½ HS credit Spanish 1 B 8th grade Spanish 1 8th-12th 1 HS credit Spanish 2 9th-12th Explain the course format for the online courses for Spanish.

9 Sección DOS Section 2

10 Discusión - Discussion
What have you heard about the best way to learn Spanish? Research shows that the most important thing for learning languages is hearing the language. It can be a little confusing when we first start, and that is OK!

11 Aprender - Learning Here are some of the most important things that you can do to learn Spanish: Listen and try to understand what’s being said WITHOUT freaking out Repeat words aloud Be prepared to have fun and play Expect to be confused sometimes and just relax Use what was learned in previous units to build vocabulary Focus on progress, not perfection

12 Acento gráfico - Accent Marks
Be sure num lock is on to create accents and special punctuation Practice creating accented letters on a Word Doc Num Lock á Alt 160 é Alt 130 í Alt 161 ó Alt 162 ú Alt 163 ñ Alt 164 Alt 173 Alt 168

13 Correo electrónico - Email
Create New Teacher’s Have students practice logging into accounts. Facilitator’s Spanish name, Last name, Your school, Level, Subject Body of the

14 Envía un correo electrónico – Send an Email
Send your Spanish teacher and Facilitator an in English introducing yourself and telling about your summer activities. You can begin your message: Me llamo... In your introduction please include a little information about yourself (your hobbies and interests for example, or favorite food, book, movie, sport, etc). Be sure to fill in the subject line correctly and proofread your message. EVERY sent by students to us should include Spanish name, English last name, and School in the subject line.

15 Netiquette Keep your passwords confidential
Maintain responsible and respectful communication See if students can come up with others – and create a class covenant by which students will hold themselves and each other accountable….. Netiquette

16 Cuaderno- Student Reference Guide
Table of Contents Vocabulary sheets I Can Statements Notes & Grammar Phone teachers are encouraged to use the Rainbow Journals/Written Journal Entries, however use your discretion for time and utility.

17 Integridad - Academic Integrity Policy
READ & SIGN Located in the Student Reference Guide

18 Have your notebook organized and ready for class each day
Tarea - Homework Study 20 minutes every night! Lessons 1-5- memorize 1-2 sets of vocabulary per night Lesson 6*- read the grammar lesson pages Lesson 7*- review all vocabulary sets from unit Lesson 8*- review the unit vocab & grammar lesson Have your notebook organized and ready for class each day *HS classes will complete at double-pace

19 Vocabulario de la clase
Levanten la mano Let’s begin learning some of our classroom vocabulary…go through the pages with them. Model and practice. Ensure the facilitator is modeling as well. Repitan Escuchen

20 No sé No comprendo ¿Cómo se dice? ¿Cómo se escribe? Tengo una pregunta
These are just highlighted words that students should learn from the get go – be sure to go over all of the vocabulary. ¿Cómo se dice? ¿Cómo se escribe?

21 ¡VAMOS A JUGAR! Here we can play Símon Dice with classroom diccionario commands- have students find as many of the actions as they can before beginning the game. “levanten la mano” OR Muéstrame – have them hold up items OR introductions of each other ¿Cómo te llamas?

22 Sección tres Section 3

23 Use your Office 365 login and password
El Curso- The Course WVLearns Once registered, students will use their Office 365 and password to log on to WV Learns. Use your Office 365 login and password

24 Mi Perfil- My Profile See next slide

25 Mi Perfil- My Profile Photo Spanish name Birthday
Parent or guardian phone number/ Interests Hobby Once all profiles are done – students will return to their home page with the class listing. Have your facilitator double check your information before you save to check off that your profile is completed.

26 Mi Perfil- My Profile Fill in your Profile
Be sure to include your parent’s or guardian’s and phone number Have your facilitator check that you have finished. Add your picture so your teacher will know what you look like right away! Facilitators Spanish teacher when the profiles are complete.

27 Navegando el Curso Navigating the Course
Go to: Click Here for Scavenger Hunt Check your replies with a classmate or with your whole class Please PRINT this linked document for the Scavenger Hunt sheet. Students should take their time exploring the curriculum in this activity.

28 Yo puedo… I can… I can… Understand and say some common Spanish phrases
Tell some Spanish speaking countries Spell words in Spanish List reasons to study Spanish Send an Log on to my course Navigate my course home (find lessons, quizzes) Type Spanish accent marks

29 Prueba - Quiz When your facilitator tells you to do so, open the quiz under Assessments called Orientation and complete the quiz. Remember: only start the quiz if you have time (at least 10 minutes) to complete and submit the quiz by the end of class.

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