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People Responsible For Health and Safety

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Presentation on theme: "People Responsible For Health and Safety"— Presentation transcript:

1 People Responsible For Health and Safety
Health and Safety Executive Managing Director Health and Safety Officer Health and Safety Representative Employees Contractors Visitors

2 Health and Safety Executive
An Independent organisation set up to oversee and enforce health and safety law in workplace establishments, their main responsibilities are to: Provide advice on health and safety law to employers. Enter premises to carry out safety checks (with law enforcement officers if necessary). Close premises down in extreme cases. Issue warning notices to employers to improve health and safety procedures/standards. Conduct investigations into accidents, dangerous incidents and work related diseases. Initiate legal proceedings where neglect to health and safety results in serious injury, death, or spread of disease.

3 Managing Director (Employer)
The Managing Director has overall responsibility (corporate responsibility) for health and safety within the company they will, if there are a sufficient number of employees: Set up a health and safety policy/statement (if there are 5 or more employees) Appoint a health and safety officer to oversee health and safety in the organisation (larger companies). Organise regular health and safety committee meetings to discuss and deal with any issues. Seek to resolve any concerns or issues relating to health and safety. Co-operate with the health and safety executive on issues relating to health and safety. Provide information, training and personal protective equipment to enable employees to carry out their duties safely. Carry out Risk Assessments and record findings (if there are 5 or more employees) Maintain all machinery, tools and equipment which employees use in the course of their daily work. Enforce all Health and Safety Legislation and Regulations applicable to the company and take appropriate action against employees where there are breaches 10) Provide First Aid and appoint a suitably qualified first aider to administer first aid 11) Provide welfare facilities for Employees

4 Health and Safety Officer
In larger companies the Health and Safety Officer is a suitably qualified person appointed by the organisation to oversee health and safety within the company, their main responsibilities include: Agreeing a health and safety policy along with the Managing Director. Carrying out regular health and safety checks to ensure conditions are up to an acceptable standard. Carrying out regular Risk Assessments to ensure all necessary precautions are in place to reduce the risk of accident or injury. Organising health and safety training for employees. Keeping a record of any accidents or incidents that occur within the organisation and reporting to the HSE where necessary. Investigating any accidents or incidents that occur within the organisation. Leasing with health and safety representatives and reporting any issues to the managing director.

5 Health and Safety Representatives
Health and Safety Representatives may be appointed in larger companies, they are usually experienced workers who are appointed by employees or Trade unions to represent the workers in their area, their main responsibilities include: Monitoring health and safety and working conditions within their department. Raising employees concerns with the Health and Safety Officer. 3) Representing Employees when there are issues relating to Health and Safety. 4) Assisting with Health and Safety checks and risk assessment.

6 Employees It is the responsibility of all employees to:
Ensure that they take reasonable care of their own safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions or what they fail to do. Participate in any training required to carry out their role. Report all accidents, injuries, work related diseases and dangerous incidents to their supervisor or safety representative. Co-operate with their employer with respect to health and safety. Co-operate with the health and safety executive with respect to any investigation. Use all machinery, equipment and Personal protective equipment correctly and in accordance with training and instructions. 7) Abide by any Legislation and Regulations that are applicable to their place of work

7 Contractors and Visitors
Follow any systems of work put in place by their employer or the company where they are carrying out work. Follow any Legislation and Regulations applicable. Follow any specific instructions or procedures laid out by the company. Wear any PPE required in designated areas. Report any accidents or incidents to the company Visitors Participate in any health and safety induction and follow any instructions and information provided by the company with regard to health and safety. Remain within designated areas whilst on the premises Comply with any applicable regulations

8 Health and Safety Committee
The Health and Safety Committee consists of the Managing Director, the Health and Safety Officer, Health and Safety Representatives, and Union Officials, their main responsibility is to meet on a regular basis to discuss: Any health and safety issues that have arisen since the previous meeting. Any accidents or incidents that have occurred. Any changes that need to be implemented. Any other business relating to health and safety.

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