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YMOY - UNIT 2017 has seen many updates and

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1 YMOY - UNIT 2017 has seen many updates and
improvements to the Young Marines Program to include the Young Marine of the Year Selection. This presentation will guide you through the process of selecting a Unit Young Marine of the Year by completing a selection board and reporting the results; all in the Young Marines Database!

2 YMOY - UNIT Eligibility Requirements:
All Young Marines with a minimum of one (1) year in the program since date of recruit graduation (promotion to YM-PVT). Click on “YMOY” to view requirements for each level of Young Marine of the Year.

3 YMOY - UNIT YMOY Requirements Overview

4 YMOY - UNIT Eligibility:
To view eligible YMs in your unit, select “Eligibility Matrix” from the YMOY Menu.

5 YMOY - UNIT To view all unit level active Young Marines’ eligibility:
Select “All Active Young Marines” then click “Save”.

6 YMOY - UNIT To view only unit level eligible Young Marines:
Select “Eligible Young Marines Only” then click “Save”.

7 YMOY - UNIT Start the Unit YMOY selection by first setting up the Board. Click on “Unit Boards” in the YMOY Menu Select “Set Up Board” Note: Only one board may be set up per operating year. Then, set the Board date

8 YMOY - UNIT The next step will be selecting the Board Members.
Unit board consists of UC, XO, & one additional RA (minimum). One of the unit’s senior ranking YMs can be a member if UC desires and that YM is not a candidate for Unit YMOY. One guest member may be included (i.e., local council member, mayor, CEO of business that supports unit, etc.). If UC or XO is unavailable, senior board member may appoint another RA to the board.

9 YMOY - UNIT Once the board has been set up, several menu items will appear. “Set-Up Board” will allow you to edit the board members or date. “Nominees” will display the YM’s Name, Rank, Age (on 12/31), contact s, and link to “View Record Book” To generate an to eligible Young Marines, select “ s”, then “Generate ”

10 YMOY - UNIT s may be sent to each eligible YM, along with their “lives with” contacts, to provide upcoming selection board date and location, uniform requirements, etc.

11 YMOY - UNIT Selection Board Results
Selection boards have begun, now its time to record and report the results for Unit Young Marine of the Year Selection. Select “Results”

12 YMOY - UNIT Selection Board Results:
When completing the results report, include notes on each YM’s performance. Try to keep notes positive and constructive. If a YM did not stand the board, please note the reason. Board Summary: Should contain a synopsis of the entire board process and include an explanation for the YMOY selection. This page may be saved each time an edit or addition is made. Be sure it is complete prior to selecting “Finalize”.

13 YMOY - UNIT Finalize Report:
When “Finalize” is selected, a pop-up will appear asking if is your intent to submit results up the chain. Once “OK” is selected, the board results and report cannot be changed.* *If YMOY board results are disputed, only YMNHQ may may make changes to the YMOY board results.

14 YMOY - UNIT Board History:
Once a YMOY board has been completed, results are viewable by selecting “Unit Boards” in the “YMOY” menu. From here, there is the option to “View Report” and “View Record Book” of the selected YMOY. Note: YMOY ribbon award is not automatically awarded to avoid premature notification through Fall In.

15 YMOY - UNIT Unit YMOY Report:
YMOY Selection Report is automatically ed to the Commanders at Battalion, Regiment and Division, as well as the Deputy Directors at Headquarters. Report contains list of Board Members, selected YMOY with notes, and the Board Summary.

16 YMOY - UNIT Questions If you have any questions regarding the YMOY selection process or criteria, please contact your Division Commander. If you have questions regarding the YMOY reporting procedure, please contact YMNHQ at ext 204 or

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