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Teaching Speaking & Listening

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1 Teaching Speaking & Listening

2 Name: George Elliott Koichi Whitehead
Nationality: Canadian Country of Residence: South Korea Occupation: Assistant Professor Non- Academic Hobbies: Muay Thai Kickboxing

3 family

4 Education Associates of Arts BA (Linguistics)
Certificate for Teaching ESL Linguistics (30 Credit courses + 30 hr. practicum) MA (TEFL/ TESL) PhD Education (in progress)

5 work 1999 & 2003 The beginning…


7 2016-Present 2017-Present

8 Recent Publications Whitehead, G. & Greener, V. ( in preparation). Beyond good teaching practices: Exploring learners' views of language teacher leadership. Whitehead, G. & Ramos, I. (under review). Developing Effective Teacher Talk: A critical self-examination of an ESP syllabus designed for in-service teachers. The Journal of Asia TEFL. Hiver, P., & Whitehead, G. (2018). Teaching metacognitively: Adaptive inside-out thinking in the L2 classroom. In C. Bjørke, M. Dypedahl, & Å. Haukås (Eds.), Metacognition in Language Learning and Teaching. New York, NY: Routledge. Hiver, P., & Whitehead, G. (2018). Sites of struggle: The co-construction of language teacher agency and teacher identity through classroom practice. System [Special Issue] Interdisciplinarity in Language Teacher Agency: Theoretical and Analytical Explorations. Whitehead, G. (2017). Teachers’ voices: Obstacles to communicative language teaching in South Korea. Asian EFL Journal, 18 (4), 5-31. Whitehead, G. (2016). The rise and fall of the National English Ability Test: Examining Korean high school English teachers’ perspectives. Asian EFL Journal, 19 (4) Greenier, V., & Whitehead, G. (2016). Towards a model of teacher leadership in ELT: Authentic leadership in classroom practice. RELC Journal, 47(1), DOI: /

9 Additional Publications
Gang, Y.S., Kim, H.D., Whitehead, G., Goo, Y.S., Gwon, H.Y., Han, G., & Hong, G.M. (2018). Middle School English 1. Seoul, South Korea: Darakwon. Gang, Y.S., Kim, H.D., Whitehead, G., Goo, Y.S., Gwon, H.Y., Han, G., & Hong, G.M. (2019). Middle School English 2. Seoul, South Korea: Darakwon. Gang, Y.S., Kim, H.D., Whitehead, G., Goo, Y.S., Gwon, H.Y., Han, G., & Hong, G.M. (2020). Middle School English 3. Seoul, South Korea: Darakwon.

10 Peer review & Editing Asian EFL Journal - Editor/ Reviewer ( Asian ESP Journal – Editor/ Reviewer ( System – Guest reviewer (

11 Academic presentations
Whitehead, G. (2014). English Today. Presented at Chodang high school student workshop, Yongin, South Korea. October, 2014. Whitehead, G & Hwang.H. (2014). The ‘Double Iceberg’ model . Presented at Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK) international conference, Seoul , South Korea. September, 2014.   Invited panel member: Facing the facts: Perspectives on the possibilities for change in Korean English language teaching. Gyeonggi Foreign Language Education Conference (GFLEC), Pyeongtaek, South Korea. November, 2013.   Invited panel member: Considering the future of English language teaching in Korea.Gyeonggi-do International Teachers’ Conference (GITC), Pyeongtaek, South Korea. October, 2012. Whitehead, G., & Hwang, H. (2012). Examining teacher talk in Korean English classrooms: Advocating the judicious use of L1. Paper presented at Gyeonggi-do International Teachers’ Conference (GITC), Pyeongtaek , South Korea. October,   Whitehead, G. (2011). Evaluating the use of L1 in Korean English classrooms. Presented at Gyeonggi-do International Teachers’ Conference (GITC), Pyeongtaek, South Korea. November, 2011. . Whitehead, G. (2017). A Guided Analysis of Effective Language Teaching. Presented at Seoul KOTESOL workshop, Seoul, South Korea. June, 2017. Whitehead, G. (2016). Analyzing Effective Teaching through Video Analysis. Presented at Yongin KOTESOL workshop, Yongin, South Korea. May, 2016.   Whitehead, G. (2016). Setting the groundwork for student motivation: The role of the teacher. Presented at the Seoul National Conference, Seoul, South Korea. April, 2016.  Whitehead, G. (2015). Motivated Learners: A Focus on the Teacher. Presented at Suwon KOTESOL workshop, Suwon, South Korea. October, 2015.   Whitehead, G. (2015). Connecting with Young Learners: Relevance and Relatability. Presented at Gwangmyeong City elementary language teacher workshop, Gwangmyeong, South Korea. October, 2015.   Whitehead, G. (2015). Sparking Students' Interest and Engagement through Contextual Connections. Presented at Yongin KOTESOL workshop, Yongin, South Korea. September, 2015.


13 Aims, Content, Schedule, Evaluation
Course overview Aims, Content, Schedule, Evaluation

14 By the end of this course you will have…
gained a richer understanding of the key aspects of teaching speaking & listening today. increased their understanding of different approaches to teaching speaking & listening. developed their ability to conduct their own speaking & listening lesson. developed their ability to critically appraise speaking & listening lessons.

15 Course Schedule Introduction to Speaking & Listening
Examining the key aspects of listening and speaking Intercultural communication Speaking & Listening activities Teacher-talk Speaking & Listening experience Comprehensible pronunciation Project-based learning Designing your own project Project fair EMArt – English Music Art Lesson planning Finalizing lesson plans and materials/ practice Speaking & listening mini-lesson

16 Expectations come to class with open, positive mind, ready to share and learn with others. actively participate in class discussions and activities. contribute ideas, efforts, and experiences to class/groups. show respect and contribute positively towards discussions, class atmosphere, peers, and instructor. submit assignments on time. professional conduct and communication with the course professor.

17 Grading Attendance 20 points
Participation, Professionalism, Excellence 30 points Class assignments points Mini Lesson points Total points

18 attendance If you are going to be late or absent please send me a message before class if possible. If you are going to be late or absent please send me a message before class if possible. *Attendance includes being here on time prepared for class. Arriving 5 minutes or more after the start of class will be marked as late. For each late mark you will receive a 1 point deduction in attendance Arriving 30 minutes or more after the start of class will be marked as absent. For each absence you will receive a 2 point deduction in attendance *Absences and lateness may be excused with a valid reason

19 Participation, Professionalism, Excellence
Participation includes all classroom tasks i.e. projects, performances, discussions etc., as well as attention, attitude. Professionalism is the way you conduct yourself in class and with your professor. 5 Excellence points are reserved and rewarded for exceptional effort. *If you receive no excellence points your maximum score in this area is 15/20 Always here on time for class Outstanding effort during class Helping others in class Outstanding classwork or homework Excellent attitude throughout the semester

20 Mini Lesson You will work in teams to collaboratively create a Speaking/ Listening lesson plan and materials to teach it. It will be based on a textbook of your choice. Each of member of the group will be required to teach an equal portion of it (about 15 minutes each.

21 Additional Details and Information & Course Materials

22 Needs analysis Why are you taking this course?
What do you expect from this course? Are there any additional topics you would like included in this course? Are there any topics that are planned that you would rather not cover? Can you explain why?

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