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A smarter way to do business
Every Day Counts A smarter way to do business Pam Heimsness Safety and Traffic Ops Team Leader Tennessee Operations and Safety Conference November 21, 2013 Every Day Counts – how does that fit in with Operations and Safety? Yesterday Brad talked about a broad vision for operations, supply and demand and how our system operates and technology innovations. How do we move the operations program forward in TN? You all have set goals right and some of them can be very large seemingly insurmountable but in order to reach your ultimate goal you have to break up what you are trying to achieve into smaller pieces. For example – say I wanted to become a body builder. I am not just going to go to the gym and start pumping iron I am going to have a focus on mini goals like upper body strength, legs, abs, back, etc. There are a ton of exercises I can do but I have done my research and found that certain exercises have been proven and get me to my ultimate goal of being a body builder faster. That is what FHWA is trying to do with EDC.
Rich Froning world fittest man
Rich Froning world fittest man. Annie Thornsdotter is world’s fittest woman. That was their goal. What did they have to do to get there? What tools did they use? Think about some of your goals and what you need to do to achieve them.
What is the Vision/Goal?
What is the vision goal for our roadways? Safe, Reduce Congestion, information How are we going to get there? What tools could we use?
EDC 2 Focus Areas Shortening Project Delivery
Reducing Construction Time Innovative Contracting 3D Engineered Models for Construction Accelerated Bridge Construction Alternative Technical Concepts Construction Manager / General Contractor Design Build Intelligent Compaction Handout. Here are the EDC 2 focus areas for reducing construction time and innovative contracting. The highlighted one are the ones TDOT selected for EDC2. I’ll talk about those more in depth later. TDOT didn’t select 3D Engineered Models for construction. This combines the horizontal and vertical aspects of a construction project into an integrated digital model. Using the 3D software, design and construction teams can connect virtually to develop, test and alter designs throughout the design and construction phases. Intricate design features can be viewed geospatially, in three dimensions, from multiple perspectives, and simulations can be run to detect and correct design flaws and profile issues before and during construction. Data, exported from the 3D models, can be transferred to global positioning system (GPS) machine control equipment that guides and directs construction equipment like bulldozers, pavers, rollers and excavators. The other one TDOT didn’t select was ATC this is a new contracting process where through a flexible highway contracting process known as Alternative Technical Concepts (ATC), contractors can submit innovative, cost-effective solutions that are equal to or better than the State’s design and/or construction criteria. Design Build is considered institutionalized here in TN. In the DB process, a State DOT identifies what it wants constructed, accepts bids and selects a contractor to assume the risk and responsibility for both the design and construction phases. With DB, agencies generally have the option of selecting a contractor based on a best-value basis; allowing DOTs to consider other factors beyond lowest price. Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects Programmatic Agreements
EDC 2 Focus Areas Environment Mobility Safety
Geospatial Data Collaboration High Friction Surface Treatments Implementing Quality Environmental Documentation Intersection and Interchange Geometrics Geospatial Data Collaboration: A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a tool that builds maps. Currently, most GISs and web-mapping applications at Federal, State and local agencies are housed internally. Building on current organizational and technical capabilities, this initiative will use innovative cloud-based GIS services to improve data sharing both within transportation agencies and among project delivery stakeholders. Collaborative analyses and rapid updating of shared common maps will lead to faster consensus building and improved decision-support. Intersection and Interchange Geometrics: Intersections and interchanges are planned points at which motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists could potentially cross paths and crash or collide. Several innovative alternative geometric intersection and interchange designs are now available which reduce crossover, or conflict, points or move the conflict points away from a main intersection; allowing for safer, more continuous travel for motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists. FHWA studies of alternative intersection and interchange designs implemented within the last few years show an immediate and significant reduction in the number of total crashes, injury crashes and fatal crashes (up to 53, 42 and 70 percent respectively). Roundabouts, diverging diamond interchanges (DDIs) and intersections with displaced left-turns or variations on U-turns are proving to be a few of the effective alternatives to traditional designs. A view of a continuous flow intersection and a Diverging Diamond Interchange in UTAH TDOT chose 8 of 13 the highlighted ones are the ones that TDOT selected. SHRP2 Incident Management Responder Training
Status of EDC 2 Initiatives in Tennessee
Accelerated Bridge Construction Prefabricated Bridge Elements & Systems (PBES) Possible project for accelerated superstructure replacement on 4 structures in I-40 in Davidson County Cocke Co. SR9/French Broad River is using PBES and is under construction Accelerated Bridge Construction Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) technologies are changing the ways State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) do business. Most notably, DOTs can replace bridges within 48 to 72 hours and reduce planning and bridge construction efforts by years. The accelerated project times significantly reduce traffic delays and road closures and could potentially reduce project costs. The innovative ABC planning and construction methods, designs and materials produce safer, more durable bridges with longer service lives than conventional bridges. The timely innovation comes when approximately 25 percent of our Nation’s aging bridges need repair or replacement and our highways are already congested without the added strain of road closures. PBES PBES are structural components of a bridge that are built offsite, or adjacent to the alignment – and includes features that reduce the onsite construction time and mobility impact time that occurs if conventional construction methods were used. Slide-In Bridge Construction Slide-In Bridge Construction is a cost-effective technique for deploying PBES, or quickly replacing an existing bridge. A new bridge is built on temporary supports parallel to an existing bridge. Once construction is complete, the road is closed and the existing bridge structure is demolished or slid out of the way. The new bridge is slid into place, tied in to the approaches and paved within 48 to 72 hours.
Status of EDC 2 Initiatives in Tennessee
Accelerated Bridge Construction Slide In Bridge Construction Project is under consideration for bridge replacement on Norfolk Southern Railroad bridge Rand Poplar Ave – Bridges over I-240 in Memphis. This is also being considered for CMGC Slide-In Bridge Construction Slide-In Bridge Construction is a cost-effective technique for deploying PBES, or quickly replacing an existing bridge. A new bridge is built on temporary supports parallel to an existing bridge. Once construction is complete, the road is closed and the existing bridge structure is demolished or slid out of the way. The new bridge is slid into place, tied in to the approaches and paved within 48 to 72 hours.
Status of EDC 2 Initiatives in Tennessee
Construction Manager General Contractor (CMGC) May 13, 2013 TN enacted legislation for TDOT to implement Contracts for a CMGC Pilot Program made up of three challenging or complex projects Peer Exchange - Sept 18-19, 2013 with Utah, Arizona, & Colorado Representatives from the Arizona, Colorado, and Utah State Departments of Transportation presented their experience in developing and implementing this innovative delivery method to an audience of seventy-five individuals representing the Tennessee consulting and construction industry, as well as TDOT staff. A draft policy and procedures manual is under development. Construction Manager/General Contractor: Another method used to accelerate project delivery is the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) process. In this process, the project owner hires a contractor to provide feedback during the design phase, before the start of construction. The CMGC process is broken down into two contract phases. The first contract phase, the design phase, allows the contractor to work with the designer and the project owner to identify risks, provide costs projections and refine the project schedule. Once the design phase is complete, the contractor and project owner negotiate on the price for the construction contract. If all parties are in agreement with costs then the second contract phase, the construction phase, is kicked off and construction begins. There are advantages to using the CMGC process. The contractor acts as the consultant in the design process and can offer new innovations, best practices and reduced costs and schedule risks as a result of the contractor’s years of proven experience doing the actual work. This process also allows the project owner to employ new innovations, assist in the design process, and make informed decisions regarding cost and schedule.
Status of EDC 2 Initiatives in Tennessee
Intelligent Compaction Intelligent Compaction Special Provision has been completed TDOT received $1,445,600 Highways for Life grant for four projects. 4 projects (one in each Region) have been awarded On Oct 23, 2013 a HFL showcase on intelligent compaction was held in Brentwood, TN. Intelligent Compaction: Compaction is one of the most important processes in roadway construction. It is needed to achieve high quality and uniformity of pavement materials, which in turn enhances long-lasting performance. Current processes using conventional compaction machines may result in inadequate and/or non-uniform material densities, which can help bring premature failure to the pavements. Intelligent Compaction (IC) delivers a modern approach to compaction with the use of special vibratory rollers equipped with accelerometers, an integrated measurement system, a map based Global Positioning System– (GPS–), onboard display and computer reporting system. By integrating all components the use of IC rollers can accelerate projects delivery as well as improve quality. IC rollers also collect enough data to display continuous records of the number of roller passes, material stiffness measurement values, and precise location of the roller. The overall result is a more consistent pavement.
Status of EDC 2 Initiatives in Tennessee
Locally Administered Federal Aid Projects A new LPA process had been developed and the Local Government Programs Manual was updated A webinar will be held Dec 4, 2013 to rollout the new innovative delivery process, letters of interest from the locals will be accepted after Jan 1, 2014. New process will be optional Local agency will have complete a certification process in order to be eligible Process will proceed from environmental through construction with no interaction from TDOT At the end, TDOT will verify that the local agency followed the new process Locally Administered Federal-Aid Projects: To aid Local Public Agencies (LPAs) through the complexities of the Federal-aid Highway Program’s requirements and processes, a three-pronged strategy has been developed to assist these local agencies. These three strategies include: Certification/qualification-type programs, Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) Consultant Contracts, and Stakeholder Committees. Implementation of these strategies can reduce the amount of oversight the States need to provide and make local agencies more capable to follow federal regulations and guidelines.
Status of EDC 2 Initiatives in Tennessee
Programmatic Agreements II Completed a regional programmatic agreement practitioner workshop for Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Tennessee in TN. Programmatic agreements Indiana Bat MOU Nashville Crayfish PM 2.5 Consultation Process Programmatic agreements is a concept of establishing a streamlined approach for handling routine environmental requirements. The key is to consider repetitive actions on a programmatic basis rather than individually, project-by-project. The emphasis of these agreements will continue to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the highway development process while maintaining appropriate consideration of the environment. Indiana Bat MOU – What is it? It is a multistate / regional approach for consultation and study on Indiana bats What does the MOU do? Agreement will streamline consultation process and improve proj delivery timelines Nashville Crayfish – What is it? Specific to Mill Creek in Nashville What does it do? Standardize the consultation process PM 2.5 – What is it? Establishes specific project types that would be of air quality concern What does it do? No longer require project by project consultation, streamline the project development schedule and reduce repetitive analysis and consultations.
Status of EDC 2 Initiatives in Tennessee
Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS)-Integrated Bridge Systems (IBS) TDOT developed an evaluation process on how to evaluate site conditions for potential locations for GRS-IBS technology. TDOT is searching for the right projects to use with this technology. GRS is ON HOLD GRS-IBS GRS-IBS is a construction method combining closely spaced geosynthetic reinforcement and granular soils into a new composite material. The method is used to construct abutments and approach embankments that are less likely to settle and create a bump at the end of the bridge. The GRS-IBS is easy to build and maintain and 25 to 60 percent more cost effective than conventional construction methods.
Status of EDC 2 Initiatives in Tennessee
High Friction Surface Treatment High Friction Surface Treatment Program Developed to address a systemic approach of implementing lane-departure countermeasures to identified horizontal curves. TDOT to apply HFST on 427 locations total. Recently let a project to address 100 locations Danny Lane – To talk about next High friction surface treatments (HFST) are the site specific application of very high-quality, durable aggregates using a polymer binder that restores and maintains pavement friction where the need for a safer pavement surface is the greatest. Maintaining the appropriate amount of pavement friction is critical for safe driving. Vehicles traversing horizontal curves require a greater side force friction, and vehicles at intersections require greater longitudinal force friction. In locations such as sharp horizontal curves and where vehicles may brake excessively, the road surface of standard pavements may become prematurely polished, thereby reducing the available pavement friction. This loss of friction contributes to vehicles losing control or skidding at high speed, causing drivers to turn abruptly or brake excessively. Negotiating a sharper curve requires an increased friction demand, and that greater demand causes greater shear forces on the surface aggregate, thereby leading to even more polishing of the surface aggregate. Critical locations make up a small percentage of U.S. highways. In 2008 for example, horizontal curves made up only 5 percent of our Nation’s highway miles. Yet, more than 25 percent of fatal crashes occurred on horizontal curves. High friction surface (HFS) treatment is an emerging technology that dramatically and immediately reduces crashes and the related injuries and fatalities. With friction values far exceeding conventional pavement friction, high-quality aggregate is applied to existing or potential high-crash areas to help motorists maintain better control in dry and wet driving conditions. FIGURE 1: Open-grade surface course on the left and HFST on the right. FIGURE 2: HFST at horizontal curve
Status of EDC 2 Initiatives in Tennessee
Implementing Quality Environmental Documentation FHWA and TDOT completed revision to Categorical Exclusion documentation templates. TDOT completed a process review of their PCE Documentation Process and as a result they are updating their standard interagency letter templates to improve consistency and quality of coordination. TDOT has also been developing an integrated electronic clearinghouse (called the Statewide Environmental Management System or SEMS) to post, store, and manage project environmental data and interagency coordination. TDOT revised their internal QA/QC procedures to ensure three separate lines of quality assurance in documentation preparation. 1. FHWA and TDOT continue to meet to develop new approaches to improving the quality of environmental documentation. 2. Other initiatives under consideration for implementation include development of new training and certifications for consultant document preparers and piloting reader-friendly document formats. 3. Revision to CE documentation template – ensures consistent documentation and improved reviews Implementing Quality Environmental Documentation: This initiative seeks to implement existing recommendations and recent experience to improve the quality and, at the same time, reduce the size of NEPA documents. The initiative improves the quality of NEPA documents by making them more effective in disclosing the information used as a basis for making project decisions to the public and participating agencies including regulatory agencies who have permitting or review responsibilities. By improving the quality and readability of NEPA Documents, FHWA and project proponents will accelerate project delivery and achieve better environmental outcomes. The initiative will promote recent best practice experience and build upon prior efforts, including recommendations from the May 2006 Report "Improving the Quality of Environmental Documents" – A Report of the Joint AASHTO/ACEC Committee in Cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration.
Status of EDC 2 Initiatives in Tennessee
SHRP2 National Traffic Incident Management Responder Training Estimate of 141 TIM trainers certified in 5 TtT sessions. Estimate of 642 responders trained in 26 sessions. TDOT is also working with TDOS to build a TIM Training Site at the THP Academy construction to begin in spring 2014. Frank Horne discussed this initiative earlier SHRP2 National Traffic Incident Management Responder Training: Traffic incidents, including crashes, disabled vehicles and debris on the road create unsafe driving conditions. They put motorist and responder lives at risk and account for approximately 25 percent of all traffic delays. For each minute that a freeway travel lane is blocked during peak use, an estimated 4 minutes of delay result after the incident is cleared. This estimate accounts for 4.2 billion hours per year in delays and more than 2.8 billion gallons of gasoline wasted every year while vehicles are stuck in incident-related traffic. This initiative offers the first national, multi-disciplinary traffic incident management (TIM) process and training program. The unique training for first responders promotes a shared understanding of the requirements for safe, quick clearance at traffic incident scenes; prompt, reliable and open communications; and motorist and responder safeguards.
Original EDC 1 Focus Areas
Shortening Project Delivery EDC 1 Status Planning and Environmental Linkages Implemented Programmatic Agreements Mitigation Banking Not selected In Lieu Fees Scope of Preliminary Design Legal Sufficiency Utility Accommodation Flexibilities in Right of Way Enhanced Technical Assistance Design Build Construction Manager /General EDC2- in Progress Season one of EDC 1 was a great success for Tennessee. Out of 16 EDC Technologies that were rolled out for EDC 1, 11 were selected, 8 have been implemented and 2 are in progress, 1 has Design Build has been institutionalized Four EDC1 initiatives continue on to EDC2 Programmatic Agreements II Accelerated Bridge Construction Design Build Construction Manager/General Contractor PEL– TN received formal training in PEL on November 10, 2010 and has adopted a PEL equivalent process. PA -– TN has 13 active Programmatic Agreements. Scope of Preliminary Design-- Tennessee adopted the definition of Preliminary Design on March 11, 2011 and utilized the flexibility of Preliminary Design on more than 50% of their projects. Utility accomodation - TN used six of the flexibilities (Utility Agreements; Reimbursement Techniques; Physical Relocation Prior to Construction; Use of Contractors for Work; Pre-approved Contractor List; and Full-time Utility Coordinators). Design Build - TN awarded 4 DB contracts; 1 DB in 2008, 2 DB in 2009, and 1 DB in 2012.
Original EDC 1 Focus Areas
Accelerating Technology Deployment EDC 1 Status Safety Edge Implemented Warm Mix Asphalt Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System Adaptive Signal Control In Progress Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems EDC2 – In Progress EDC 1 was a great success for Tennessee. Out of 16 EDC Technologies that were rolled out for EDC 1, 11 were selected, 8 have been implemented and 2 are in progress, 1 has Design Build has been institutionalized Four EDC1 initiatives continue on to EDC2 Programmatic Agreements II Accelerated Bridge Construction Design Build Construction Manager/General Contractor Safety Edge - TN used Safety EdgeSM on 17 projects and adopted a standard Safety EdgeSM specification on April 4, 2011. Warm Mix Asphalt - TN adopted a standard WMA specification on May 9, WMA is a contractor’s option on all projects with asphalt paving. Tennessee DOT does not intend to set any tonnage targets. TN used WMA on 9 projects and placed 46,000 tons of WMA in 2011. ASCT – Chattanooga has a ASCT project under construction. The system was deployed and has been operational for the last several months. Atkins, just completed our “after” data collection and are in the process of putting together the Before-After Study on the ASCT. The entire Regional ITS project is in the burn-in phase. The six month burn-in started on Oct. 18, 2013. PBES - TN designed and/or built 3 bridges incorporating PBES. TN does not have a formal process in place for the use of PBES.
State Transportation Innovation Councils (STICs)
Tennessee EDC STIC John Schroer TDOT Pam Kordenbrock FHWA Paul Degges TDOT Toks Omishakin TDOT John Reinbold TDOT Matt Cate UTC/TTAP Dana Richardson Murfreesboro Michael Skipper Nashville MPO Kent Starwalt TRBA David Donoho ACEC Provides State-based leadership for the National Transportation Innovation Network Helps facilitate deployment of EDC Initiatives Engages stakeholders Our coach for helping me become a body builder or our EDC Coach is the State Transportation Innovation Councils, or STICs. They contain a body of select stakeholders from across the transportation industry (State DoTs, Contractors, Consultants, etc.) that work to initiate and oversee EDC initiatives into rapid deployment and routine practice. STICs will have an important deployment role Boost implementation success Provides a state partnership in innovation Offers opportunities for national collaboration We have an active STIC here in Tennessee – you may recognize some of the people on the council.
STIC Incentive Purpose: Funding:
To provide resources to assist the STIC in making an innovation standard practice in their state Funding: Up to $100,000 per State/year Federal share of 80% Entities Eligible to Apply for Funding: STA will be the primary recipients. Metropolitan planning organizations, local governments, and tribal governments may apply through States as sub-recipients. The ultimate goal of innovation deployment is to getting it in the toolbox. We realize that not all innovations are appropriate all the time but we want you to consider it when they are applicable. This is the end stage of an innovation. Once it is standardized, it is no longer considered innovative. The funds will have a 80/20 split. The recipient may use in-kind and third party in-kind contributions for the non-federal match. Only STIC members are eligible for the incentives. The funds will be allocated through FMIS therefore MPOs and municipalities will be sub-recipients. Private entities (i.e. ACEC, NAPA, etc) will not be eligible for the incentives.
STIC Incentive Examples of Allowable Costs, but are not limited to:
Develop standards and specifications. Develop and deliver training and an evaluation plans Refine current specifications Develop memorandums of agreement Prepare standard operating procedures or technical guidance Prepare a report summarizing the lessons learned and economic analysis Develop a decision matrix Prepare an integration plan, including performance measures You might want to consider pooling resources with neighboring states. Set up a pool fund study, to establish criteria or procedures to standardize specific innovations. Another idea is to set up peer exchanges with practitioners that have already institutionalized the innovation to see what they have learned and are doing, so that we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Be innovative in using this opportunity. STIC Incentives is not just for EDC innovations, as long as it is included in your STIC implementation plan and align with TIDP goals it is eligible.
EDC2 – Exchanges Wednesday, December 4, 2013 (Nashville and Knoxville)
Intersection and Interchange Geometrics: Safer, Faster, Cheaper! (FHWA) is promoting several proven techniques to improve the safety of intersections: roundabouts, displaced left-turn intersections, restricted crossing U-turn intersections, median U-turn intersections, and the diverging diamond interchange. Transportation agencies that apply these innovative intersections and interchanges can not only reduce crashes, but greatly enhance efficiency for moving traffic, often with substantial cost savings and accelerated project delivery. register at the TTAP’s website - Another way you can support EDC is by participating in the EDC exchanges.
Keeping the Momentum “My overall sense is that we’ve been very successful in bringing a greater focus on innovation to the transportation community… Now our challenge is to keep the momentum going and make our better, faster, smarter approach a permanent part of the transportation culture.” Victor Mendez Administrator, FHWA
For More Information Center for Accelerating Innovation Every Day Counts Website Tennessee EDC Coordinators FHWA: Pamela Heimsness, TDOT: Jeff Jones: Jeff Jones,
Thank you! Thank you for being Champions of Innovation!
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