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Ecclesiastes Lesson 14.

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1 Ecclesiastes Lesson 14

2 p. 81 in workbook-solve the riddle!

3 p. 81 in workbook-solve the riddle!
“Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man.” –Ecc. 13:13 Honor, obey, respect, and revere God

4 What does it mean to “remember” God?
Ecc. 12:1 What does it mean to “remember” God? Seek, pursue, chase, know, honor, etc.

5 Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 What qualifications did the Teacher have?
What did the Teacher say about his concluding words? Who do these words come from? What did the Teacher say is the conclusion of the matter? Why are we to fear God and keep his commandments?

6 Ecc. 12:1-7 Life is ________________.

7 Comparing job and Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes Lesson 15 Comparing job and Ecclesiastes

8 Comparing two things Grab two objects from the bag Explain their similarities in 30 seconds! GO!

9 Job Vs. Ecclesiastes! 5 groups:
The Story (characters, setting, story line/plot)- RED Themes-PURPLE Literary structure-BLUE Historical content-GREEN Wisdom-ORANGE

10 10 minutes to… Using chart paper, you and your group will write its topic/aspect of comparison on the top of the page Make a T-chart Left side: “Similarities” Right side: “Differences” Write in bullet points! USE YOUR BIBLES, NOTES, and STUDY GUIDES! …oh, and your brains ;)

11 Round Robin. Next, each group will move clockwise to the group’s chart paper next to them Do you agree with what they wrote? Draw a star Do you want to add anything? Add it in your own color Do you need to take something away or change it? Write a ? next to it

12 “Truths” and “Questions”
Slip of paper #1 Write down one “truth” you have learned from studying Job and Ecclesiastes Slip of paper #2 Write down one “question” that remains unanswered from this unit Tape your responses to the poster board in the appropriate category

13 Final Journal for Ecclesiastes
What would these two books of the Bible look like if they had been written as a testimony? Write a testimony of your own about one of the following in your journal: Something you have learned about God A specific belief or understanding you held before completing this unit that needed to be enlarged or changed based upon sound teaching and Scripture reading An experience you had, during the course of your study or at some critical point in your life, that taught you more about your relationship with God.

14 Discussion Discuss truths and questions Discuss testimonies Prayer
Volunteers to share? Prayer

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