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Skill Acquisition Social Development Theory Constructivism

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1 Skill Acquisition Social Development Theory Constructivism
A-Level PE Skill Acquisition Social Development Theory Constructivism

2 Social Development Theory
Learning by association with others Influential others known as ‘More Knowledgeable Others’ (MKO) Using MKO’s ‘inter-psychological learning’ will take place, the process of learning from others externally After this has happened, learning from within takes place known as intra-psychological learning’

3 Constructivism - Vygotsky
You build on what you know. By interacting with others and copying their actions, skills can be improved. This process is called socialisation. During Intra-psychological learning, the learner assesses their level of performance and what they need to improve

4 Constructivism - Vygotsky
Vygotsky suggested that learning is developed through the zone of proximal development, an assessment based on what you need to learn next: The three stages are, 1. Can do alone 2. Can do with help 3. Cannot yet do

5 Task 1. A young rugby player is learning to kick conversions. Use constructivism to explain how that player might learn to improve their kicking technique. 2. A young netball player is learning to shoot from long range. Use constructivism to explain how that player might learn to improve their shooting technique. 3. A young golfer is learning to play out of bunkers. Use constructivism to explain how that player might learn to improve their bunker-play. 4. A young swimmer is learning to tumble turn. Use constructivism to explain how that swimmer might learn to improve their tumble turn technique.

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