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Fragmentation Dynamics of H2+ / D2+ Kansas State University

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1 Fragmentation Dynamics of H2+ / D2+ Kansas State University
in Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses Kansas State AMO PHYSICS U. Thumm B. Feuerstein T. Niederhausen Kansas State University Introduction Method of Calculation Results: initial vibrational state dependence intensity dependence pump-probe study of coherent vibrational motion

2 Laser pulse (Ti:sapphire)
INTRODUCTION Laser pulse (Ti:sapphire) H2+ (D2+) Time scales Tcycle = 2.7 fs Tpulse = fs Tv=0 = 14 (20) fs Telectr = 0.01 fs Energies  = 1.5 eV Ip = 30 eV De = 2.8 eV Length scales l = a.u. (800 nm) R0 = 2 a.u.

3 enhanced ionization (CREI)
H0 + H+ dissociation 2 dissociation 1 single ionization H2 H2+ 3 enhanced ionization (CREI) 4 fast Coulomb explosion H+ + H+ Coulomb explosion

4 Dissociation and Ionization paths
g u Charge resonance enhanced ionization 1w 2(3)w CE p + p H2+ R [a.u.] E [a.u.] Dressed potential curves (schematic) 3w 1w 2w 0w weak field strong field Adiabatic dressed states (Floquet theory, CW laser) -> distinguish 1w, 2w [effective (3-1)w – dipole selection], etc. dissociation paths via avoided crossings (tunneling and over barrier) E.g.: 1w has threshold at v=5 (Saendig/Haensch et al did vibrationally resolved fragment momentum spectroscopy, level shift due to potential widening observed as function of intensity. trapping in 2w well = “bond hardening”) Avoided crossings: mixing of g and u states -> localization ->CREI

5 2D Crank-Nicholson split-operator propagation
METHOD OF CALCULATION 2x1D model R z Laser field p e- 2D Crank-Nicholson split-operator propagation

6 Improved soft-core Coulomb potential
R-dep. softening function a(R) + fixed shape parameter b = 5 (Kulander et al PRA 53 (1996) 2562) Fixed softening parameter a = 1 a(R) adjusted to (exact) 3D pot. curve present result

7 Dipole oscillator strength for sg – su transitions
} Kulander et al PRA 53 (1996) 2562 This work (1D)

8 “virtual detector” method
Array for 2x1D collinear non-BO wave packet propagation “virtual detector” method z: electron coordinate R: internuclear distance Grid: z = 0.2 a.u.; R = 0.05 a.u.

9 “virtual detector”: data analysis
Integration over z and binning  fragment momentum distribution Dissociation Coulomb explosion Integration over R and binning  fragment momentum distribution

10 RESULTS Time evolution of wave function and norm (on numerical grid)
Evolution of nuclear probability density r(R,t ) dissociation probability ionization rate jz(R,t) CE probability Kinetic energy spectra of the fragments Single pulse (I = 0.05 – 0.5 PW/cm2, 25 fs): vibrational state and intensity dependence B) Pump-probe pulses (I = 0.3 PW/cm2, 25 fs): CE-imaging of dissociating wave packets C) Ultrashort pump-probe pulses (I = 1 PW/cm2, 5 fs): CE-imaging of bound and dissociating wave packets

11 total fragment energy [eV]
0.2 PW/cm2 25 fs PCE(t) Dissociation Coulomb explosion (Coulomb energy) PD (t) Laser a Norm(t) b c d 1  2(3)  V V 5 19 total fragment energy [eV] log scale Contours: jz(R,t)

12 - - - - - (Coulomb energy)
Norm(t) v = 0 0.2 PW/cm2 25 fs Dissociation Coulomb explosion 1  2(3)  V V 5 19 (Coulomb energy) Laser PD (t) PCE(t) log scale

13 - - - - - (Coulomb energy)
v = 2 0.2 PW/cm2 25 fs PCE(t) PD (t) Norm(t) Dissociation Coulomb explosion 1  2(3)  V V 5 19 (Coulomb energy) Laser log scale Contours: jz(R,t)

14 - - - - - (Coulomb energy)
v = 4 0.2 PW/cm2 25 fs PCE(t) Dissociation Coulomb explosion (Coulomb energy) PD (t) Laser a Norm(t) b c d 1  2(3)  V V 5 19 log scale Contours: jz(R,t)

15 - - - - - (Coulomb energy)
PCE(t) v = 6 0.2 PW/cm2 25 fs Dissociation Coulomb explosion 1  2(3)  V V 5 19 (Coulomb energy) PD (t) Laser Norm(t) log scale Contours: jz(R,t)

16 - - - - - (Coulomb energy)
PCE(t) v = 8 0.2 PW/cm2 25 fs Dissociation Coulomb explosion 1  2(3)  V V 5 19 (Coulomb energy) Laser Norm(t) PD (t) log scale Contours: jz(R,t)

17 Branching ratio : Dissociation vs. Coulomb explosion

18 RESULTS II Single pulse (I = 0.05 – 0.5 PW/cm2, 25 fs):
vibrational state and intensity dependence B) Pump-probe pulses (I = 0.3 PW/cm2, 25 fs): CE-imaging of dissociating wave packets C) Ultrashort pump-probe pulses (I = 1 PW/cm2, 5 fs): CE-imaging of bound and dissociating wave packets

19 Pump-probe experiment
2(3)  CE D2 target 0.1 PW/cm2 2 x 80 fs variable delay fs 1  Trump, Rottke and Sandner PRA 59 (1999) 2858

20 Pump-probe (D2+) v = 0 0.3 PW/cm2 2 x 25 fs delay 30 fs Norm(t) PCE(t)
Dissociation Coulomb explosion Laser PD (t) (Coulomb only) b c a log scale Contours: jz(R,t)

21 Pump-probe (D2+) v = 0 0.3 PW/cm2 2 x 25 fs delay 50 fs Norm(t) PCE(t)
Dissociation Coulomb explosion PD (t) Laser (Coulomb only) b c a log scale Contours: jz(R,t) c b a

22 Pump-probe (D2+) v = 0 0.3 PW/cm2 2 x 25 fs delay 70 fs Norm(t) PCE(t)
Dissociation Coulomb explosion Laser PD (t) (Coulomb only) b c a log scale Contours: jz(R,t) c b a

23 RESULTS III Single pulse (I = 0.05 – 0.5 PW/cm2, 25 fs):
vibrational state and intensity dependence B) Pump-probe pulses (I = 0.3 PW/cm2, 25 fs): CE-imaging of dissociating wave packets C) Ultrashort pump-probe pulses (I = 1 PW/cm2, 5 fs): CE-imaging of bound and dissociating wave packets

24 Time evolution of a coherent superposition of states
Time dependent density matrix: Time average: Incoherent mixture Preparation of coherent states of molecular ions. How ? Ion source: T  ms  incoherent ensemble Ultrashort laser pulse: T  5 fs  coherence effects expected H2+ (wkm-1 = 3 … 30 fs): produced by:

25 t autocorrelation pump 1 PW/cm2 5 fs probe 2 PW/cm2 5 fs D2+ D0 + D+
Model: vertical FC transition of D2 (v=0) -> D2+ potential curve. Calculation shows complete ioinization within < 1fs (cf. extra plot). Survivals in remaining half pulse, we calculated: H2+ ( period(v=0) = 14fs ) : 11% Diss., 4% CREI D Explanation D2+ vibr. wave packet doesn’t reach avoided croissings within pulse duration. WF collapse & partial revival in <R> and autocorrelation. t probe 2 PW/cm2 5 fs D0 + D+ D+ + D+ D2+ pump 1 PW/cm2 5 fs D2

26 Coulomb explosion imaging of nuclear wave packets
Fragment yield Y at Ekin : Y(Ekin) dEkin = |(R)|2 dR  Y(Ekin) = R 2 |(R)|2 Kinetic energy Ekin (R) 1/R d + d Probe |(R,t)|2 R D2+ Pump D2 initial |(R)|2

27 |(R)|2 reconstruction from CE fragment kin. energy spectra
 = 10 fs |(R)|2 reconstructed |(R)|2 original |(R)|2 incoherent FC distr. moving wave packet relatively fast outward motion => noticable kinetic energy shift in reconstructed wp

28 |(R)|2 reconstruction from CE fragment kin. energy spectra
 = 20 fs |(R)|2 reconstructed |(R)|2 original |(R)|2 incoherent FC distr. turning point Turning point => NO kin. energy shift and good agreement

29 |(R)|2 reconstruction from CE fragment kin. energy spectra
 = 40 fs reconstructed |(R)|2 original |(R)|2 incoherent FC distr. |(R)|2 wp moving back out again, but increasing broadening due to beginning collapse

30 |(R)|2 reconstruction from CE fragment kin. energy spectra
 = 580 fs |(R)|2 reconstructed |(R)|2 original |(R)|2 incoherent FC distr. ‘revival’ Revival after about 20 oscillation periods => good reconstruction of initial wp

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