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Ms. Schneider’s 8th Grade Math Syllabus (Honey Team)

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Schneider’s 8th Grade Math Syllabus (Honey Team)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Schneider’s 8th Grade Math Syllabus (Honey Team)
Phone: (502) Course Outline The following will be covered in this course. Unit 1: Rigid Transformations and Congruence Unit 2: Dilations, Similarity, and Introducing Slope Unit 3: Linear Relationships Unit 4: Linear Equations and Linear Systems Unit 5: Functions and Volume Unit 6: Associations in Data Unit 7: Exponents and Scientific Notation Unit 8: Pythagorean Theorem and Irrational Numbers Unit 9: Putting it All Together Communication My goal is to be transparent with students and parents/guardians. To keep you up to date on student progress and classroom happenings you can use the resources below. - I will check daily and do my best to respond within 24 hours Infinite campus- this will be updated each week to reflect student scores and progress with the standards Class Web Page- Check out the classroom web page to view documents, check announcements, and see pictures of all our hard working students! Behavior Expectations Students are expected to treat their school, peers, and teachers with respect at all times. In addition students should always come prepared with the necessary materials and a positive attitude so that they can do their best work. Grading Policy The grading policy for this course is as follows: A= % B= 80-89% C= 70-79% D= 60-69% U= below 60% 20% of student’s grade comes from engagement (participation, warm up, etc.) 30% of student’s grade comes from progress (classwork, quizzes, etc.) 50% of student’s grade comes from mastery (tests, projects, etc.) Test & Quiz Remediation Policy The most important thing is that students master each standard. Students will be assessed throughout each unit and at the end of each unit. While it is important that students study and try their best on every assessment there are opportunities to remediate standards by completing test corrections. Test correction forms are located in the classroom and must be completed fully and on-time in order for students to earn back credit. On-time means test corrections must be returned within one week of the date the test is returned.

2 A day in the life... Materials Resources Absences & Extra Help
Students line up outside the class and will enter with teacher permission to collect their binder/notebook and calculator before taking their assigned seat. Students will quietly begin the warm-up and writing in their agenda after laying out their HW. After reviewing the warm-up and HW answers students will begin class activity/lesson. Each Friday students should expect a short quiz to assess the weeks standards and previous standards. Each class will wrap up with an exit slip or reflection followed by classroom clean up and dismissal. Materials Students should come to class each day with their agenda, pencil, homework and should make sure that they have loose leaf paper in their classroom binder at all times. Students store binders and workbooks in the classroom, but are allowed to take binders home as long as they are signed out on the sheet provided in class. Resources Student portal: Select logins and choose student portal Login with username and password Parent portal: Select parent portal and then login or set up account Illustrative Math Family Materials: Absences & Extra Help Absences: If you are absent it is your responsibility to find out what you missed from peers, online resources, and/or the teacher. Per district policy you will have the number of days you were absent plus a day to submit any graded work. Extra Help: Please don’t wait if you feel like you don’t understand something. Use the links on the website, talk to me, or look into after school help or tutoring. We can figure this out together!!! (Cut on dotted line, sign, and return for your first participation grade!) Signature I have read and agree to the items and policies outlined in the syllabus. Student Signature:_____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature:___________________________________

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