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2 What were the M.A.I.N causes of the Civil War?
What were the M.A.I.N. causes of World War I?

3 Militarism The development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy

4 Alliances Entangling Alliances guarantying protection in case of attack

5 Building an empire by exerting economic and/or political control over various parts of the world
Butt ////// //////// Stuff

6 Nationalism Devotion to the culture and interests of one’s nation
Led to competition amongst nations

7 “The Powder Keg of Europe”
The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the Austrian throne Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia…

8 The Fighting Begins 1914 Schlieffen Plan:
Take France (more prepared) Quickly Turn and fight Russia

9 Trench Warfare Both sides formed deep parallel, rat infested trenches

10 US NEUTRALITY ? Shipping goods to Allied Powers
Wilson withheld even after the sinking of the Lusitania “waiting for overt acts”

11 The Final Straw Zimmerman Note: proposing an alliance between Germany and Mexico Germany would give Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona back to MX Germans sunk 4 unarmed U.S. merchant ships:36 killed Russia becomes a representative democracy- gives the United States a moral reason to enter the war

12 Raising an Army xjdf The United States was NOT prepared!
Selective Service Act May Required men to register for random selection 3 million were called up, 2 million reached Europe 8 month training period-17 hr days of practice with fake weapons Women enlisted as nurses/secretaries/telepho ne operators

13 America Turns the Tide Needed a better fleet:
Exempted shipyard workers Propaganda and Support for shipyard workers Converted Commercial and Private ships July 4, ships launched! Mines and Convoy System reduced U-Boat destruction America provided more numbers, enthusiasm, and freshness to worn down Allied troops

14 New Weapons Large scale weapons invented during WWI that defined modern war Tanks: Ran on caterpillar treads Could break through barbed wire and clear a path for infantry Airplanes: Originally used for scouting Dogfights or duels in the air Mounted Machine guns and began carrying bombs

15 America During the War Raising Money and Support:
“Liberty and Victory Loans” A friend of Germany would refuse to buy Propaganda: Committee on Public Information Pamphlets, paintings, posters, etc.

16 “Conformity would be the only Virtue”
Anti-Immigrant Hysteria Bitter attacks against recent immigrants Jobs lost Orchestras refused to play Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven German books removed from libraries Town changed names Hamburger =“Salisbury Steak” or “liberty sandwich” Dachshunds= “Liberty Pups” Sauerkraut= “Liberty Cabbage”

17 Espionage and Sedition Acts
Fined up to $10,000 and sentenced to 20 yrs in jail for interfering with the war effort or saying anything disloyal, profane, or abusive to the war effort. 2,000 prosecutions: ½ convicted

18 Schenck v. United States
Read the Court Legislation and respond thoughtfully to the questions

19 The End of the War Germany Collapses after Austria-Hungary surrendered
Mutiny spreads throughout German troops and Socialist leaders overthrow the Kaiser No decisive battle and no Allied troops on German soil but Germany was too exhausted 11/11/1918, 11pm and Armistice is signed 22 million deaths ½ civilians 20 million wounded 10 million refugees Cost $338 billion

20 United States Involvement
Would the outcome of World War I been different if the United States decided NOT to intervene? Possible Responses: -In my opinion, the United States changed the outcome of the war by _________________ -From my perspective, if the United States had/had not joined the war _____________________ -I agree/disagree with __________ because _____________

21 Changes in the United States
How do you believe World War I changed the United States? -Think politically, economically, socially Possible Responses: -In my opinion, World War I changed things for ____________ because… -I believe that World War I changed the United States by__________ -The United States changed _______________ because…

22 Written Response If you could travel back in time and present the leaders of the Allied and Central Powers with information about World War I, do you believe they would have stopped World War I from happening? You may discuss specific evidence from the station activity, lecture, MAIN, ect. NO: Despite the evidence I provided, I believe the WWI was unavoidable because… YES: The evidence I provide would have stopped WWI from happening because… IN BETWEEN: The evidence I provided might have stopped WWI because _________. However, ________________

23 Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points
Reduction of arms, no secret treaties, free trade, free seas, and free colonies 14th: League of Nations for nations to settle their grievances

24 The Treaty of Versailles
War Guilt Clause Reparations: $33 billion Russia lost territory No “self determination for colonies”


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