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The Hellenistic Age 10/13/2018 Ch. 5.

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1 The Hellenistic Age 10/13/2018 Ch. 5



4 The Hellenistic Map

5 Classical Art and Sculpture
Figures are graceful, strong, and idealized They value order, balance, and proportion As time moved on, realism replaced idealism

6 Minoan ceramics

7 Greek Drama Tragedy vs. Comedy Masks, costumes, and chorus

8 Philosophy Socrates – questioned moral truths
Plato – the perfect society (monarchy ruled by philosopher-kings) Aristotle – summarized knowledge

9 More Philosophy Sophists - questioned the gods and universal truth
Stoicism (created by Zeno) – divine order of the world, emotions are bad Epicureanism – moderation in all things, harmony, and absence of pain (gods don’t care)

10 Olympic Games 776 B.C. Dedicated to the God, Zeus
Competed in the nude to show human perfection and honor the gods

11 Alexandria, Egypt The most celebrated Hellenistic city
Museums, libraries, lighthouse, Greek fire ???

12 Astronomy Aristarchus – heliocentrism
Ptolemy – earth is the center of the universe Eratosthenes – figured the earth’s circumference using geometry

13 Mathematics and Physics
Euclid – geometry textbook The Elements Archimedes – value of π, strength of levers, Archimedes screw, catapult

14 Archimedes

15 Herodotus, Themistocles, Thucydides

16 Islamic portrayal of Aristotle teaching

17 Hellenistic Architecture

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