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Story Gods/Mortals Moral/Purpose Real World “Prometheus”

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1 Story Gods/Mortals Moral/Purpose Real World “Prometheus” Prometheus—titan, creator of man; steals fire from gods Jupiter/Zeus—vengeful king of gods, punishes Prometheus by having him chained to a rock/attacked by vulture Beware of hubris/pride—don’t steal from the gods How man gained fire as a resource Prometheus—high-end Smart board, imparts knowledge to students Prometheus—name of spaceship in Alien film; brings dangerous knowledge to people

2 Story Gods/Mortals Moral/Purpose Real World “How Troubles Came Into the World” Epimetheus—brother titan of Prometheus Pandora—most beautiful mortal woman Don’t cross the gods How sickness, war, and aging came about Pandora—jewelry company, selling beautiful jewelry Pandora music app—opens an unlimited amount of songs

3 Story Gods/Mortals Moral/Purpose Real World “Chariot of the Sun God” Helios—god of the sun Phaeton—son of sun god; mortal Listen to your elders/or your betters Avoid hubris—thinking one is as good as the gods Helium—derived from “Helios”—nuclear fuel of our sun Phaeton—spaceship in Halo video game; luxury car made by VW

4 Story Gods/Mortals Moral/Purpose Real World “Echo and Narcissus” Echo—nymph cursed by Juno/Hera, falls in love w/ Narcissus Narcissus—most beautiful mortal man, falls in love w/ his own reflection Beware of selfishness; learn to care for others besides yourself Why voices Echo (it’s Echo saying back the last thing said) Echo—named after the nymph; also Echo Dot device, which repeats your command Narcissistic—person who only cares about themselves, at expense of others. Narcissus is also a white flower.

5 Story Gods/Mortals Moral/Purpose Real World “Lost At Sea” Ceyx Alcyone Aeolus—god of the winds; father of Alcyone Morpheus—god of dreams; can change into any shape How seagulls were created Why the seas calm during “halcyon days” Aeolian harp—musical instrument powered by wind Morphine—named after Morpheus; heavy painkiller Morpheus—character in scifi film The Matrix (which also includes Oracle at Delphi)

6 Story Gods/Mortals Moral/Purpose Real World “The Weaving Contest” Arachne—mortal peasant who is an expert weaver Minerva—goddess aka Athena, patron of weavers; turns Arachne into spider Don’t disrespect or challenge the gods (dangers of hubris) How spiders were created Arachnid—scientific name for spiders

7 Story Gods/Mortals Moral/Purpose Real World “The Kidnapping” Ceres—goddess of grain Prosperina—kidnapped to become wife of Pluto Hades/Pluto—god of underworld Why the seasons change—Prosperina goes underground Cereal—named after goddess of grains Pluto—farthest planetoid in our solar system “Journey to the Underworld” Orpheus—greatest mortal musician Eurydice—his wife, who dies at her wedding Charon—ferryman on the river Styx Cerberus—three-headed watchdog Furies—goddesses of vengeance Obey the gods absolutely “Fluffy”—Cerberus in Harry Potter, Hagrid’s pet Styx—70s rock bad Furies—Percy Jackson; also, Mike W’s girlfriend in Monsters Inc is based on a Fury.

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