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Stems tests are on Tuesdays.

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1 Stems tests are on Tuesdays.
Stems List 4! Stems tests are on Tuesdays.

2 morph- shape !!!!!!! metamorphosis amorphous Mesomorph Morphine
Morpheus- Teon shape !!!!!!!

3 vest- clothes !!!!!!! vestibule vest vestment Divestiture
Vestidos- Spanish for clothes or dress clothes !!!!!!!

4 bene- good !!!!!!! benefit Beneful, Benefiber beneficial benediction
benign (a non-cancerous tumor) benevolent good !!!!!!!

5 pond- pound ponder ponderous compound preponderance heavy !!!!!!!

6 corp- body !!!!!!! Marine Corp corpse corpulent Corporal Americorp
corporation body !!!!!!!

7 dorm- sleep !!!!!!! dormant dormitory dorm (short for the above word)
dormir- (the Spanish word for sleep) dormitorio (Spanish for a dormitory) sleep !!!!!!!

8 pater- father !!!!!!! paternalistic patriarch (male head of a family)
paternity ex-patriate father !!!!!!!

9 nov- new !!!!!!! novelty shop novel (the adjective) novice Nova Scotia
renovate (to make like new) innovation (a new invention) new !!!!!!!

10 punct- punctual punctuation puncture acupuncture point !!!!!!!

11 ject- throw !!!!! conjecture (to throw out an idea)
projectile (something thrown) interjection (a word that is thrown at the beginning of a sentence, or a comment thrown into a conversation) Interject (to interrupt by throwing a comment into a conversation) Eject (object ??) throw !!!!!

12 -tion act or state !!!!!!! graduation activation promotion creation
production act or state !!!!!!!

13 loco- locomotion locomotive local relocate dislocate place !!!!!!!

14 -dox- opinion !!!!!!! doxology orthodox (traditional)
unorthodox (non-traditional) paradox indoctrinate opinion !!!!!!! Priests in the Greek Orthodox church

15 amphi- amphibious amphibian amphitheater both !!!!!!!

16 magn- great !!!!!!! The Magna Carta (a famous historical document)
magnificent magnanimous magnate (a person of rank or power) great !!!!!!! Anime: Magna Carta

17 eu- good !!!!!!! Eucharist eulogy euphemism euphony (a good sound)
euthanasia good !!!!!!! Brandon picked this.

18 (intra- also meant within)
endo- endoskeleton endocrine endothermic (warm-blooded, as opposed to cold-blooded) within !!!!!!! (intra- also meant within)

19 phobia- fear !!!!!!! arachnophobia (fear of spiders) hydrophobia
xenophobia (fear of foreigners) fear !!!!!!!

20 ortho- orthodontist orthopedist orthodontics orthodox straight !!!!!!!

21 -put- think !!!!!!! reputation computer dispute Disreputable Input
output think !!!!!!!

22 ver- true !!!!!!! verdict (to ‘say’ the ‘truth’) verify veracity
veritable true !!!!!!!

23 matri- mother!!!!!!! matrimony matriarch
matron (as in the matron of honor at a wedding) mother!!!!!!!

24 mega- megaphone megahertz megaton megalomania mega-size large !!!!!!!

25 pop- population populate popular populist people !!!!!!!

26 sangui- blood !!!!!!! sangria sanguine
sanguinary (as in describing a war) blood !!!!!!!

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