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God’s word is Scripture – communication with man

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2 God’s word is Scripture – communication with man
2 Tim. 3:16-17 inspiration, profitable, equips us, complete 2 Pet. 1:19-21 not human will, moved by God Jn. 17:17 absolute truth (Ps. 119:160) Jn. 8:31-32 truth sets us free from sin (Rom. 6:3-7; Col. 2:12-13; Eph. 2:4-8) Acts 26:18 opens our eyes, turns us from darkness, forgiveness, sanctification Eph. 6:10-17 sword, fight Satan, demons, false doctrine (Rev. 19:11-16)

3 God’s word is Scripture – communication with man
Power to save us Is. 55:11 word not return void (Heb. 1:1-4) Rom. 1:16 power of God to salvation, believe Eph. 5:26 washing of water with the word (Acts 2:38-47) Jn. 1:1-4 Jesus, Word of Life (1 Jn. 1:1-2; 2 Tim. 1:9-10) 1 Pet. 1:2, 23 sanctifying work, born again, salvation, word (1 Pet. 2:2) Jn. 8:51-52 keep word, never see death

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