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Earthly Spirit Transcendence

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1 Earthly Spirit Transcendence
By Temple Master Henry Chu

2 Introduction This time we will be discussing the issues regarding the transcendence of Earthly Spirits Again, this is the time of the Three-Realm Salvations and it refers to the salvation of spirits from the Heaven realm, Human Realm and Earth Realm Earth realm is the Earth path (or Buddhist Hell) and it is a place of suffering

3 Introduction Earthly realm spirits have done a lot of bad deeds (Debts) so their after-lives are the re-living of all those bad deeds they themselves committed When they have finally suffered enough of their own transgressions, then they get to visit the Judges again The Judges then decide if they have enough Virtues to incarnate as humans (otherwise they may incarnate as animals—the Animal Path has no hope of receiving Tao)

4 Earthly Spirit Transcendence
Just to review, the Six Paths in the universe are (Heavenly Path, Human Path, Earth Path, Animal Path, Hungry Ghost Path and Demon Path) All six paths are subject to reincarnation of each other (for instance, when a spirit completes the Human Path, he or she will meet the judge and enter into another path)

5 Earthly Spirit Transcendence
If a person does a lot of selfish deeds and transgressed against other people (Debts), then it’s most likely that the Judges will sentenced him or her to enter the Earth path (i.e. most people) There are Eighteen Levels in Earth Path and the lower the level the harsher the torture Also, the lower the level the longer the duration of punishment (the Eighteenth Level is reserved for the worst of transgression, i.e. patricide)

6 Earthly Spirit Transcendence
During the time of the 17th Patriarch, the Patriarch first announced Great Salvation, by which spirits of the Human path can receive the Tao Toward the later part of his life, the 17th Patriarch announced the Great Salvation included the Earth Path and the ancestors of temple members can also receive the Tao and evade the Earth Path sufferings

7 Requirement for Transcendence
In order for the Earthly spirit to receive the Tao, a petition must be made to the Transmission Master by the descendants During the time of 17th Patriarch, the basic requirement is that the descendant must have brought 100 people to receive the Tao This rule was later adjusted to 64 people because of Father Teacher

8 Requirement for Transcendence
During the time of Father Teacher, the rule is readjusted to all descendants of the spirit must have received the Tao and one descendant must be very devoted and holds a temple post (i.e. temple master or speaker master) After the basic requirement, the Transmission Master must still make a judgment call on the spiritual level of the member (can the member withstand all the Karmic Debts of the ancestors?)

9 Requirement for Transcendence
For Earthly Spirit transcendence, there are one sponsor and one guarantor (it is customary for the descendants to ask their own sponsors and guarantors—this is done as a favor) Once the Transmission Master approves, a designated time will be set to perform the ritual of Earthly Path Transcendence

10 The Ritual of Transcendence
The first part of the ritual will be the same, which is the offering of tea and fruit The second part of the ritual will be the Summoning ritual and it’s slightly different At this time the Earthly spirit will be summoned and the spirit will be accompanied by one of the Ten Judges as well as De-Zon Bodhisattva and the Earth Path Guardians

11 The Ritual of Transcendence
The Dragon Heaven form is offered, and it’s at this time that the ritual deviated from the normal Three Treasures Ritual The person reading the form will get up from the altar and come to the front entrance of the temple and call out the name of the Earthly spirit (three times) to enter the temple space

12 The Ritual of Transcendence
The Third Part of the ritual will be the same, which is the Sponsor and Guarantor Ritual For the fourth part of the ritual (Three Treasures receiving ritual) the son of the descendant will come forward The son will participate as the Tao Receiving person and will go through the same Tao Receiving ritual

13 The Ritual of Transcendence
At the moment of First Treasure Transmission, a slip of paper with the name of the Earthly spirit will be placed on the forehead of the son and Transmission Master will perform the First Treasure Transmission through the paper slip The rest of the ritual will be the same as the Three Treasures ritual and the son is congratulated by the other members

14 Outcome of Transcendence
When a descendant received the Tao and completes the Dharma Meeting, the Earthly spirit is already taken out of Earth Path and entered into De-Zon Bodhisattva’s Court When a Earthly spirit transcends, the spirit is taken to Maitreya Buddha’s Doe-Shuai Heaven and awaiting the progress of the descendant At this point, everything depends on the progress of the descendant

15 Conclusion Earthly Spirit Transcendence is a difficult task and only the descendants can assist the spirit Transmission Master takes a great risk in approving the ritual (as the Karmic Debts of the Earthly spirit are upon the shoulders of the member) With the teaching of Filial Piety, a lot of members have accomplished such tasks

16 Question

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