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WISE and the future of WFD reporting

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1 WISE and the future of WFD reporting
EEA/ENV seminar 1.June 13 Beate Werner

2 Upgrade WISE to 2.0 Improve business processes,
ensure that reported data are optimally handled, quality assured, stored and made again accessible Improve display and presentation of EU level information Improve interoperability Coding of WB and monitoring info Meta data INSPIRE compliant Using e.g. ARC-GIS for update of deliniation

3 Data flows and web services in WISE
Other data sources European Monitoring campaigns Monitoring data in MS datasets Reporting by countries SoE EU Directives water statistics Professionals Near real-time data GMES Utilities industries GIS datasets Public participation Cityzen science Modelling - now casting - Forecasting - Scenarios - Data gap filling QA/QC WISE Common Data Structure Reference GIS datasets Static maps and graphs Interactive maps Map layers & platforms Model systems Pre-defined query functions European thematic datasets CSI xx This is to illustrate the problem we are having currently with the complexity of the water data Map services Modelling services DataViewer MapViewer WaterBase Indicators Web services

4 Waterbase creation – future
ETC (data processor) MS (data provider) MS (data provider) MS (data provider) download & transform working DB CDR external experts -> harvest & transform <- feedback & … upload meta data EEA TOOLS “working DB” (SES2) -> harvest & transform <- feedback & … upload download visualisation analysis Data Service Waterbase Semantic data service internal experts WATERDATA SOE, WFD, other water Dir. <- transform -> Tools & services assessment data viewers map viewers SDI WATERBASE

5 WISE data maintanance - need for - INSPIRE-compliant spatial datasets and - tabular datasets fit for integrated asessments Tabular datasets Monitoring data, status info – water quality (ID, parameter values) Monitoring data, status info – water quantity (ID, parameter values) Reported data, - emissions, treatment type, compliance,.. (ID, parameter values) Monitoring stations - quality (ID, ID-WB, coordinates, attributes) Monitoring stations - quantiity (ID, ID-WB, coordinates, attributes) Facilities (industries, treatment plants,..) (ID, ID-WB, coordinates, attributes) WFD surface water bodies (WB) Rivers, lakes, transitional, coastal (ID, shapefiles, attributes) WFD ground water bodies (WB) (ID, shapefiles, attributes) Udate frequency WISE Main Rivers, Main Lakes (ID, shapefiles, attributes) Reference GIS datasets Reference GIS datasets to be INSPIRE compliant and updated after certain period after any change made by MS Tabular data regular reported by MS via current data flows – could potentially be developed into distributed system This slide leads over to the role of Inspire in the whole game. It summarises the relationship and points out the main problem between tabular and georeference data sets in WISE WFD River Basin Districts (ID, shapefiles, attributes) NUTS1, NUTS2, NUTS3,.. (ID, shapefiles, attributes) Country boarders (shapefiles) Coastline(s) (shapefiles) Spatial datasets

6 Data and reporting - in WISE 2.0
ReportNet as reporting tool: having the same structure (DD) will help QA/QC procedures and processing information and data in next years specific tools for GIS data to be used (ArcGIS online, SDI links). Ensure INSPIRE compliance - Further discussed in WISE technical group and WISE GIS WS Use data at MS source (“decentralised system”), see Floods and UWWTD Data maintenance: one consistent structure across spatial and tabular data Enabling better unstructured information (verbally described)  wiki

7 Inspire – some basics

8 How does it work? Users Geoportals Home web sites INSPIRE metadata
INSPIRE download service Data / service providers Download data to your computer INSPIRE discovery service to search for data and services Using metadata catalogue to search for data and services Published on Use (invoke) spatial data services INSPIRE invoke spatial data services Provided by Use other spatial data services View data INSPIRE view service This should only be an appetizer for the further discussion of the role of inspire. The important slide is the second one explaining that processes are doublicated at the moment. The two following scenarios are only examples for possible solutions to be discussed in the afternoon, not for in-depth explanaitions. Make spatial data INSPIRE conformant INSPIRE Annex I, II, III data specifications INSPIRE transformation service

9 Reporting dataflow – now: reporting without INSPIRE?
Reportnet Spatial data sets conform\ant with INSPIRE INSPIRE View, download, other spatial data services Discovery service on metadata (B) Providing download and other services and direct access to data Provide access to spatial data sets and services Metadata for spatial data set and services Duplicated data and double workflows ! (A) Uploading spatial data sets and tabular data Country A Sub-set of data for reporting Data

10 Reporting dataflow – scenario 1: including INSPIRE into reporting data flow
Sharing registers, registry services INSPIRE Reportnet Link to spatial data (URL, URI) Discovery service on metadata Spatial data sets conformant with INSPIRE Ensure object referencing (geospatial object-identifier management) Upload thematic data with reference to spatial objects Metadata for spatial data set and services Provide access to spatial data sets and services INSPIRE View, download, other spatial data services Download spatial data sets for reporting purposes, using (INSPIRE download service) Country A Data

11 Sharing registers, registry services INSPIRE Reportnet
Reporting dataflow – scenario 2: INSPIRE and direct access to data (but how would be dealt with the requirement to have an official Confirmation on the data being reported and version history) Sharing registers, registry services INSPIRE Reportnet Link to spatial data (URL, URI) Discovery service on metadata Spatial data sets conformant with INSPIRE Download spatial data sets for reporting purposes, using INSPIRE download service Metadata for spatial data set and services Harvest, download Provide access to spatial data sets and services Ensure object referencing (identifier management) INSPIRE View, download, other spatial data services Services, interfaces Country A Sub-set of data for reporting Data

12 Thank you for your attention

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