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Reflection and Refraction

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1 Reflection and Refraction
By: Harley Brown and Leeanne Donlon

2 Reflection Reflection is the return of light, heat, sound, etc., after striking a surface. When a light ray is obstructed by any solid surface it will reflect back from the surface, as it cannot pass through the surface. Example: you see your reflection in a mirror Leeanne Donlon

3 Law of Reflection The Law of Reflection is the principle that when a ray of light, radar pulse, or the like, is reflected from a smooth surface the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence, and the incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the surface at the point of incidence all lie in the same plane. Regardless of the angle at which the wavefronts approach the barrier, one general law of reflection holds true: the waves will always reflect in such a way that the angle at which they approach the barrier equals the angle at which they reflect off the barrier Example: playing pool Leeanne Donlon

4 Specular and Diffuse Reflection
Specular Reflection: light reflected from a smooth surface at a definite angle Light reflected off of a mirror Diffuse Reflection: which is produced by rough surfaces that tend to reflect light in all directions Light reflected off of gravel *Light is reflected off of car headlights but after it rains, the droplets create a more rough surface on the headlights causing a diffuse in the light in all directions rather than at a definite angle hence why it’s it is harder to see when it rains.

5 Refraction The bending of a wave when it enters a medium where its speed is different When light passes from a fast medium to a slow medium, it bends the light ray toward the normal to the boundary between the two media Image formation by the lenses of your eye

6 Diffraction Diffraction is the bending of waves, especially sound and light waves, around obstacles in their path. process of light bending around an obstacle or spreading out after it moves through a small space Example:looking at an object that is partially immersed in water Leeanne Donlon

7 Polarized Light Polarized light is light that is reflected or transmitted through certain media so that all vibrations are restricted to a single plane. Polarized light waves are light waves in which the vibrations occur in a single plane LCD displays Leeanne Donlon

8 Questions True or False:
During reflection, the incident ray and the reflected ray are the same. Diffraction is the bouncing back of light.

9 Questions 3. What is light reflected from a smooth surface from a definite angle? Specular Reflection Apples Polarized Light Bananas

10 Questions 4. What is produced by rough surfaces that tend to reflect light in all directions? Diffraction Yellow Diffuse Reflection Purple

11 Questions True or False:
The bending of a wave when it enters a medium where the speed is different is refraction. 6. LCD displays is an example of polarized light.

12 Questions 7. What is light that is reflected or transmitted through certain media so that all vibrations are restricted to a single plane? Tacos Burritos Chimichangas Polarized Light

13 Questions 8. Seeing yourself in a mirror is an example of… Reflection
Jumping Jacks Cartwheels Sit-ups

14 Questions 9. Image formation by the lenses of your eye is an example of… Hair dye Refraction A curling iron Luscious golden hair

15 Questions True or False: 10. This slide show was boring but helpful.

16 Works Cited

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