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E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

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1 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland
An Efficient System for Multi-Perspective Imaging and Volumetric Shape Analysis We present a high performance system for efficient multi-perspective image analysis on very large image datasets, implemented as a customized extension of the Active Data Repository (ADR) object-oriented framework. The resulting system provides a flexible framework for handling multi-perspective video sequences in any parallel or distributed computing environment that can support ADR. We have employed the framework to produce an efficient volumetric shape analysis application implementation. Initial performance results show that using an effective data distribution algorithm to produce good load balancing allows the ADR implementation to achieve scalable high performance. 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

2 High-performance Multi-perspective Vision Studio
Multi-view vision apps made user friendly Organize multi-view video data Efficient back-end processing & user-friendly front-end Portability across computing platforms Parallel computers Distributed systems Independence from data acquisition facilities Various sensor configurations, e.g. camera positioning Images: color or b/w, at various resolutions Extensibility R&D friendly A multi-perspective visual studio. Why anybody would care to build a system like that? 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

3 Multi-perspective Vision Studio
DAF DAF DAF Separation from data acquisition facilities Generic multi-view sequence management Extensible multi-perspective vision application framework Loader Database Front-end services Back-end services App App App App 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

4 Multi-view Video Sequence Data
Acquisition: the Keck Lab 64 cameras 85 frames/sec 1 min = 95GB Distributed system PC cluster Storage 9TB Parallel processing Active Data Repository (ADR) Multiple video streams generate very large amounts of image data that can become unmanageable unless there is an efficient way to store, catalog and process them. The Keck Lab at the University of Maryland consists of 64 cameras synchronously capturing synchronous video streams at a rate of up to 85 frames per second, with each frame being 644  484  1 bytes. One minute of such multi-perspective video requires about 95 GBytes of storage. We describe how to customize Active Data Repository (ADR) for building an efficient and flexible framework for storing multi-perspective image data and performing visual analysis. Further, we describe a volumetric shape recovery and analysis application that is based on this framework, and give some general guidelines on developing multi-perspective imaging applications using the system. 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

5 ADR-based Imaging System
Framework for multi-perspective imaging ADR application structure Customizing ADR framework: back-end ADR front-end user: app front-end clients With a number of other multi-perspective imaging applications in mind, we have built a relatively generic multi-perspective imaging framework based on ADR. ADR is an object-oriented framework designed to efficiently integrate application-specific processing with the storage and retrieval of multi-dimensional datasets on a parallel machine or cluster of workstations with a disk farm. The image analysis framework discussed in this paper customizes ADR’s parallel back-end (PBE) and front-end (FE). The implementation also provides a tool for loading and cataloging multi-perspective sequences of image data. This leaves the image analysis application developer with the task of providing an application-specific front-end and a client. 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

6 Multi-perspective Imaging Framework
Multi-perspective image data Data set: multi-perspective video sequence Data chunk: single image <camera, time> Operations: associative and commutative Parallel back-end (PBE) Storage, retrieval, projection, aggregation Camera index lookup Application and ADR front-end (FE) Maintain meta-information about datasets Translate queries from clients to PBE multi-perspective image data A multi-perspective video sequence constitutes a single image dataset. A data element (chunk) is a single image whose attributes are <camera index, time index>. To populate the database, a user employs the data loader tool supplied with the framework. Operations on data elements have to be associative and commutative. PBE The back-end is responsible for storing the datasets and carrying out the requested input data retrieval, projection to the output space, and aggregation operations. The default index service maps a four-dimensional query region (three for space, one for time) into a set of relevant chunks. This is accomplished via a camera index lookup computed for each query region as needed. The default projection maps the <camera-index, time-index> pair to the <time-index>, to allow aggregation across all cameras that view a spatial region at a given time. No default aggregation operation is supplied, since aggregation is application dependent. Any default services can be customized by the application developer. FE The application front-end interacts with clients via an application-specific communication protocol, and translates queries into a common format for the ADR front-end, which will send the reformulated query to the PBE. 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

7 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland
Volume Recovery App multi-perspective silhouette-based visual cone intersection octree encoding The application uses multi-perspective image data to reconstruct the volumetric shape of a foreground object. The application then can render the volume from an arbitrary vantage point at any point in time and allow users to analyze the 3D shape by requesting region-varying resolution in the reconstruction. The volumetric reconstruction is based on the distributed visual cone intersection technique. The reconstructed volume is represented as an occupancy map encoded by an octree, encoded as a byte array in DFS-order for network transmission efficiency A database inquiry involves specifying a 3D region, a time range and a volumetric reconstruction resolution. The query result is a multi-resolution reconstruction of the fore-ground object region lying within the query region. This information can be used for 3D shape analysis and 3D tracking. 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

8 Multiview Visual Cone Intersection
For each view extract object’s silhouettes build visual cones Global combine collect occupancy maps intersect them Starting with the image of the 3D object, for each view compute the silhouette build object’s visual cone as a 3D occupancy map represent visual cone as an octree intersect octant’s projection bounding square with object’s silhouette to decide octant’s occupancy 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

9 Multiview Silhouette Extraction
- = - = Estimate the foreground object's volume multi-perspective silhouette segmentation silhouette visual cone intersection volumetric data streaming graphical rendering and analysis often are done off-line (time consuming) - = 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

10 Depth of Reconstruction
volumetric shape reconstructed to the user specified octree depth depth of reconstruction is region-specific reconstruction depth is finite due to discrete images SOW THE MULTIPERSPECTIVE MOVIE HERE 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

11 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland
Experiments Workload balancing data distribution strategies query scenarios Scaling speedup scaled speedup Experimented with: Workload balancing data distribution across the disk farm query scenarios Scaling n vs 2n processors same workload x job on n processors 2x job on 2n processors 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

12 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland
System Setup Back-end: Linux PC cluster 16 nodes 450MHz dual-processor Pentium II 256 MB RAM Gigabit Ethernet Front-end: Pentium II PC, same network Client: 400 MHz dual-processor Pentium II PC, 100Mbit/s TCP/IP network 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

13 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland
Test Queries Fixed query universe: 2  2  2 [m] cube camera calibration parameters Varying # of frames: 1, 50, 100, 200, 400 # of processors: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 depth of reconstruction: from 0 to 12 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

14 Data Distribution Strategies
view per processor round robin in a single dimension view per processor round robin in a single dimension random Hilbert space-filling curves declusters data randomly requires good n-D pseudo random generator has a flavor of randomness, but distributes data periodically, worst case occurs when dim_max_index mod processors_count = 0 naïve works OK when # of views = # of processors poor workload balance otherwise practical approach to multidimensional data distribution robust, inexpensive declustering of compact regions Can’t use first two in general case Random declustering is OK, but it’s random; can do better utilizing locality of queries Hilbert space-filling curve method: generate the curve indexes sort them distribute as round robin across the nodes 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

15 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland
Workload Experiments Frame distribution Random Hilbert curve nodes frames mean std div 4 0:4:399 325 15.72 37.99 0:2:399 650 12.08 37.57 0:1:399 1300 24.25 0.00 8 162 18.66 34.81 18.11 44.19 17.09 16 81 10.63 46.74 17.00 30.89 13.56 Frame hit count statistics: Random chunk declustering results in lower standard deviations in all but whole space queries; in which case the Hilbert curve based declustering method results in a perfectly even distribution. 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

16 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland
Scaling Experiments Random # of frames 100 200 400 # prc 4 148 297 592 8 104 211 414 16 79 160 320 Query turnaround times (sec) Hilb crv # of frames 100 200 400 # prc 4 135 271 539 8 90 176 349 16 79 152 305 Query turn around times in seconds. The Hilbert curve based declustering results in slightly better overall performance and better speedups due to spreading chunks that near each other (in the input attr space) across different nodes. 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

17 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland
Summary Goals multi-perspective vision studio separation between sensor net and vision application Customized ADR for multi-perspective imaging portability across parallel platforms robustness in handling large datasets Built multi-perspective imaging framework good workload balance using Hilbert curve declustering robust scaling Utilized it for a volumetric shape analysis application variable time step size volumetric sequences variable space resolution 10/13/2018 E. Borovikov, A. Sussman, L. Davis, University of Maryland

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