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Isotropy Kinetic Energy Spectrum.

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Presentation on theme: "Isotropy Kinetic Energy Spectrum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Isotropy Kinetic Energy Spectrum

2 Turbulent Spectral Concepts
Turbulence Model Homogenous and Stationary Local Isotropy

3 Turbulent Kinetic Energy Spectra

4 G: Longitudinal (Parallel, P) and F:Transverse (Across, A) Spectra
Longitudinal (Parallel, P) and Transverse (Across, A) Correlation Functions Rotate Coordinate System G: Longitudinal (Parallel, P) and F:Transverse (Across, A) Spectra Integral Scales

5 Energy Cascade (from T/L p 256)
Vorticity Equation Energy Transferred 2 1 3 Results

6 The Cascade Process (B =0)
Energy Production From Mean Flow P Transfer T Dissipation e L Wavenumber k Lengthscale r r decreasing increasing

7 1 D Velocity Spectra F(k)
1 D Temperature Spectra F(k)

8 Estimating F(k) and F(k) from at Sea Measurements
SMAST T-REMUS Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Turbulent Velocity “Shear”Probes x Turbulent Temperature Gradient Probes U= Mean Speed Produced by AUV

9 “Generic” Transverse Velocity Spectral Model

10 Determining A , B,

11 Determining

12 “Generic” Transverse Velocity Spectral Model

13 Temperature Cascade Process
h L P e T P c L Length Scale Inertial Subrange Viscous Convective Subrange

14 “Generic” Temperature Spectral Model
Factors Temperature is a passive scalar Temperature Variance Cascaded by c Temperature (heat) in ocean diffuses at a spatial scale determined by ?

15 ?

16 ?

17 “Generic” Temperature Spectral Model

18 Determining A’ , B’, C’,



21 “Generic” Temperature Spectral Model

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