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3.2 Section B The Significance of Christ’s Two Natures.

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1 3.2 Section B The Significance of Christ’s Two Natures


3 The incarnation is essential to the Scriptural doctrine of the Atonement

4 Jesus, the man

5 Man sinned; therefore, the penalty had to be borne by a man
The animal sacrifices in the OT weren’t enough Jesus served as a perfect sacrifice—he was a human, just like us, and he was perfect

6 Only a truly human mediatory could enter empathetically into our trials and be a perfect example to follow The life of Jesus is exactly how God wants humans to live on earth: Love Patience Humility Soul-winning

7 Jesus, the deity

8 His sacrifice had to be of infinite value.
Jesus is eternal and infinite. He could pay an eternal and infinite price for all.

9 He bore the wrath of God redemptively so as to free mankind
Jesus took the wrath that we deserved

10 He was able to apply His work on the cross to needy humanity

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