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ANWAR Why Not To Drill.

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Presentation on theme: "ANWAR Why Not To Drill."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANWAR Why Not To Drill

2 What is ANWAR? The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

3 Drilling Effects on Wildlife
Drilling in ANWAR would disrupt its wildlife. Evidence of population decline in direct result to oil drilling has been pointed to by numerous experts.

4 Wildlife Risk Spotlight: The Polar Bear

5 Risks to Polar Bears Disturbance of females while denning could cause them to abandon cubs. Damage or destruction of essential habitat by dumping, dredging, drilling and construction of platforms, pipelines, roads and support facilities. Contact with and ingestion of oil and other contaminants used in oil production. Disturbance by aircraft, ships and other vehicles

6 Would Drilling ANWAR Solve Energy Problems?
Experts predict that oil production from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge could not begin for at least 10 years and the Congressional Research Service estimates it would take at least 15 years. . It is estimated that the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge contains no more than a six month supply of oil at our current consumption rates.

7 Would the Oil Be Used in the U.S.?
. Under current laws, oil companies are allowed to sell oil produced in Alaska to foreign countries.

8 Alternatives Wind and Solar Power, already in use in other countries.

9 Food for Thought

10 Sources

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