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- project legal duration will be 11 months.

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1 - project legal duration will be 11 months.
Partnership Project between the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Germany Twinning Light Project HR/2008/IB/AG/03TL Verification of EU conformity of the Croatian Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) - Croatian EU-Membership July 2013 Starting in July 2012 until February 2013 - project legal duration will be 11 months. - implementation period will be 8 months. - shows well grouped list of activities related to the fiche. -will adopted to needs of project implementation-if necessary.

2 Activities of Project-
Act. 1.1.Conducting assessment of the former Croatian pilot FADN system in terms of EU compatibility and functionality. Act.2.1 Monitoring implementation of four main phases of existing pilot FADN system Act Data collection methods Act Controlling collected data Act Data processing tools– IT-Systems, … Act Preparation of both individual report and national report (aggregated data) Act. 3.1Workshop on data collecting practices in EU Act. 3.2Workshop on services provided by accountancy offices to agricultural holdings in EU and their role in FADN Act.3.3 study visits to Germany and Poland

3 FADN in Germany Organisation Costs-Finance Use of data Questions
Content of farm return Use of data Technical aspects Questions

4 Organisation National FADN

5 Organisation - National FADN

6 Länder NUTS I

7 Responsibility Länder
selection of the holdings data - control delivery in time to the BMELV/FMFAC contracts and payments to the Accounting Offices annual training of the Accounting Offices

8 Organisation EU- FADN (Germany)

9 National Committee Germany
Members: representatives of each Land (Region) Meetings : one per year- March Topics: FADN-results, financing, selection plan, farm-Return, control program, schedules, trainings

10 Regional Committees Task: annual selection of farms for FADN – national selection plan Members: Representatives of Regional ministry (Chairman), Agriculture chambers or other administration, Fiscal Administration, Accounting Services, Farmers -Union, Regional Statistic Office

11 Costs

12 EU- Payments – to FADN Germany

13 Use of FADN-Data Ministry

14 Use of FADN-Data Farm and regional level

15 Use of FADN-Data Research


17 Germany and FADN

18 Twin Team Rainer Meyer Dr. Lech Goraj


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