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2008 Welcome to UTSA University Excellence and Service Awards.

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2 2008 Welcome to UTSA University Excellence and Service Awards

3 UTSA in 1997 Fiesta Under the Stars, Sombrilla Plaza

4 UTSA in 1997 Conflict Resolution Committee

5 UTSA in 1996 University Center expansion

6 UTSA in 1996 BiosciencesBuildingconstruction

7 Downtown Campus tour during Frio Street Building construction

8 UTSA in 1995 Fiesta Plaza comes down to make way for UTSA Downtown Campus

9 UTSA in 1995 K. Johnson retirement reception, Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs

10 UTSA in 1995 Business Building construction

11 UTSA in 1992 University Oaks Apartments construction

12 UTSA in 1992 University Oaks Apartments construction

13 UTSA in 1992 University Center, pre-expansion

14 UTSA in 1980s 1604 Campus

15 UTSA in 1985 Looking south toward lot 9, University Center construction in foreground

16 UTSA in 1981 Humanities and Social Sciences Building atrium, 1604 Campus

17 UTSA in 1981 Admissions staff

18 UTSA in 1981 Physical Plant crew

19 UTSA in 1979 Science Building south paseo, vacant lot at left is now Engineering Building

20 UTSA in 1975 Sombrilla Plaza construction

21 UTSA in 1975 Sombrilla Plaza construction

22 UTSA in 1974 Koger Center, Loop 410 at Babcock, UTSA offices

23 UTSA in 1973 Rattlesnake Hill campus construction view

24 UTSA in 1970 Lt. Gov. Ben Barnes, President Arleigh B. Templeton and Assistant to the President D.L. Gates at UTSA offices, HemisFair Plaza

25 UTSA in 1969 HemisFair Plaza UTSA offices, former French restaurant Maison Blanche

26 UTSA in 1969 UTSA, 1604 Campus view -- Watch out for snakes!

27 UTSA created in 1969 Gov. Preston Smith signs bill in front of the Alamo creating UTSA.

28 Pre-UTSA: 1968 Tower of the Americas under construction for HemisFair

29 Pre-UTSA: 1968 Monorail at HemisFair

30 UTSA roots: 1968 HemisFair Texas Pavilion, now UTSAs Institute of Texan Cultures

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