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Formation of the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Formation of the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formation of the Earth

2 Big Bang Theory Origin of our universe Happened 13.7 billion years ago
Everything in the universe was together in the size of a golf ball There was a massive explosion that expanded

3 Nebula Theory Created the solar system Happened 4.5 billion years ago
Most of the matter went into the sun Left a small ring of debris Gas was pushed out and formed the gassy planets Rocks stayed close and formed the rocky planets

4 Iron Catastrophe Over two - thirds of the Earth melted
Happened about 500 million years after the Earth was formed Caused by: Radioactive decay Meteorite impact Formed oceans of lava Formed the layers of the Earth

5 Earth’s Layers Inner Core Solid Made up of iron and nickel Outer Core
Liquid Source of magnetic field Mantle 80% of the volume of planet earth Crust Oceanic crust Continental crust

6 Formation of the Moon Moon was formed tens of millions of years after the Iron Catastrophe Mars sized object collided with Earth Collision caused the upper Earth to melt Material blown off the Earth formed the moon Moon is made up of the same material as the mantle (basalt)

7 Pangea “Pangea” - all of Earth “Pan”- all “Gea”- Earth
supercontinent that all continent branched from Proposed by Alfred Wegener in 1915 Wegener noticed that: The continents fit together Coastal geology was the same Fossils matched

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