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Cunningham Family Reunion

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1 Cunningham Family Reunion
Family, Fun, and Fellowship

2 Thursday Registration and Sign in 4:00 – 6:00 Cabin 4093 Pick up Shirts, informational bags, meet and greet Generational Dinners Leaving Hidden Mountain at 6:15 Locations To Be Announced at Registration (please be on time for dinner, reservations have been made at all locations)

3 Friday 9 am - Opening Prayer and Devotion -Q&A about weekend activities -Introduce weekend games - Musical Chair/ Table Mingle -Homemade Ice Cream judging at noon- Prep if 11am – Let’s Get Physical - Family Fitness Zumba and Aerobic classes Lunch at the Lodge Family Meeting to discuss next reunion 2pm- Game Time -Amazing Race -Craft project -Spades Tournament - Horseshoes Bingo and Checkers Dinner at the Lodge Family History/ Genealogy Cunningham Reunion Fashion Show After Party at The Lodge- music and fun

4 Saturday 8 am – Pose for the Camera- Picture Time! 10am- Old School Fun at the Park Kickball Sack Race Football Cheerleaders Performance Lunch at the Lodge 4pm- Water gun battle Dinner at the Lodge Matriarch & Patriarch Tribute Closing Awards Dancing and Games

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