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FS Unit 6: Lesson 8 Module 1 Teacher's Manual

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1 FS Unit 6: Lesson 8 Module 1 Teacher's Manual
What do you think? Why is important for us to get to know each other better in this class? How can this help us learn more? Purpose of this module is to help students get to know each other better in order to help create a positive learning environment. Kick off the module by having a student read the two questions on the slide and elicit responses. © Copyright, Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright, Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved.

2 FS Unit 6: Lesson 8 Module 1 Teacher's Manual
Be kind to the person with whom you are speaking. Thank the person for their response. Be honest. Once you finished, have a seat. Students can only sign one square on a page. All pencils and pens are put away now. Tell students that we’re going to play a variation of Bingo called, “Getting to Know You Bingo.” Prior to issuing the Bingo boards, review the following norms for playing. (Click the mouse to reveal each bullet) Be kind to the person you are speaking with. Thank the person for their response. Be honest. Once you finish have a seat. Students can only sign one square at on a page. All pencils and pens are put away now.—HOW ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO SIGN THEIR NAME IF THEY PUT AWAY THEIR PENS AND PENCILS??? © Copyright, Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright, Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved.

3 FS Unit 6: Lesson 8 Module 1 Teacher's Manual
Collect signatures of a classmate that corresponds with a square. Collect enough signatures to cover every square on the board. ONE student may sign only ONE square per card. Distribute the Bingo boards to the students. Direct students to collect signatures of classmates to cover all the squares on the Bingo board. Tell students to only sign in a square if it is something the signer can accomplish. For example, only a student who can whistle should sign the “Can whistle” square. Only ONE student may sign only square per card. Click on the timer icon to set the online timer for the game. © Copyright, Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright, Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved.

4 FS Unit 6: Lesson 8 Module 1 Teacher's Manual
What did you discover? How can rules help us stay focused? What do you think this game will help us with in class? What did you learn about some of your classmates? After the game, ask students the following questions: How can rules help us stay focused? What do you think this game will help us with in class? What did you learn about some of your classmates? Close by reminding students that rules are necessary in the classroom to help them accomplish their goals. © Copyright, Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved. (C) Copyright, Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved.

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