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Douglas Kojetin, Ph.D. UC College of Medicine

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1 Douglas Kojetin, Ph.D. UC College of Medicine
Using the CCHMC BMI cluster for NMR structure and dynamics calculations Douglas Kojetin, Ph.D. UC College of Medicine

2 Biomacromolecular Structure
Two principal methods (high-resolution) X-ray crystallography Solid-state NMR spectroscopy Solution-state* Different from MRI; both use magnets MRI: bulk density NMR: atomic-level applications Others (Small Angle X-ray Scattering; solution)

3 NMR Studies of … 3D structure determination (structure ensemble vs. static crystal representative) NMR is limited (size, solubility) Dynamics (time-scale movements) Certain time-scale motions are important for protein function (interactions, catalysis, etc.) Sample quality (folded? domains?) Titrations/conditions (ligand, pH, temp)

4 Protein NMR Spectroscopy
ethanol (O)H (C)H3 (C)H2 1D 1H NMR Spectrum ubiquitin

5 Protein NMR Spectroscopy
1D 1H NMR Spectrum 2D 1H-15N HSQC Each “point” is sensitive to chemical environment Ligands, temp, pH, etc.

6 Data Analysis: Step 1 Unambiguously assign all atoms in the protein
Backbone (HN, N, Ca, Cb, C’) Side-chain HNCACB, (2) HNCO/HN(CO)CA, (3) HNCA/HN(CO)CA

7 Structure determination
Start from an extended polypeptide chain Constraints for structure calculation through-space 1H-1H connectivities (NOEs) Dihedral angles (predicted; chemical shifts vs. random coil database) Hydrogen bonds Residual dipolar couplings (orientation)

8 Structure determination
Automated software: iteratively assign and remove bad assignments (CNS; ARIA) Iteration 0-7; 20 structures per iteration Last iteration; structures Entire process is iterated (~nested) [~1 day over 20 desktop CPUs; ethernet, NFS; farm out calcs]

9 Structure determination
*Solvent refinement Fine tune NOE automated assignments Better Ramachandran (stereochemical) quality; fewer atom clashes AMBER: MPI capable, but calculations take ~3 hrs per structure; 100 separate, independent calculations shell scripts to setup files, submit 100 jobs to queue; write working files to /tmp/XXX on node; copy important files to home dir; delete /tmp/XXX when finished) Future MD calculations will take advantage of MPI

10 Dynamics calculations (time-scale motions)
Measure 15N backbone relaxation rates (measures motions on ps-ns time-scale) Fit rates to motional models; use statistical model selection to choose best fit Motional model; type of tensor describing system Important motional parameters: S2 (order parameter) and Rex (ms time-scale motions; data cannot be described by ps-ns motions only)

11 Dynamics calculations (time-scale motions)
Nested, single calculations 1 1. Initial calculation 2. Analyze data vs. 4 tensor types: sphere, prolate, oblate, ellipsoid 2 2 2 2 3. Final selection of tensor; monte carlo error estimation 3 4. Extract statistical information into csv table Repeated using different initial parameter estimates describing system (NH bond length, corr. Timr; tensor params) 4

12 Dynamics calculations (time-scale motions)
1 #PBS -S /bin/csh #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1:opteron ... 2 2 2 2 #PBS -S /bin/csh #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1:opteron ... #PBS -W depend=afterok:CLUSTER_JOB x4 3 4

13 Dynamics calculations (time-scale motions)
#!/bin/sh #1 QUEUE INITIAL RUN local_tm=`qsub $JOB_DIR/local_tm` local_tmid=`echo $local_tm | gawk -F '.' '{print $1}'` sleep 2 #2a SETUP TENSOR RUNS sed "s/CLUSTER_JOB/$local_tmid/g" $JOB_DIR/sphere \ > $JOB_DIR/sphere.mod ... prolate, oblate, ellipsoid (4 total) #2b QURUE TENSOR RUNS sphere=`qsub $JOB_DIR/sphere.mod` sphereid=`echo $sphere | awk -F '.' '{print $1}’` #3 QUEUE FINAL RUN sed "s/FINAL_JOB/$sphereid:$prolateid:$oblateid:$ellipsoidid/g” \ $JOB_DIR/final > $JOB_DIR/final.mod final=`qsub $JOB_DIR/final.mod` finalid=`echo $final | awk -F '.' '{print $1}'` #4 QUEUE FINAL STATS EXTRACTION sed "s/STATS_JOB/$finalid/g" $JOB_DIR/stats \ > $JOB_DIR/stats.mod stats=`qsub $JOB_DIR/stats.mod` #PBS -S /bin/csh #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1:opteron ... #PBS -W depend=afterok:CLUSTER_JOB 1 2 2 2 2 3 4

14 Example: Map S2 on structure

15 Thanks! CCHMC BMI Prakash Those who provide $$ Good Samaritan ER

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