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UBPAS Pension Consultation Meetings

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1 UBPAS Pension Consultation Meetings
14 October 2018 UBPAS Pension Consultation Meetings Guy Gregory - HR Director Andy Nield - Financial Advisor

2 14 October 2018 Key Points Pension provision remains an important part of the overall employment package at Bristol UoB currently operates UBPAS, UBGPP and USS schemes Defined benefit pension schemes such as UBPAS are under continuing and increasing financial pressure Latest actuarial valuation of UBPAS: Shows a significant increase in future service contributions required Plus continuing deficit recovery plan payments by UoB of £6.9m pa Overall financial sustainability of the Scheme is an absolute priority

3 14 October 2018 Key Points Keeping UBPAS open to future accrual in the longer term is no longer a viable option for the University Option A ( agreed in principle with union representatives and UBPAS trustees) UBPAS remains open to December 2019 then closes, but employee contributions/accrual need to change in the meantime. Post closure of scheme enhanced ‘employed deferred member’ terms Post closure members will join UBGPP on enhanced terms Collective agreement to end the link with final salary Option B UBPAS closes to future accrual immediately. Link to final salary while in continuous employment with UoB remains. Post closure of scheme normal UBPAS deferred member terms Post closure members will join UBGPP on standard terms

4 14 October 2018 Actuarial Reviews Actuarial reviews are carried out at least every 3 years on all Defined Benefit (DB) Pension Schemes Valuation is based on assumptions around future investment performance; discount rates; price and salary inflation; life expectancy etc. Assets and liabilities reviewed to determine whether the Scheme is in surplus or has a deficit and agree any deficit recovery plan Determine if changes to future service contribution rates required

5 UBPAS Actuarial Review History
14 October 2018 UBPAS Actuarial Review History £m

6 UBPAS Actuarial Review History
14 October 2018 UBPAS Actuarial Review History 2009 Agreed 20 year deficit recovery plan £5.0m pa Scheme closed to new members 2012 Deficit recovery plan increased to £6.9m pa Introduction of revised employee contribution/accrual rates 2015 draft valuation Deficit recovery plan to continue at £6.9m pa Significant increase in future service contributions required Scheme in current format no longer viable

7 UoB financial impact Current cost of UBPAS to UoB:
14 October 2018 UoB financial impact Current cost of UBPAS to UoB: Future service accrual 13.2% = c£2.9m pa Deficit recovery payments £6.9m pa Total cost £9.8m pa Potential future costs if no changes Future service accrual 22.9% = c£5m pa Total cost £11.9m pa UoB has contributed c £47m of deficit recovery payments since 2009

8 Managing for the Future
14 October 2018 Managing for the Future University commenced discussions with trade unions in February 2016 Having considered a number of options, two options appear viable: Option A: UBPAS remains open to December 2019 then closes, but employee contributions/accrual need to change in the meantime. Post closure of scheme enhanced ‘employed deferred member’ terms Collective agreement to end the link with final salary Post closure members will join UBGPP on enhanced terms Option B: UBPAS closes to future accrual immediately. Link to final salary while in continuous employment with UoB remains. Post closure of scheme normal UBPAS deferred member terms Post closure members will join UBGPP on standard terms

9 Total pension benefits under Option A
14 October 2018 Total pension benefits under Option A UBPAS Accrued benefits to 31 January 2017 as current Plus accrued benefits February 2017 to 31 December 2019 under new contribution/accrual rates Employed Deferred member benefits post December 2019 Plus UBGPP (on enhanced terms) January 2020 onwards

10 What will it mean for the next 3 years…
14 October 2018 What will it mean for the next 3 years… Current: Since Nov 2013 Option A: 1 Feb 2017 to 31 Dec 2019 Employee Cont. % Benefit Accrual £ mth contrib 9% 1/150 75 11% 1/135 92 14% 1/125 117 17% 1/110 142 25% 1/90 208 28% 1/80 233 Employee Cont.% Benefit Accrual £ mth contrib 9% 1/110 75 11% 1/100 92 17% 1/80 142 Select Example: £/mth Salary of £10,000 pa

11 What will it mean January 2020 onwards
14 October 2018 What will it mean January 2020 onwards From 1 January 2020 all active members of the Scheme at 31 December 2019 will be classified as “Employed Deferred” Employed Deferred members will retain some benefits in UBPAS which are not available to ordinary deferred members These enhanced benefits are only available while they remain in continuous employment Future pensions contributions made into UBGPP

12 Contribution rates in UBGPP from 1 Jan 2020
14 October 2018 Contribution rates in UBGPP from 1 Jan 2020 Category Employee rate Employer rate Standard existing UBGPP options 4% 5.0% 5% 6.5% 6% 8.0% 7% + 9.5% Enhanced options for UBPAS employed deferred members – if the proposal is accepted 9% 10.5% 11% UBPAS contribution at least 11% during 2015 to 2019 11.5% 17% UBPAS contribution at least 17% during 2015 to 2019 12% Insurance/other benefits 1.5%

13 UBGPP: Example Pensionable Salary at 1 January 2020
14 October 2018 UBGPP: Example Pensionable Salary at 1 January 2020 Contribution rates % Gross contributionpaid into UBGPP (£) Projected UBGPP fund value at NRD (£) Employee Employer 3% return pa 5% return pa 7% return pa 9% 10.5% 39,000 53,180 66,070 82,690 10,000 11% 11.5% 45,000 61,360 76,240 95,410 17% 12.0% 58,000 79,080 98,260 123,000 Above is an illustration of how members investments in UBGPP can grow The example assumes the member retires after contributing for a period of 20 years. For simplicity the pensionable salary and rate of contributions remain fixed at the same level.

14 14 October 2018 UBGPP At retirement it would be your decision as to how to take your UBGPP benefits. One option would be to use the accumulated fund to buy a life-time pension (know as an annuity) . The example on the following slide is for a fund value of £100,000 The example is based on annuity rates available in the market over the last 12 months Note: UoB, trade unions and the UBPAS Trustees are not able or authorised to give you financial advice in connection with the changes. The examples are intended to be a helpful guide, you may wish to consult an independent financial adviser.

15 UBGPP: Example Annuity Rates
14 October 2018 UBGPP: Example Annuity Rates Terms of annuity benefits purchased Approximate range of initial pension that could have been purchased with a fund value of £100,000 in last 12 months Increases to pension in payment Spouses benefits payable on members death None – a fixed member pension None Between £4,000 - £5,100 pa A pension of 50% of the members pension at death Between £3,700 - £4,700 pa In line with RPI Between £2,150 - £2,700 pa Between £1,900 - £2,400 pa

16 14 October 2018 Option B Option A is the preferred option and has been agreed in principle with union representatives To implement Option A a collective agreement with recognised trade unions is required If Option A is not agreed then UoB would propose to implement Option B: UBPAS closes to future accrual on 1 February 2017 and active members become normal deferred members of UBPAS Final salary link remains post closure of scheme to future accrual Members transfer to UBGPP on the terms currently available to new employees – no enhancement

17 14 October 2018 Formal Consultation Under Pensions law and regulations, the University must consult if they wish to make significant changes to the Scheme, including: Closing the Scheme to new members or future accrual Increasing employee contributions Changing the basis or rate of benefit accrual Formal 60 days consultation period therefore commenced on 22nd September 2016 Letters, booklets, website, box available Closes on 23rd November 2016 Will consider all feedback from the consultation…

18 14 October 2018 Next Steps … Will then reach a final decision after the expiry of the consultation period… … Will meet with the trade unions to advise them of the decision taken … … Active members of UBPAS will be notified shortly afterwards including details of decisions that they will need to make for implementation on 1 February 2017

19 14 October 2018 Questions? We invite questions that Members may have following this presentation FAQ’s are available online at

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