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Institute of Fundraising – South West Gift Aid 2018

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1 Institute of Fundraising – South West Gift Aid 2018
Ms Phil Robson Mrs Elanor Hoskin Wednesday 2nd May 2018

2 Gift Aid at eighteen

3 Government report on Gift Aid published March 2018
The stats Government report on Gift Aid published March 2018

4 Has Gift Aid come of age 2000 – 2018 and beyond

5 £179m incorrectly claimed
£600m underclaimed £179m incorrectly claimed HMG: 2017 Research - Charities missing out on £600m because people are not enabling them to claim Gift Aid on donations

6 Eligible Donors who don’t sign up for Gift Aid
Ineligible donors who have not paid tax, but take tax from the Treasury to give to charities Gift Aid tax Gap

7 Overview Gift Aid – Collective industry responsibility
What are the barriers to successful Gift Aid Why are charities losing £600million a year in unclaimed Gift Aid What is my charity doing about Gift Aid

8 How does Gift Aid breakdown
Gift Aid added to 52% of the total value of donations, with charities claiming £1.16bn (2017) Proportionally, 73% of donations to online giving added Gift Aid- compared to 50% Gift Aid across other channels. Whilst Gift Aid declaration is lower for direct debits, this channel generates the highest Gift Aid value because donation values are the largest.

9 Non-taxpayer: Individual with a gross personal income of less than £10,600 a year (income levels change) – No Gift Aid Basic rate taxpayer: Individual with a gross personal income between £10,600 and £42,384 (inclusive) a year (income levels change) – Gift Aid for the charity Higher or additional rate taxpayer: Individual with a gross personal income of £42,385 or more a year (income levels change) Gift Aid for the charity and tax refund for donor Three tax statuses

10 HMG found: most effective ways public donate to charities
More people donate through bucket and tin collections Most income is raised is through Direct Debits HMG found: most effective ways public donate to charities

11 Volume versus value In “people” numbers
More people Gift Aid online either through sponsorship or direct to the charity Conversely more people donate without Gift Aid via buckets (not including GASDS) Most income not collecting Gift Aid is Direct Debits and charity envelopes containing cheques And yet we know Direct Debits generated the highest Gift Aid £ for £ Other than legacies, Committed Giving is closest bond between charity and donor

12 Main Barriers to Gift Aid
For tax paying Donors who do not opt into the scheme They do not engage with charities beyond the donation Charities who do not know how to engage with these donors Cite confusion around the rules of who can gift aid their donation Main Barriers to Gift Aid

13 HMG Research: Donor Awareness
Across all tax statuses Donor Awareness is high, over 80% have heard of Gift Aid However when asked if they understood Gift Aid this dropped to between 30-35% Even people who said they understood Gift Aid said their knowledge of the scheme was “good to fairly good”

14 Why do eligible donors not add Gift Aid “sometimes/never”
It is mostly driven by a perceived lack of opportunity to add Gift Aid And by a misunderstanding of Gift Aid and not recognising their eligibility to add it. Why do eligible donors not add Gift Aid “sometimes/never”

15 % of Income by Source to which Gift Aid is added (2016/17)

16 The facts

17 What can charities do to increase income and mitigate risk

18 What is a Gift Aid Income Stream
Individual Donations Sponsorships (via events) Visitor sites (Museums. Zoos etc) Membership and Friends Schemes Retail Gift Aid (High street charity shops/furniture collections) Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) What is a Gift Aid Income Stream

19 Understanding the Gift Aid Rules
At least 6 different Gift Aid Income Streams Over 35 HMRC rules affect Gift Aid Each income stream has its own particular set of Gift Aid rules Charity has to know which of these rules affect particular income streams so can explain to donors Understanding the Gift Aid Rules

20 Why is Gift Aid confusing donors and charities
Gift Aid declaration Benefits Rule Individual Donations Annual Pass 10% on entrance fee Visitors Sites People put money in a bucket No Gift Aid Declaration Form Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme Personal items donated to charity Donors own Gift Aid to point of claim Retail Gift Aid

21 S.W.O.T. What are our potential Gift Aid income streams
Can our data and technology support a Gift Aid programme Do we understand the Gift Aid rules Can we engage effectively with donors Gift Aid

22 Most Common “weaknesses” and lost “opportunities”
Charities unclear of the rules Ineligible donors are signing up for Gift Aid Donors sign invalid declarations Eligible Donors are not signing up Most Common “weaknesses” and lost “opportunities”

23 Failure to understand the “Benefits Rules”
Annualising gifts against incentives - especially for Major Donors Individual Donations Exceeding the benefits participants and their connected families are allowed before invalidating Gift Aid Sponsorship Do the benefits your membership receive exceed the benefits rule Memberships Failure to understand the “Benefits Rules”

24 Charities need to train and educate people directly connected
Head Office Shop Managers Volunteers Donors RGA

25 HMRC ruling on the RGA audit rules
“Charities should keep records of staff/volunteer training and guidance, to demonstrate that all their staff and volunteers have a good understanding of the processes.” “records of checks the charity has carried out on each of its shops to ensure that the Retail Gift Aid process is operated correctly” HMRC ruling on the RGA audit rules

26 Visitor Sites – common mistakes making Gift Aid invalid
No understanding of difference between the Annual pass and 10% on admissions rule Volunteers expected to deliver the Gift Aid rules with little or no knowledge as to how to explain No clear signage for and engagement with visitors to explain what Gift Aid is, and their rights to enter if they choose not to Gift Aid Visitor Sites – common mistakes making Gift Aid invalid

27 Common errors in what a Gift Aid Declaration is
Web declarations can be written or oral but there is no “web” declaration Web Declaration Depending on your technology, most is written Gift Aid but there is no “Visitors Pass” declaration Visitors Pass Special scheme embracing both written and oral Written declaration to join, there is no “RGA Declaration” RGA Common errors in what a Gift Aid Declaration is

28 Different Income Stream different rules
Oral/Written Visitor Sites Written RGA Web Oral Telemarketing Different Income Stream different rules

29 However you dress it up there are only two Declaration Types
Written Oral However you dress it up there are only two Declaration Types

30 Top reasons charities fail Gift Aid audits
Lost Gift Aid declarations Invalid Gift Aid Declarations types Incomplete Audit trail Top reasons charities fail Gift Aid audits

31 £Hundreds of Millions remain unclaimed each year
Be honest about your own Gift Aid Knowledge. If you need training – ask Make sure your charity educate and train both donors and charities (including your volunteers!) S.W.O.T. Invest your Gift Aid resources in the best chance of a risk free return All good work on recruiting Gift Aid will be lost in poor Gift Aid management and administration £Hundreds of Millions remain unclaimed each year

32 Putting resources into your Gift Aid programme
5% of your Gift Aid income invested back into Gift Aid Put the Gift Aid rules into the charity, do not rely on one person to run your scheme Treat Gift Aid as any other income stream – it needs experts to run an effective scheme

33 Who is liable for Gift Aid at your charity
Charity trustees are ultimately responsible for ensuring that all claims are correct And have an obligation to ensure that appropriate systems are in place to achieve that result This includes making sure proper training is available And making sure resources are made available Trustees Who is liable for Gift Aid at your charity

34 Remember Most people have heard of Gift Aid, very few people understand Gift Aid The charity need to understand the Gift Aid rules or cannot target Gift Aid donors Understand the Gift Aid rules that affect your income streams.

35 Venues to be announced Workshop Content To book a place please contact
19th and 20th September 2018 16th and 17th of October 2018 Venues to be announced Workshop Content To book a place please contact

36 Question Time!

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