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PRESENT PERFECT Siu, Ka Ka Katy; Yeung, Ching Yee Annie;

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENT PERFECT Siu, Ka Ka Katy; Yeung, Ching Yee Annie;"— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENT PERFECT Siu, Ka Ka Katy; Yeung, Ching Yee Annie;
Lee, Fung King Jackie The Education University of Hong Kong

2 Let’s have a little test Change the verb forms below.
Present tense Past tense Past participle Present participle is/am/are was/were being swim swam swimming build built building sleep slept eating visit visited visiting watch watched watching try tried trying drive drove driving eat ate sleeping been swum built slept visited watched tried driven eaten

3 Stitch and Angel on the Radio Present Perfect Tense

4 Who is this?

5 Where does he come from? Hong Kong Space Hawaii

6 Space Stitch lives here.

7 He wants to know about other planets, especially the Earth .

8 He has chosen a place to visit. Here he is. Where is it?
It is Hawaii.

9 His friend, Angel, has also come to Hawaii to meet him.

10 Stitch and Angel have become very famous in Hawaii
Stitch and Angel have become very famous in Hawaii. They have been invited to a radio interview.

11 In the interview, Stitch and Angel are asked about their travelling experiences in Hawaii.

12 Let’s see what the radio host is going to ask them.

13 : Yes, you’re right. This is our first time.
: Hi, Stitch and Angel, this is the first time that you have come to the Earth and to Hawaii, right? : Yes, you’re right. This is our first time. : So, what do you think about your travelling in Hawaii? Do you like our place? : Yes. It’s so fun staying here. It’s really out of my expectation!

14 : Have you ever been to any beaches before?
: Well, we have been to different Hawaii beaches, like Waikiki Beach and Spencer Beach Park before. : Have you ever swum in the sea or built a sandcastle before? : We have never swum in the sea but we have built a sandcastle! I hope we’ll find some time to swim in the water.

15 : I also want to eat ice-cream because I have never eaten ice-cream before.
: Haha! I have eaten ice-cream before. You should really try it! It tastes heavenly! : Yeah! Can’t agree more! You must try it!

16 : By the way, have you visited any shopping centres in Hawaii yet?
: Yes. We have been to the biggest shopping centre in Hawaii. It is so big that we nearly got lost, but it was really an enjoyable experience. nightmare : The shopping experience was a nightmare for me!

17 : Oh! Why? I think the audience would like to
know about it! : Angel bought so many things. We almost went bankrupt! : Don’t blame me. I have never been to any shopping centre before. I didn’t know that the things are so expensive in Hawaii! You also bought three pairs of sunglasses too. Don’t make any more complaints!

18 -To be continued- : Don’t be silly! We are having a radio interview!
: Uh… Maybe we should have a break first. Stay tuned! -To be continued-

19 Fill in the blanks and tick the correct boxes.
Now, Stitch and Angel will talk about their experiences in Hawaii. Listen carefully. Fill in the blanks and tick the correct boxes. ? ? ?

20 : Have you ever been to any beaches before?
Present Simple Past Past Participle Present Participle is/am/are was / were being been : Well, we have been to different Hawaii beaches, like Waikiki Beach and Spencer Beach Park.

21 Fill in the blanks and tick the correct boxes.
Now, Stitch and Angel will talk about their experiences in Hawaii. Listen carefully. Fill in the blanks and tick the correct boxes. have been

22 : Have you ever swum in the sea or built a
sandcastle before? : We have never swum in the sea but we have built a sandcastle! I hope we’ll find some time to swim in the water.

23 : I also want to eat ice-cream because I have
never eaten ice- cream before. : Ha ha! I have eaten ice-cream before. You should really try it! It tastes heavenly! : Yeah! Can’t agree more! You must try it!

24 : By the way, have you visited any shopping
centres in Hawaii yet? : Yes. We have visited the biggest shopping centre in Hawaii. It is so big that we nearly got lost, but it was really an enjoyable experience!

25 : The shopping experience was a nightmare
for me! : Oh! Why? I think the audience would like to know about it! : Angel bought so many things! We almost went bankrupt!

26 : Don’t blame me. I have never been to any shopping centre before
: Don’t blame me. I have never been to any shopping centre before. I didn’t know that things are so expensive in Hawaii! Wait… You bought three pairs of sunglasses too! Don’t make any more complaints!

27 -To be continued- : Don’t be silly! We are having a radio interview!
: Uh… Maybe we should have a break first. Stay tuned! -To be continued-

28 What happened next?

29 Finally, Stitch and Angel stopped arguing and completed the radio interview …

30 In the later part of interview,
Stitch and Angel talked about some other experiences.

31 What experiences? Are those good or bad experiences?

32 Let’s play a Bingo game.

33 How to play: Listen carefully to the radio interview.
Circle what Stitch and Angel have done. climb a tree skateboard see a bird water a plant go to school dance in a ball go hiking ride a bike help old people

34 How to play: 3. The first player to line up in a row is the winner. Say “Bingo!” climb a tree skateboard see a bird water a plant go to school dance in a ball go hiking ride a bike help old people

35 : Now. Welcome to Radio 909 again. Let us
continue our conversation. Besides shopping, ________________________________? : Fire dance show? People dance with a fire stick? : Oh my god, how can you forget about it! ______________________. It was really amazing! watch a fire dance show

36 _______________________? It is very famous.
: Yes. Many people like watching it. It is a dangerous show full of fun. You can find these shows in some restaurants. ______________ _______________________? It is very famous. : Really? _______________________________ but there were only a few people there. : And we ordered some beer. It is my favourite drink now. : Can you drink alcohol? Children cannot drink alcohol. try Hawaii Restaurant

37 : Yes! We are adults, not kids! We could also drive a car!
___________________? : I heard that we need to have a driving license to drive here. We don’t have that, so _______ ______________________________. : How do you get to the hotel without a car? Where are you staying now? drive a car

38 : We’re staying in Lilo’s home. It is close to a beach.
: Great! You can sleep on the beach too. __________________________________? :Yes,____________________ ________________________. It’s so relaxing! sleep on a hammock

39 Bye!!! : I agree. Hope you enjoy your trip here.
It is about time to say goodbye. Thanks for coming! : You’re welcome! : Let’s say bye together. Bye!!!

40 watch a fire dance show present perfect tense present tense
have watched watch We have watched a fire dance show before.

41 Positive Answer Our past experience
has / have + past participle We have watched a fire dance show before!

42 drive a car present tense present perfect tense drive have driven We
never / not driven a car before.

43 Negative Answer No experience We have never driven a car before!
has / have + never / not + past participle We have never driven a car before! We have not driven a car before!

44 try Hawaii Restaurant present tense present perfect tense try
have tried Have you ever tried Hawaii Restaurant before ?

45 Ask about someone’s past experience
Question Ask about someone’s past experience Have + you + ever + past participle ? Have you ever tried Hawaii Restaurant before?

46 5 minutes watch a fire dance show 2. try Hawaii Restaurant
Have you ever watched a fire dance show before? watch a fire dance show We have watched a fire dance show before. 2. try Hawaii Restaurant 3. drive a car 4. sleep on a hammock

47 Small challenge What is the difference between these two sentences?
I have watched a fire dance show before. I watched a fire dance show yesterday.

48 What is the difference between these two sentences?
1. I have watched a fire dance show before. before past yesterday present future 2. I watched a fire dance show yesterday.

49 We can use present perfect tense to talk about e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
x p e r i e n c e

50 We can use present perfect tense to talk about...
travelling experience learning experience life experience

51 What experiences do you have? What experiences does your partner have?
Let’s play a game!

52 Each pair will have : 2 chess pieces 1 dice 1 board game card

53 Finish Start Go to Jail Go to Lottery Throw the dice here
play Bingo visit the Science Museum drive a car swim in the sea watch stars at night surf ride a horse play the piano visit a zoo talk to a foreigner Go to Jail Go to Lottery sleep in a tent perform a show bake cookies Stay here until you roll a 6. If you roll a 1, go back to Start. Roll a 4, you will be the winner. If you fail, go to jail. Throw the dice here In each turn, the student before you have to ask a question: “Have you ever … ?” You have to answer the question: “I have never … before. ” “ I have … before. ” Move 2 boxes forward watch a movie in the cinema build a sandcastle take photos with classmates climb on a climbing wall have lunch with your classmates outside school go shopping in a shopping mall Start

54 Stitch and Angel are coming to Hong Kong.
The school wants to choose a student who has good travelling experiences to be their tour guide.

55 Interview your partner about his/her travel experience in Hong Kong
Interview your partner about his/her travel experience in Hong Kong. Check if your partner is suitable to be the tour guide.

56 Round 1 Student A Student B teacher student ask questions
answer questions

57 Round 1 Student A Student B Ask Student B about his/her experiences.
Write down the answers. Tell Student A your experiences.

58 Round 2 Student A Student B student teacher answer questions
ask questions

59 Round 2 Student A Student B Tell Student B your experiences.
Ask Student A about his/her experiences. Write down the answers.

60 Our travelling wish list
Dear Miss Yeung and Miss Siu, Thank you for helping us to find the tour guide for our travelling in Hong Kong You may also need our travelling wish list. We want to… see the night view of Hong Kong have dim sum

61 You have been chosen to be the tour guide. Hong Kong is proud of you!
Congratulations! You have been chosen to be the tour guide. Hong Kong is proud of you!

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