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Memorial Middle School

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1 Memorial Middle School
Open House – March 7, 2018 6:00 – 8:00 PM

2 La Joya ISD Vision Educational Excellence: The Right of Every Student
La Joya ISD Mission Statement La Joya Independent School District is committed to providing Educational Excellence through rigor, relevance, relationships and personal responsibility. We are the integral part of learning where students become successful and productive contributors to our global society. We embrace, with passion, the commitment to continuous improvement, collaboration and accountability that will allow our students to imprint the world.

3 Memorial Middle School Administrative Team
Principal Mr. Daniel Villarreal Assistant Principal Ms. Gloria Ramos Curriculum Facilitator Mrs. Yadira Rangel Counselors 8th Counselor Mrs. Nereida Vela 7th Counselor Mr. Xavier Sandoval 6th Counselor Mrs. Rosalinda de la Garza Social Worker Mrs. Minerva Acosta

4 Team Teachers ELA - Math - Science - Social Studies -

5 Upcoming Testing Dates
STAAR Date Subjects Grades Tuesday April 10 Writing Math 7th Grade 8th Grade Wednesday April 11 Math (8th) Calculus Track only Reading Monday May 14 Math Retest 6th – 7th Grades May 15 Reading Retest May 16 Science Thursday May 17 Social Studies

6 Test-Taking Tips Encourage your child to do their best on the test.
Make sure your child gets enough sleep on the night before the test. Ensure that your child eats a healthy breakfast, at school or at home. Remind them to keep a positive attitude throughout the test.

7 TIPS for Parents Be sure your child is prepared for class each day (Supplies, Homework, Projects, etc.) Help your child budget time for long-range projects and assignments. Encourage your child to seek help from teachers. Discuss what your child is learning in each subject. Review progress reports and report cards with your child. Encourage your child to perform at the highest level. Provide a quiet, well-lit study area at home and set regular times for homework. Help your child make connections between learning and real-life experiences. Encourage your child to become involved with clubs and activities. Have your child read at least 30 minutes daily. Encourage your child to come to school every day. Alert us right away if your child has a safety concern. Know your child’s friends. Encourage your child to go to bed early.

8 Goal Setting

9 Gaining Color-Bands Red to Green to Dark Blue

10 ColorBands Goal setting conversations with your son/daughter
Does your child know their score and ColorBand for each of the STAAR tests they take at MMS? Does your child know what their projected goal is for this year in each of the tested areas? Our goal at MMS is for each student to gain 2 ColoBands to ensure that all students are College and Career Ready Is your child’s ColorBand in navy blue – Ivy League, College and Career Ready? If you need more information on your child’s ColorBand score and their progress, please meet with their team teachers during their conference periods.

11 Conferences/Conferencias
Si le gustaría preguntar sobre el progreso de su hijo/a, favor de poner una cita confidencial con sus maestros o llamar al If you would like to discuss any confidential information regarding your son/daughter’s progress, please feel free to schedule a teacher/parent conference at

12 High School BPCC Training
Welcome all/thank sponsors! Participant introductions Explain role of Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee – (BPCC) Refer to Committee Notebook “BPCC Membership and Related Tasks” SWG, Doc. 10. Trainer introduction – explain role as trainer AND consultant who will be working with them for a minimum of one year… Review High School BPCC training agenda & meeting logistics “Parking lot” for questions that are not addressed at that time Four Corners Icebreaker Activity (Trainer’s Manual [TM] Tab 2, Doc. 2) or other ice-breaker activity. ©2015 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S.

13 PBIS Expectations (Positive Behavior Intervention System)
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe

14 Student Expectations Expectativas
1. Be on time 2. Be prepared 3. Respect self and others 4. Stay on Task 5. Demonstrate self-control Llegar a tiempo Venir preparado Respetar a otros y a uno mismo Mantenerse trabajando Demonstrar control de uno mismo

What is it? SATA is a program intended to help students recover instructional minutes of the school day in order to maintain the required 90% attendance Who is it for? Students with excessive absences Students with multiple Out of School Suspensions When is SATA? Monday – Thursdays 3:35 – 5:35 PM

16 Importance of Reading

17 Reading Expands Vocabulary


19 Reading Renaissance Student Goals
Students must read their library books for 30+ minutes every day at home. Students must read and test on a library book on a weekly basis. Students must score a 90% or higher on the books tested. Students must read at least 28,000 words a week. Students must be reading at the following levels by the end of the year: 6th reading level 7th reading level 8th reading level

20 Class Supplies Útiles Escolares
Please remind your son/daughter that they need to come to class prepared with supplies Supplies Needed Spiral Pencils/pens Favor de recordar a sus hijos sobre la importancia de venir preparados a la escuela Útiles necesarios Libreta Lápices y Plumas

21 Dress Code Reglas de vestuario
Only Black or Blue Jeans Allowed No torn jeans Natural hair color Polo style shirt 6th Grade – White 7th Grade – Red 8th Grade – Black Solo se permite pantalones de mezclilla color azul o negro No se permiten jeans rotos Camiseta tipo polo Grado 6 - Blanco Grade 7 - Rojo Grado 8 - Negro Monday – OLWEUS Bullying Spirit Shirt Wednesday – College Spirit Shirt Friday – Lobos Spirt Shirt

22 AdvancED Visit March 26 – 27, 2018 Accreditation visit at Memorial Middle School Minimum of 5 educators visit classrooms Evaluate 7 areas involving classroom instruction Survey students, teachers, and parents Debrief and review findings Advantages: Will add prestige to our school Will allow for students to transfer course credits in and out of state for similar course(s) taken

23 Skyward Student and Family Access Portal de padres - acceso de familia
Skyward Family Access is a web-based product that will allow parents to be more connected with their children’s academic progress and to update information over the internet. Visit Lab/Classroom 45 with Ms. Acosta for assistance with online registration. Acceso de familia es un producto basado en web que permitirá a los padres a estar más conectados con el progreso académico de sus hijos y para actualizar la información en la internet. Visite el salón 45, Ms. Acosta estará disponible para asistir con la registración en línea de su hijo/a.

24 Some of the items parents can view with Family Access include/Artículos que pueden ver con acceso a familia incluyen: Attendance Gradebook Assignments Schedules Emergency Information Online registration information Asistencia Grados Asignaciones Horarios Información de emergencia Registro por el internet

25 Otras Fechas Importantes
Other Important Dates Otras Fechas Importantes March 12-16, 2018 Spring Break March 30 & April 2, 2018 NO CLASSES April 20, 2018 May 25, 2018 Last Day of School

26 to our local community partners for supporting Memorial Middle School
Special Thank You to our local community partners for supporting Memorial Middle School Community Partners Salad Delight Fresh Smiles Dentistry Planch Arte Tropical Breeze LJISD Crime Stoppers Sports & Learning Complex


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