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Roots Section 2.

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1 Roots Section 2

2 Functions Anchor plant in soil Absorb/transport water and minerals
Store water and organic compounds

3 Types of Roots When a seed sprouts it makes a primary root
If it becomes the largest root it’s called the taproot

4 Some plants the primary root doesn’t get big.
Instead many small roots develop to make fibrous root system Many monocots, like grasses, have this Often develop straight from stem instead of other roots

5 Root Structures Root tip covered by protective root cap
Covers apical meristem Makes slimy substance that acts like lubricant Allows root to move easily through soil as it grows Cells crushed in root cap as root moves through soil replaced by new cells made in apical meristem.

6 Root hairs  extensions of epidermal cells; increase surface area of root so increase plant’s ability to absorb


8 Ground Tissue Just inside the epidermis is a region of ground tissue called the cortex. Water and minerals move through the cortex from the epidermis toward the center of the root. The cortex also stores the products of photosynthesis, such as starch.

9 Ground Tissue A layer of ground tissue known as the endodermis completely encloses the vascular cylinder. The endodermis plays an essential role in the movement of water and minerals into the center of the root

10 Vascular Tissue At the center of the root, the xylem and phloem together make up a region called the vascular cylinder. Dicot roots like the one shown in the figure have a central column of xylem cells.

11 Root Functions Roots support a plant, anchor it in the ground, store food, and absorb water and dissolved nutrients from the soil. Soil is a complex mixture of sand, silt, clay, air, and bits of decaying animal and plant tissue. Soil in different places contains varying amounts of these ingredients. The ingredients define the soil and determine, to a large extent, the kinds of plants that can grow in it.

12 Uptake of Plant Nutrients
The functions of these essential nutrients within a plant are described below.

13 Uptake of Plant Nutrients
Small amounts of other nutrients, called trace elements, are also important. These trace elements include sulfur, iron, zinc, molybdenum, boron, copper, manganese, and chlorine. As important as they are, excessive amounts of any of these nutrients in soil can also be poisonous to plants.

14 Active Transport of Dissolved Nutrients
The cell membranes of root hairs and other cells in the root epidermis contain active transport proteins. Active transport brings the mineral ions of dissolved nutrients from the soil into the plant. The high concentration of mineral ions in the plant cells causes water molecules to move into the plant by osmosis.

15 Water Movement by Osmosis
By using active transport to accumulate mineral ions from the soil, cells of the epidermis create conditions under which osmosis causes water to “follow” those ions and flow into the root, as shown in the figure.

16 Movement Into the Vascular Cylinder
Next, the water and dissolved minerals pass through the cortex and move toward the vascular cylinder. The cylinder is enclosed by a layer of cortex cells known as the endodermis. Where the cells of the endodermis meet, the cell walls form a special waterproof zone called a Casparian strip.

17 Movement Into the Vascular Cylinder
 The waxy Casparian strip forces water and minerals to move through the cell membranes of the endodermis rather than in between the cells. This enables the endodermis to filter and control the water and dissolved nutrients that enter the vascular cylinder.

18 Movement Into the Vascular Cylinder
The Casparian strip also ensures that valuable nutrients will not leak back out. As a result, there is a one-way passage of water and nutrients into the vascular cylinder.

19 Root Pressure As minerals are pumped into the vascular cylinder, more and more water follows by osmosis, producing a strong pressure. Contained within the Casparian strip, the water has just one place to go—up. Root pressure, produced within the cylinder by active transport, forces water through the vascular cylinder and into the xylem. As more water moves from the cortex into the vascular cylinder, more water in the xylem is forced upward through the root into the stem.

20 Root Pressure Demonstration
In this setup, a glass tube takes the place of the carrot plant’s stem and leaves. As the root absorbs water, root pressure forces water upward into the tube.

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