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Comparative Vertebrate Physiology

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Presentation on theme: "Comparative Vertebrate Physiology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparative Vertebrate Physiology
Respiration: Gas exchange

2 Gas transfer systems Components: 1. Breathing 2. Respiratory diffusion
3. Bulk transport 4. Cellular diffusion

3 Dalton’s Law PT = P1 + P2 + P3 etc.
Therefore each gas has a partial pressure (Pgas) Pgas = % of total mixture

4 Dalton’s Law Atmospheric air

5 Henry’s Law Gases dissolve into liquid in proportion to their partial pressure and their solubility [G] = Pgas x Sgas Equilibrium will be reached (e.g. gases in the lung)

6 Gas solubility Air: CO2 > O2(1/20th) > N2 (1/2)
What if air had more CO2 than O2?

7 Alveolar gases Air in alveoli contains: Less O2, more CO2 & H2O

8 Why is gas composition different?
O2 diffuses into blood, CO2 in opposite direction Humid air in conductive pathway Air in alveoli a mixture of air from more than one breath How to alter gas composition? Increase rate and depth of breathing

9 Pressure gradients

10 Pressure gradients Oxygen pO2 in deoxygenated blood is 40 mmHg
pO2 in alveoli is 104 mmHg

11 Pressure gradients Carbon dioxide pCO2 in alveoli is 40 mmHg
pCO2 in deoxygenated blood is 45 mmHg

12 Pressure gradients Relatively the same amount of O2 and CO2 are exchanged. Why? ANSWER: Solubility

13 Ventilation-perfusion coupling

14 Gas transport in blood Methods
Dissolved in plasma (3 ml per liter) Problem: C.O. would need to be 80 l/min Bound to a respiratory pigment (Hb) (200 ml per liter) Hb carries both O2 and CO2 simultaneously

15 Hemoglobin structure Oxy vs. deoxyhemoglobin

16 Oxygen transport in blood
Percent saturation Deoxyhemoglobin: Hb is 75% saturated

17 Oxygen transport in blood
Lampreys have modified Hb (1 heme) Why the sigmoidal shape with Hb?

18 Hb-O2 affinity Decreasing affinity
Bohr Effect: Decrease in pH or increase in PCO2

19 Hb-O2 affinity Decreasing affinity Binding to 2,3 DPG
Elevated temperature

20 Carbon dioxide transport
Ways to transport Dissolved in plasma (7 - 10%) Bound to Hb ( %) * Bicarbonate ion ( %) ** ** ** *

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