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Emma dodsworth Feride nidai

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Presentation on theme: "Emma dodsworth Feride nidai"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emma dodsworth Feride nidai
Welcome to YEAR 2 Emma dodsworth Feride nidai

2 Curriculum Home Sweet Home – animals and their habitats
The Horniman Museum Festivals and Celebrations, The Great Fire of London, Explorers, and Where the Forest Meets the Sea Assessment system/Age Related Expectations (ARE)

3 Reading Please keep reading with your child! We do ask the children in assembly who has read the night before and what they have read! New research from Booktrust about ‘importance of quality time reading as a family’ Join the library if you haven’t already, it’s a great resource and free!

4 Timetable PPA P.E. on a Tuesday (Emma) and Wednesday (Sacha, Sports Coach) Singing Assembly for KS1 on a Thursday Spanish – Tuesdays Routines – Drop off and pick up from the class Class Dojo

5 Home Learning Ongoing reading, including Bug Club/Active Learn
My Maths – set every Friday, checked every Wednesday Weekly spellings - set every Friday, checked the following Friday Half termly ‘topic’ projects

6 Communication Before/after school or appointment Newsletters
Parentmail/texting Blog address:

7 Trips/Volunteers/DBS Behaviour/time out system Reading focus OPAL
SLT info Child Protection Trips/Volunteers/DBS Behaviour/time out system Reading focus OPAL Attendance

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