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Andrew Paterson Scottish Community Development Centre

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1 Andrew Paterson Scottish Community Development Centre
A new way to have your say Participation requests Andrew Paterson Scottish Community Development Centre

2 Participation requests
A new way for people to have their say about what improvements they would like to see to public services they use.

3 The basics A community body (or group of people in a community)
‘Community participation body’ can ask to start a discussion ‘Outcome improvement process’ with organisations in charge of public services, such as hospitals, schools and transport ‘Public service authorities’ about how to improve outcomes of these services

4 What are outcomes The changes, benefits, learning or other effects that result from what the organisation makes, offers or provides. e.g. better health, improved environment, stronger community etc.

5 Can be made to… Local authorities Health Boards Colleges
National Park Authority Police Scotland Scottish Enterprise The Scottish Environment Protection Agency The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Scottish Natural Heritage Regional Transport Partnerships

6 Who can make participation requests?
Requirements to be a ‘community participation body’ A definition of the community Majority of members are members of that community Membership is open to any member of that community Statement of aims and purposes Surplus funds are to be applied to the benefit of the community

7 Support Public service authorities should… Promote and raise awareness
Provide information on how to make one Support groups to make one e.g. guidance, materials, accessibility & capacity building

8 Recap A community body Can make a participation request
Asking to start a discussion With organisations about how to improve outcomes of services

9 “But…” I hear you ask! Can’t the request simply be refused? X

10 ✓ Not quite… Services should respond positively or explain why not
economic development public health regeneration environmental wellbeing …or reduce inequality social wellbeing

11 What happens then? If request is granted then an outcome improvement process begins

12 This process can take different forms….
A pre-existing process, e.g. community safety partnership A new process Meetings, discussions and actions to make things better!

13 Result? A conversation, not a guarantee
The public service authority must report on the process once completed, and also report annually on the participation requests they have received.

14 Example – Blairmore Village Trust
The Trust submitted a participation request to Argyll and Bute Council in May to take part in outcome improvement process to improve the state of a local road. The request also asked for Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park to be brought into the process. The request was granted in July 2017

15 Experience so far Community Development Team at Argyll & Bute Council has advised on the process Trust found it easy to make participation request Outcome improvement process more challenging Hope it will be a 'more effective route' to a sustainable outcome Like that public service authority had to respond

16 Further info Summary guidance
Contact Andrew Paterson on

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