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Case two: Outbreak of a PVL producing MRSA

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1 Case two: Outbreak of a PVL producing MRSA
Dr Mark Garvey, Principal Clinical Scientist in Microbiology Associate Director of Infection Prevention and Control or

2 Overview MRSA Panton Valentine leukocidin (PVL) Case studies
PVL Outbreak Conclusions

3 Staphylococcus aureus
Gram positive cocci Frequently coloniser in humans – found in nose of up to 30% of healthy individuals Opportunistic pathogen: Wide range of infections including skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI’s), bloodstream infection, pneumonia, endocarditis Toxins – mediated infection such as Toxic shock syndrome

4 Meticillin-resistant (‘flucloxacillin-resistant’) Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Contains resistance island called Staphylococcal chromosome cassette (SCC) mec is the genetic element confers resistance to meticillin mecA encodes for PBP2a; low affinity for meticillin and confers meticillin resistance on S. aureus (ie MRSA) Six types of SCC harbouring different resistance determinants

5 Problem – route of transmission
The bugs themselves aren’t the problem Its where they can get to that is Healthcare is increasingly invasive and we are working with even more vulnerable patients as medical science progresses MRSA seek and destroy i.e. screen and decolonise Kiernan M IPS 2018

6 Panton Valentine Leukocidin (PVL)

7 Panton-Valentine Leukocidin
First described in 1894 Pore forming toxin Leukotoxin produced by S. aureus 2 exoproteins (LukS & LukF) SSTIs Garvey MI et al., J Infect Prev 2017

8 PVL: epidemiology & risk factors
2-10% clinical S. aureus isolates are PVL positive Predominantly associated with community S. aureus (MSSA & MRSA) Modest disease burden in UK & rest of Europe currently compared with USA Highly transmissible especially in community Close contacts e.g. families, social groups, military, gyms. Garvey MI et al., J Infect Prev 2017

9 UK epidemiology of PVL UK PVL have been estimated to be carried in less than 2% of clinical isolates of MSSA. Reference laboratories only receive a small number of selected isolates so this is likely to under estimate the true burden of the disease In England, the majority of PVL-positive strains have been MSSA Garvey MI et al., J Infect Prev 2017

10 Questions When to suspect a PVL?
How many do laboratory inhouse PVL testing? How many send away for PVL testing?

11 When to suspect PVL? S. aureus (MSSA/MRSA) from a patient with:
Recurrent/multiple boils/abscess Necrotising skin and soft tissue infection Necrotising pneumonia Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns are highly variable Detection of PVL S. aureus infection depends on clinical suspicion of PVL-related syndrome Especially if <40yrs Garvey MI et al., J Infect Prev 2017

12 PVL Outbreak

13 Description of cases Sept 14 – Jan 15: 4 patients acquired PVL MRSA, spa type t852, associated with an index case. Index case Admitted to a bay Admission screen negative for MRSA Garvey MI et al., J Infect Prev 2017 The index patient was admitted from another Trust for trauma surgery and spent two days on the outbreak ward. The patient had no previous history of admission to the Trust. A wound swab taken on admission was positive for MRSA, the result being known after the patient was discharged.

14 Patient 1 Patient 1 was admitted on 2 separate occasions
First admission was in the same bay as index case Patient 1 subsequently acquired MRSA in October 2014 (acquisition) Garvey MI et al., J Infect Prev 2017 Patient 1 was admitted from another Trust following postoperative complications for a urological problem. Patient 1 also had a second admission to the ward soon after discharge, again for postoperative complications; this admission screen was positive for MRSA. Results of the admission screen were not available until after patient 1 was discharged. The patient had no previous admissions to the Trust.

15 Patient 2 Patient 2 admitted October 2014 for elective surgery
Acquired MRSA during second admission to Trust During second admission was in same bay as patient 1 Garvey MI et al., J Infect Prev 2017 Patient 2 was admitted for an elective urological procedure. The patient was discharged for one day and readmitted as an emergency with query infection. The patient had multiple visits to UHB, the last visit to the outbreak ward being one year previously. During implementation of the weekly MRSA screens this patient was found to be MRSA-positive.

16 Patient 3 Patient 3 complex surgical case admitted in Sept 2014
Found to be MRSA positive in December 2014 (acquisition) MRSA bacteraemia January 2015 Garvey MI et al., J Infect Prev 2017 Patient 3 was admitted for an elective urological surgery. The patient was a longstanding patient with multiple co-morbidities with previous admissions to the Trust; this patient’s last visit to the outbreak ward was two years previously. Patient 3 was identified as being positive as part of the weekly MRSA screens; however, the patient was also found to have a skin and soft-tissue infection which was the source of an MRSA bacteraemia.

17 Patient 4 Patient 4 admitted and discharged in December 2014
Patient 4 readmitted to Trust with community acquired pneumonia in February 2015 and was subsequently found to be MRSA positive that month (acquisition), however was on a different ward at the time Typing revealed same strain as Urology outbreak MRSA bacteraemia March 2015 Garvey MI et al., J Infect Prev 2017 Patient 4 was an elective urological admission to UHB. The patient had multiple admissions to UHB with the last admission to the outbreak ward being six months previously. Patient 4 was admitted to the outbreak ward on day 95 for nine days; however, the patient missed the weekly MRSA screens during this period. On day 143, patient 4 was readmitted to the Trust onto a different ward due to a respiratory infection. An MRSA screen on this admission was positive for MRSA. On examination of the cases all but one of the patients had surgery at UHB. Three of the patients had urological surgery; however, these were never in the same time period or in the same theatre so this was ruled out as a source of cross-transmission. None of the patients had the same procedures. The only commonality was presence on the same ward during the period of the outbreak. Three of the patients showed signs of infection with MRSA: the index patient and patients 3 and 4. The index patient and patient 3 had skin and soft-tissue infections with MRSA which is indicative of PVL infection; however, patient 4 showed no PVL-like infection. Interestingly, patients 3 and 4 developed an MRSA bacteriaemia. Patients 3 and 4 had prolonged hospital stay due to their MRSA infection/bacteraemia; they also had multiple co-morbidities and were aged >65 years compared with the other three patients. All the patients with infections were treated with antimicrobials.

18 Outbreak control What would you do if had this situation?
Would you screen staff? How many undertake staff screening in outbreaks? What would you do with wondering patients?

19 What was done? After the second case an outbreak control team was formed Included DIPC, Infection Control Nurses, ward medical and nursing staff, domestics, PHE, local commissioners, managerial nurses and Trust communications Screening of all patients in ward to identify other possible cases of transmission Staff screening with skin complaints e.g. eczema & boils – undertaken after 4th case no staff positives Improving hand hygiene compliance Garvey MI et al., J Infect Prev 2017


21 Other key interventions
Adherence to Trust MRSA screening procedures Local infection prevention control training sessions Improvement in antimicrobial prescribing Warning when flucloxacillin is prescribed in MRSA positive patients via electronic prescribing system Enhanced daily cleaning of bed spaces Garvey MI et al., J Infect Prev 2017

22 Cleaning & environmental screening
Do you undertake environmental screening? What do you screen? When do you undertake? What do you do with results?

23 What we did? Before enhanced cleaning 16/ 40 sites were positive for MRSA After enhanced cleaning 6/ 40 sites were positive for MRSA

24 Summary of PVL MRSA outbreak
Molecular typing & whole genome sequencing revealed all five strains were the same spa type t852, MLST CC 22, EMRSA 15 (ST22-IV) Strain recognised in Indian sub continent as well as UK Epidemiology suggests person to person transmission occurred Garvey MI et al., J Infect Prev 2017

25 Final thoughts Risk of spread of this clone in a healthcare setting is high Potential pathogenicity of strain seemed to be high – associated in this outbreak with 2 MRSA bacteraemias Molecular typing of MRSA acquisitions was essential to identify and help control outbreak Stringent adherence to infection prevention and control practice in outbreaks is key to prevent further spread of healthcare associated infections

26 Thank you Questions?

27 Supplementary - cleaning

28 Environmental survival of key pathogens on hospital surfaces
Survival times S. aureus (including MRSA) 7 days to >12 months Enterococcus spp. (including VRE) 5 days to >48 months Acinetobacter spp. 3 days to 11 months Clostridium difficile (spore form) >5 months Norovirus 8 hours to 28 days (temperature dependent) Pseudomonas aeruginosa 6 hours to 16 months Klebsiella spp. 2 hours to >30 months Neisseria gonorrhoae 20 seconds Hota B et al., Clin Infect Dis 2011 Kramer A et al., BMC Infect Dis 2007 Dancer SJ et al. Clin Micro Rev 2014

29 Vickery K et al., J Hosp Infect 2012

30 Contamination of the environment and transmission of pathogens in healthcare settings
Otter JA et al., ICHE 2011

31 Face touching S. aureus Adults touch their face 23 times per hour
44% mucous membrane 36% mouth 31% nose 27% eyes 6% all three Mouth 4x Nose 3x Eye 3x Kwok et al., AJIC 2015

32 Evidence for organism transfer in clinical environments
Inoculation of cauliflower mosaic virus DNA onto phone in an neonatal unit ICU cubicle Virus spread to 58% of ward sampling sites within 7 days of inoculation Spread to all five other cubicles Door handles in other cubicles became positive first Oelberg DG et al., Detection of pathogen transmission on neonatal nurseries using DNA markers as surrogate indicators pediatrics (2000)

33 Risk of transmission from previous room occupant
Meta analysis of all studies with evidence of transmission Pooled acquisition odds for MRSA 1.89 for Gram positives (95% CI: ) Mitchell B et al., J Hosp Infect 2015

34 Transmission of organisms
Prospective cohort study in ICU Successive occupiers of a room at risk from organisms from previous occupants Quality audits showed 56% of rooms were not cleaned correctly Audits were visual only, failure in room door handles (45%), monitor screens (27%) and bedside tables (16%) Nseir et al., CMI 2010

35 Who does the cleaning of bed spaces in your hospital?

36 MRSA and environment Doorknobs, bed rails, curtains, touchscreens, keyboards contaminated by hands which transmit to other surfaces MRSA on door handles of 19% of rooms housing MRSA & 7% of door handles of non-MRSA rooms Oie S et al., J Hosp Infect 2002 Staff often say ‘but I did not touch the patient’ 42% of nurses contaminated gloves with MRSA with no direct contact but by touching objects in rooms of MRSA patients Boyce JM et al., ICHE 1997

37 How many gloves? Do you know the at our hospital 23 millions pairs of gloves are used 40% of gloves used in NHS is inappropriate! Cost savings huge

38 Audit of equipment Many items of clinical equipment do not receive appropriate cleaning attention ATP score showed surfaces cleaned by professional cleaning staff was 64% lower than those by other staff (P=0.019) Do we clean well? Of 27 items cleaned by clinical staff, 89% failed This is failure Training Allocation of responsibility Anderson RE et al., J Hosp Infect 2011

39 Questions Do we clean well? Do Doctors clean well?
Or know about importance of cleaning? What do you think are the most clean areas? What about stethoscopes? How do you measure cleaning?

40 Supplementary - final thoughts
Cleaning is a Science Time to recognize it as such New RCT-level research on the use of UV-C showed clinically significant reductions in infections Anderson DJ et al., Lancet 2017

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